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OIDE Notes

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Energy policy of the European Union pdf PL
Published 09.12.2014
Field: Energy
The ongoing third energy package assuming the achievement of its objectives by 2020 (documents) is presented. The note indicates also the new framework for the climate and energy policy until 2030, set out in conclusions of the European Council in October 2014, and presents a series of documents setting out the framework for long-tearm activities in the energy sector for the years 2020-2030.
Key words: energy policy, energy supply, energy production, energy cooperation , self-sufficiency in energy , trans-European network
Parliamentary documents on the EU-Ukraine Association pdf PL
Published 16.09.2014
Field: External relations
At the European Council in Brussels on 27 June 2014, the second, economic part of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine was signed, following the political part, signed on 21 March. The information includes documents of the Sejm, the European Parliament and the interparliamentary cooperation bodies adopted with regard to the issue of the EU-Ukraine Association up to 27.06.2014.
Key words: cooperation agreement (EU), signature of an agreement, Ukraine, association agreement (EU)
Single Market Act pdfPL
Published 16.09.2014
Field: Internal market
The Single Market Act is a proposal of activities presented by the European Commission aimed at full exploitation of the potential of the common market, stimulating economic growth and increasing employment. The information provides for basic EU documents including first Single Market Act COM (2011) 206 and Act II COM (2012) 573 and indicates publications on the topic.
Key words: free movement of persons, free movement of workers, small and medium-sized enterprises, job creation, economic growth, single market
European Parliament elections 2014 pdf PL
Published : 01.07.2014
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
First elections to the EP under the Treaty of Lisbon were held on 25 May 2014. The note presents new treaty provisions and implementing legal acts relating to the EP elections. It describes initiatives of the Parliament and the European Commission concerning the organization of elections. The information on the results is provided.
Key words: European Parliament, European election
Debate on EU priorities within the area of freedom, security and justice for the period 2015-2019 pdf PL
Published : 30.10.2014
Field: Area of freedom, security and justice
On 26-27 June 2014 the European Council defined strategic guidelines for legislative and operational planning for the coming years in the area of freedom, security and justice. The new guidelines are a continuation of the Stockholm Programme (2010-2014). The note presents the course of work on the strategic guidelines, their main principles and the accompanying parliamentary debate.
Key words: area of freedom, security and justice, EU programme
Eurogroup pdf PL
Published: 15.09.2014
Field: Economic and monetary policy
The note presents the brief characteristic of the Eurogroup - an informal forum of ministers responsible for economy and finance of the euro area countries. Besides the main documents constituting the basis for its actions, the information contains links to documents adopted by the Eurogroup.
Key words: euro, monetary policy, economic policy, euro area
Cooperation among the Baltic States – selected initiatives within the EU and other examples of cooperation at the parliamentary level pdf PL
Published: 08.05.2014
Field: Regional policy
The note contains basic information and documents concerning the first EU macro-regional strategy - the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region as well as information on the initiatives undertaken at the parliamentary level, i.e. the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference, the Baltic Assembly and the Southern Baltic Sea Parliamentary Forum.
Key words: interparliamentary cooperation, Baltic Sea, EU regional policy kluczowe: współpraca międzyparlamentarna, Morze Bałtyckie, polityka regionalna UE
EC Initiative: facilitating the free movement of people within the EU through better coordination of social security systems pdf PL
Published 30.04.2014
Field: Freedom of movement for workers and social policy
The note presents the initiative of the European Commission adopted in 2013 which relates to a partial amendments to the existing regulations. The coordination covers, in cases of the existence of a cross-border element, systems of 32 states (EU members together with Island, Norway, Lichtenstein and Switzerland).
Keywords: administrative cooperation, social-security benefit, social-security harmonisation, social security, information transfer
EU enlargement to the Western Balkans pdf PL
Published: 24.06.2014
Field: External action
The EU membership perspective for the Western Balkan countries was presented for the first time in 2000. This information shows the status of these countries in the EU integration process as of June 2014, indicates the basic documents of the EU enlargement strategy as well as publications and websites.
Key words: European integration, Western Balkans, accession to the European Union, enlargement of the Union, pre-accession strategy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia
European Citizens' Initiative pdf PL
Published: 19.03.2014
Field:Constitutional and institutional affairs
The right of European Citizens' Initiative, introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon, allows 1 million EU citizens' for direct participation in shaping EU policy by requesting the European Commission to submit a legislative proposal. The note contains adopted legislation concerning the functioning of the initiative, references to useful websites (including an official register of the EC) as well as information about the initiative "Right2Water" - the first European Citizens' Initiative which met all the requirements of Regulation no. 211/2011 of the EP of the Council.
Key words: EU law , EU citizenship


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