15 June 2023 the Sejm held the debate (verbatim record/PL, point 40) and adopted the resolution (text PL) on the proposal to introduce the EU relocation mechanism for illegal migrants. |
In June 2023 the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 6 meetings, no. 225-230. During these meetings the Committee:
- pursuant to Art. 7(4) of the Cooperation Act, considered:
- proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing the Act in Support of Ammunition Production (COM(2023) 237) together with the draft position of the Republic of Poland [mtg no. 227],
- proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe's net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem (Net Zero Industry Act) (COM(2023) 161) together with the draft position of the Republic of Poland [mtg no. 228],
- proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials and amending Regulations (EU) 168/2013, (EU) 2018/858, 2018/1724 and (EU) 2019/1020 (COM(2023)160) together with the draft position of the Republic of Poland [mtg no. 228],
- pursuant to Art. 8(2) of the Cooperation Act, considered:
- proposal for a Council directive amending Directive 2011/85/EU on requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States (COM(2023) 242) together with the draft position of the Republic of Poland [mtg no. 229],
- pursuant to Art. 11(1) of the Cooperation Act, considered information on the position the Council of Ministers intends to take during consideration of draft EU legal acts at the meetings of:
- Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 26-27 June 2023 - COM (2019) 619, COM (2022) 134, 296, 305, 659 [mtg no. 225],
- Transport, Telecommunication and Energy Council, 19 June 2023 - COM (2023) 147, 148 [mtg no. 226],
- Environment Council, 20 June 2023 - COM (2022) 304, 542, COM(2023) 88 [mtg no. 226],
- Economic and Financial Council, 16 June 2023 - COM(2022) 701, 703, COM(2023) 240, 241 [mtg no. 226],
- General Affairs Council, 27 June 2023 - COM(2018) 225, 226, COM(2022) 18, 2022/0902 (APP) [mtg no. 227],
- Justice and Home Affairs Council, 8-9 June 2023 - COM(2020) 610, 611, COM(2022) 105, 177, 245, 684, 732 [mtg no. 222],
- pursuant to Art. 151(1) of the Sejm Standing Orders and Art. 3(2) of the Cooperation Act, considered:
- information of the Council of Ministers on the Foreign Affairs Council meeting planned for 26 June 2023 [mtg no. 225],
- report from the Commission: State of the Energy Union 2022 (pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action) (COM(2022)547) together with the Government position [mtg no. 226],
- report from the Commission on certain aspects concerning gas storage based on Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 of the European Parliament and of the Council (COM(2023)182) together with the Government position [mtg no. 226],
- information of the Council of Ministers on the meeting of the European Council planned for 29-30 June 2023 [mtg no. 226],
- communication from the Commission: A Green Deal Industrial Plan for the Net-Zero Age (COM(2023)62) together with the Government position [mtg no. 228],
- communication from the Commission: A secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials in support of the twin transition (COM(2023)165) together with the Government position [mtg no. 228],
- according to the proposal of the Committee Bureau, didn't raise any comment to the following EU documents:
- pursuant to Art. 7(4) of the Cooperation Act – to 2 draft legislative act COM(2023) 189, 244 [mtg no. 226];
- pursuant to Art. 8(2) of the Cooperation Act – to 11 draft legal acts: COM(2023) 263, 264 [mtg no. 225]; COM(2023) 236, 238, 239, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 265 [mtg no. 226];
- pursuant to Art. 151(1) of the Standing Orders of the Sejm and Art. 3(2) of the Cooperation Act – to 8 documents: COM(2023) 235, 247, 248, 249, 274, 306, 700, JOIN(2023) 12 [mtg no. 226];
- heard the information of the Deputy Jacek Czerniak on the SUE delegation visit to the Republic of Serbia, 22-23 May 2023 [mtg no. 225],
- heard the information of the Deputy Sylwester Tułajew on the participation in the LXIX COSAC meeting in Stockholm, 14-16 May 2023 [mtg no. 225],
- heard the information on the challenges of energy transformation in the context of dependence on imported critical raw materials, submitted by the Secretary of Scientific Council of the Central Mining Institute [mtg no. 228],
- considered, for the Public Finances Committee, the report on the implementation of the State budget for the period 1 January – 31 December 2022 (paper no. 3305) together with the Supreme Audit Office Analysis (paper no. 3371) in the scope of the appropriate budget parts, and issued the opinion thereon [mtg no. 229],
- together with the Public Finances Committee heard remotely the information of the EU Commissioner for Financial Services, Mairead McGuinness: EU applicable and planed legislation in the scope of financial services, financial stability and capital markets union, and its impact on citizens and consumers. Implementing the European Commission sanctions and counteracting their circumvention [mtg no. 230].
In June 2023, information on and documents of SUE meetings no. 225-230, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat, were published in the EDL-S (European Legislative Documents in the Sejm) and IPEX databases.
26 June 2023, The role of national parliaments in overseeing the spending of EU funds and the NextGeneration EU plan, Interparliamentary Committee Meeting (ICM) organised by the European Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT)
- Welcome by Monika Hohlmeier, Chair of the CONT committee
- Opening remarks: Mikuláš Peksa, member of the CONT, Christian Leysen, Belgian House of Representatives
- 1st panel: The principle of parliamentary oversight of EU spending - the role of national parliaments; exchange of views
- 2nd panel: The role of national parliaments in relation to NextGeneration EU funds; exchange of views
- Concluding remarks
27 June 2023, Moving the EU enlargement forward – 20 years since the Thessaloniki Declaration, Interparliamentary Committee Meeting (ICM) organised by the EP's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET)
- Welcome and opening remarks by David McAllister, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
- The cost of non-enlargement
- Strengthening security and democratic resilience through the enlargement process
28 June 2023, Children at the heart of Europe: Two years of the "European child guarantee", Interparliamentary Committee Meeting (ICM) organised by the EP’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL)
- Opening session: How to generate more political support to policies for children? - chaired by EMPL Chair, Dragoş Pîslaru
- Session I: Where do we stand with the adoption and implementation of the ECG action
- plans?
- Session II: How to ensure more effective investments in the Child Guarantee for its
- sustainability?
- Closing remarks