In November 2021 the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 3 meetings, no. 94-96. During these meetings the Committee:
- pursuant to Art. 7(4) of the Cooperation Act, considered:
- proposal for a regulation of the EP and of the Council establishing the Authority for Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism and amending Regulations (EU) No 1093/2010, (EU) 1094/2010, (EU) 1095/2010 (COM(2021) 421) together with the draft position of the Republic of Poland [mtg no. 94],
- proposal for a regulation of the EP and of the Council on information accompanying transfers of funds and certain crypto-assets (recast) (COM(2021) 422) together with the draft position of the Republic of Poland [mtg no. 94],
- pursuant to Art. 11(1) of the Cooperation Act, considered information on the position the Council of Ministers intends to take during consideration of draft EU legal acts at the meetings of:
- General Affairs Council (cohesion) planned for 18 November 2021 - COM(2021) 89 [mtg no. 94],
- Transport, Telecommunication and Energy Council planned for 2 December 2021 - COM(2020) 824, COM(2021) 557, 558 [mtg no. 95],
- Competition Council planned for 25-26 November 2021 [mtg no. 95],
- pursuant to Art. 151(1) of the Sejm Standing Orders, considered:
- proposal for a regulation of the EP and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2019/631 as regards strengthening the CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and new light commercial vehicles in line with the Union's increased climate ambition (COM(2021) 556) together with the draft position of the Republic of Poland [mtg no. 95],
- proposal for a regulation of the EP and of the Council on applying a generalised scheme of tariff preferences and repealing Regulation (EU) No 978/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council (COM(2021) 579) together with the draft position of the Republic of Poland [mtg no. 95],
- proposal for a directive of the EP and of the Council amending Directive 2014/53/EU on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of radio equipment (COM(2021) 547) together with the draft position of the Republic of Poland [mtg no. 95],
- according to the proposal of the Committee Bureau, didn't raise any comment to the following EU documents:
- pursuant to Art. 7(4) of the Cooperation Act – to 2 draft legislative acts: COM(2021) 627, 955 [mtg no. 94],
- pursuant to Art. 8(2) of the Cooperation Act – to 9 draft legal acts: COM(2021) 611, 613, 614, 626, 630, 631, 634, 635, 643 [mtg no. 94],
- pursuant to Art. 3(2) of the Cooperation Act and Art. 151(1) of the Sejm Standing Orders – to 12 documents: JOIN(2021) 27, COM(2021) 615, 622, 623, 628, 632, 633, 636, 645, 649, 1000, C(2021) 7293 [mtg no. 94],
- pursuant to Art. 20(2) and Art. 19 of the Cooperation Act, considered the candidature of Rafał Wojciechowski for the post of judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union for the term 2021-2027 [mtg no. 94],
- together with the Committee on Justice and Human Rights held a meeting with Didier Reynders, EU Commissioner for Justice, on the "Second report of the European Commission on the rule of law in the EU" [mtg no. 96].
In November 2021 information on and documents of SUE meetings no. 94-96, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat, were published in the EDL-S (European Legislative Documents in the Sejm) and IPEX databases.
Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism Committee
2021.11.16, considered the information on the status of the use of EU funds for the implementation of sports investments and the financing of events in the field of physical culture and tourism [mtg. 88],
2021.11.16, considered the information on sport and tourism in the structures of the European Union [mtg. 88].
29-30 November 2021 , LXVI COSAC , videoconference
- Opening of the meeting, welcome address by the Presidents of the National Assembly and National Council and by the Chair of the European Affairs Committees from both chambers
- Adoption of the agenda of the LXVI COSAC Plenary Meeting
- Procedural issues and miscellaneous matters: information on the results of the Presidential Troika of COSAC; presentation of the 36th Bi-annual Report of COSAC; letters received by the Presidency; procedural issues
- Session I – Achievements of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU; debate
- Session II – Working towards a European perspective for the Western Balkans; debate
- Appointment and introductory speech by the newly appointed Permanent Member of the COSAC Secretariat
- Session III – The future role of young people in EU decision-making processes and beyond; debate
- Session IV – Conference on the Future of Europe; debate
- Closing remarks by the Chairs
30 November 2021, Eliminating Violence against Women, ICM organised by the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality of the EP (FEMM), hybrid format
- Opening remarks by: Evelyn Regner, Chair of the FEMM Committee, David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, Iva Dimic, Deputy Chair of the Women Parliamentarians Club (WPC) of the Slovenian National Assembly
- Session I – Sexual violence as a weapon of war
- Session II – Combating violence against women and girls with disabilities
- Session III – Cyberviolence
- Session IV – The Istanbul Convention
- Closing remarks by: Roberta Metsola, Vice-President of the European Parliament, responsible for relations with EU national parliaments, Evelyn Regner, Chair of the FEMM Committee
18 November 2021, The development of CAP strategic plans in each member state, ICM organised by the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the EP (AGRI), hybrid format
- Welcome and opening speech by Norbert Lins, Chair of the AGRI Committee
- Session I - How the CAP Strategic Plans will be aligned to Green Deal targets
- Session II - How can Member States use their national CAP strategic plans to encourage and develop more Producer Organisations to use the new derogations to competition rules help to rebalance bargaining power within the supply chain?
- Session III - New Delivery Model – core novelty of the CAP 2023-2027 entails challenges for the national administration. How will the link between the objectives in the NSP, the result
- indicators and the actual reporting and controls be established to ensure that actual performance can be assessed?
- Conclusions by Janusz Wojciechowski, Commissioner for Agriculture
- Closing remarks by Norbert Lins, Chair of the AGRI Committee
9 November 2021, Foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation, ICM organised by the Special Committee on Foreign Interference in all Democratic Processes in the European Union, including Disinformation (INGE), EP, hybrid format
- Introductory remarks by Raphaël Glucksmann, Chair of the INGE Committee of the EP
- Session 1: Foreign Interference in Democratic Processes in the EU
- Session 2: Responding to Foreign Interference in Cooperation with Like-Minded Democracies
9 November 2021, The expectations of national parliaments for the Conference on the Future of Europe, ICM organised by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs of the EP (AFCO), hybrid format
- Introductory statement by: Charles Goerens, deputy Chair of the AFCO Committee, Guy Verhofstadt, Co-Chair of the Executive Board of the CoFE, Gašper Dovžan, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, Council Presidency, Dubravka Šuica, European Commission Vice-President, in charge of Democracy and Demography, Co-Chair of the Executive Board of the CoFE
- Presentations by: Branko Grims, Chair of the Committee on the Interior, Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Slovenian National Assembly, Sabine Thillaye, Chair of the European Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly
- Debate with Members of National Parliaments and Members of the European Parliament
- Closing remarks by Guy Verhofstadt and Charles Goerens