In November the EU Affairs Committee held 4 meetings: no. 204-207. It scrutinised 71 EU documents and considered 2 draft legislative acts inconsistent with the principle of subsidiarity.
SUBSIDIARITY SCRUTINY OF DRAFT LEGISLATIVE ACTS: COM(2010) 537 final - deadline for scrutiny: 1 December 2010 Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No. 1698/2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Developement (EAFRD) COM(2010) 539 final - deadline for scrutiny: 1 December 2010 Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No. 73/2009 establishing common rules for direct support schemes for farmers under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers
On 5.11.2010, at the 204th meeting EU Affairs Committee has adopted two opinions on non-compliance with the principle of subsidiarity of draft legislative acts: - Opinion no. 71 on COM(2010) 537 final (pl) - Opinion no. 72 on COM(2010) 539 final (pl)
On 25.11.2010, at the 78th sitting the Sejm has adopted two resolutions containing reasoned opinions on the non-compliance with the principle of subsidiarity of draft legislative acts: - Resolution on COM(2010) 537 final - Resolution on COM(2010) 539 final
Published in November:
- information and documents concerning SUE meetings no. 204-207, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat - in SUE and IPEX database
- two resolutions adopted at the 78th sitting of the Sejm - in IPEX database
30 November 2010, Brussels
In the European Parliament the meeting (workshop) on civil justice was held, gathering representatives of legal affairs committees from national parliaments and the EP. Deputies discussed the topic „How to facilitate the life of European families and citizens?”.
Information on the meeting
16-17 November 2010, Paris
During the meeting of the European Affairs Committees from parliaments of the Weimar Triangle countries participants discussed inter alia economic governance, future of the common agricultural policy, European security and defence policy and EU enlargement.
Information on the meeting (pl)
Articles on the current political-economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line.
- Begg I.: Mollifying everyone, pleasing no-one? An assessment of the EU Budget Review, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, „European Policy Analysis” 2010, iss.14.
- Egeberg M., Trondal J.: EU-level Agencies. New executive centre formation or vehicles for national control?, „ARENA Working Paper”, No. 12, November 2010.
- Emmanouilidis J.A.: The bumpy road to economic union. Post-summit Analysis, European Policy Centre, 2.11.2010.
- Kempin R., Mawdsley J., Steinicke S.: Abkehr von der GSVP? Französisch-britischer Bilateralismus in der Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik, „SWP-Aktuell” 2010/A 81, November 2010.
- Král D.: The impact of the economic crisis on EU enlargement and Eastern Partnership, EUROPEUM. Institute for European Policy, 1.11.2010.
- Broin P.: How to change the EU Treaties: An overview of revision procedures under the Lisbon Treaty, „CEPS Policy Brief”, 27 October 2010.
- Parkes R.: Costing free movement. Fear and non-transposition in the Schengen Area, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, „SWP Comments“, November 2010, No 27.
- Tokarski P.: Średniookresowy przegląd budżetu Unii Europejskiej – geneza, główne wnioski i ocena, „Biuletyn PISM” 2010, nr 130.
- Verhelst S.: Addressing the financial crisis: the EU’s incomplete regulatory response, Royal Institute for International Relations – EGMONT, „Egmont Paper”, December 2010, No 39.
- Whyte P.: The EU’s supervisory architecture – evolution or revolution?, „CER Bulletin”, November/October 2010, iss. 74.
- Stark J.: Designing a new institutional architecture for the eurozone, „Europe's World”, Autumn 2010.
- Vike-Freiberga V.: Shaping Europe's global role II: The EU’s potential roots are its spring board for the future, „Europe's World”, Autumn 2010.
- Galster J., Knade-Plaskacz A.: Wpływ Traktatu z Lizbony na pozycję Parlamentu Europejskiego, „Przegląd Sejmowy” 2010, nr 5, s. 177.
- Lafarge F.: Administrative Cooperation between Member States and Implementation of EU Law, „European Public Law” 2010, Vol. 16, iss. 4, s. 597.
- Missiroli A.: The New EU ‘Foreign Policy’ System after Lisbon: A Work in Progress, „European Foreign Affaires Review” 2010, Vol. 15, iss. 4, s. 427.
- Popławska E.: Rola parlamentów narodowych w świetle Traktatu z Lizbony¸ „Przegląd Sejmowy” 2010, nr 5, s. 157.
- Steunenberg B.: Is big brother watching? Commission oversight of the national implementation of EU directives, „European Union Politics” 2010, Vol. 11, iss. 3, s. 359.
- Wasserfallen F.: The judiciary as legislator? How the European Court of Justice shapes policy-making in the European Union, „Journal of European Public Policy” 2010, Vol. 17, iss. 8, s. 1128.
* Articles from the specialist periodicals available on the Internet or in the Sejm Library.