20-21 September 2023, Brussels, 13th Meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group (JPSG) on Europol
- Troika meeting
- Adoption of the agenda and opening remarks: Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Co-Chair of the JPSG, European Parliament, David Serrada Pariente, Co-Chair of the JPSG, Spanish Delegation
- Feedback following Troika meeting
- Report by the JPSG Representatives to the Europol Management Board meeting
- Update on the Working Group on the establishment of the Consultative Forum on Fundamental Rights
- Video messages: Fernando Grande-Marlaska Gómez, Minister of the Interior of Spain, Ylva Johansson, European Commissioner for Home Affairs
- Reporting on Europol activities March - September 2023; Presentation of the Europol Draft Multiannual Programming Document 2024-2026 and reply to written contributions by delegations
- Members’ follow up on written and oral questions; exchange of views
- Presentation by the European Data Protection Supervisor, Wojciech Wiewiórowski
- Presentation by Europol Data Protection Officer, Daniel Drewer
- Presentation by Europol Fundamental Rights Officer, Dirk Allaerts
- Update on Europol activities linked to the war in Ukraine
- Session I: Situation of organised crime in the EU, and the activities of Europol's European Serious and Organised Crime Centre (ESOCC); exchange of views
- Session II: Financial and Economic Crime threat assessment (published on 11 September), from Europol's European Financial and Economic Crime Centre (EFECC), including a focus on corruption in the EU; exchange of views
- Closing remarks
20 September 2023, Cooperation with the Committees on Petitions in national parliaments: exchanging best practices and reflecting on new approaches, Interparliamentary Committee Meeting of the EP Committee on Petitions (PETI)
- Session I - The right to petition parliaments: rules, procedures and practices, Chair: Dolors Montserrat, Chair of the PETI Committee, European Parliament
- Presentation of the study commissioned at the request of the PETI Committee on ‘Rules, procedures and practices of the right to petition parliaments’, Tiago Tibúrcio, University Institute of Lisbon
- Presentation of ‘The right to petition the European Parliament’, Marc Angel, Vice-President of the European Parliament
- Debate with Members of National Parliaments and Members of the European Parliament
- Closing remarks
- Session II - Best practices and new approaches to the right to petition, national parliaments’ point of view, Chair: Marc Angel, Vice-President of the European Parliament
- Presentations by Members of National Parliaments: Italian Chamber of Deputies, German Bundestag, French Senate, Polish Sejm
- Debate with Members of National Parliaments and Members of the European Parliament
- Closing remarks
17-18 September 2023, Madrid, Meeting of the Chairpersons of COSAC
- Meeting of the COSAC Presidential Troika
- Opening session
- Procedural issues
- Presentation of the results of the COSAC Presidential Troika
- Draft agenda for the LXX COSAC Meeting
- Outline of the 40th COSAC Bi-Annual Report
- Letters received by the presidency
- Any other business
- Debate
- Session I - Presentation of the priorities of the Spanish Presidency; debate
- Session II - The future of Ukraine in Europe; debate
- Session III - Current issues related to the European Union; debate
- Closing session