In May the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 7 meetings: no. 247-252 and scrutinised 64 EU documents. SUE considered that one draft legislative act was inconsistent with the principle of subsidiarity.
Published in May:
- information and documents concerning SUE meetings no. 247–252, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat, including opinion no. 86 - in SUE and IPEX databases,
- two resolutions on the non-compliance with the principle of subsidiarity adopted at the 92nd and 93rd sitting of the Sejm - in SUE and IPEX databases
On 11.05.2011, at the 247st meeting EU Affairs Committee has adopted opinion no. 86 on the non-compliance with the principle of subsidiarity of COM(2011) 127 final.
COM(2011) 127 final – deadline for scrutiny: 31.05.2011 Proposal for a Council Regulation on jurisdiction, applicable law and the recognition and enforcement of decisions regarding the property consequences of registered partnerships
On 13.05.2011, at the 92nd sitting the Sejm has adopted resolution containing reasoned opinion on the non-compliance with the principle of subsidiarity of COM(2011) 121 final (text of the resolution)
On 27.05.2011, at the 93rd sitting the Sejm has adopted resolution containing reasoned opinion on the non-compliance with the principle of subsidiarity of COM(2011) 127 final (text of the resolution)
Subsidiarity scrutiny in May
(Information from IPEX database as of 1.06.2011)
Draft legislative act
Deadline for subsidiarity scrutiny
Adoption / transmission of a reasoned opinion
Chamber / parliament (country)
COM(2011) 121 |
18.05.2011 |
11.05.2011/13.05.2011 |
National Assembly (Bulgaria) |
17.05.2011/17.05.2011 |
Houses of the Oireachtas (Ireland) |
17.05.2011/17.05.2011 |
House of Representatives (Malta) |
28.05.2011/29.05.2011 |
House of Representatives (The Netherlands) |
12.05.2011/13.05.2011 |
Sejm (Poland) |
18.05.2011/18.05.2011 |
Chamber of Deputies (Romania) |
12.05.2011/13.05.2011 |
National Council (Slovakia) |
11.05.2011/11.05.2011 |
Riksdag (Sweden) |
COM(2011) 142 |
27.05.2011 |
- |
- |
COM(2011) 126 |
31.05.2011 |
- |
- |
COM(2011) 127 |
31.05.2011 |
27.05.2011/28.05.2011 |
Sejm (Poland) |
26.05.2011/30.05.2011 |
Senate (Poland) |
COM(2011) 169 |
15.06.2011 |
- |
- |
COM(2011) 215 |
29.06.2011 |
- |
- |
COM(2011) 216 |
29.06.2011 |
- |
- |
COM(2011) 245
1.07.2011 |
- |
- |
In May six bills implementing EU law have been submitted – see papers no.:
4166 – Rządowy projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy o komercjalizacji, restrukturyzacji i prywatyzacji przedsiębiorstwa państwowego "Polskie Koleje Państwowe",
4167 – Rządowy projekt ustawy o przewozie towarów niebezpiecznych,
4201 – Rządowy projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy o podatku od towarów i usług, ustawy o zasadach ewidencji i identyfikacji podatników i płatników oraz ustawy o transporcie drogowym,
4217 – Rządowy projekt ustawy o usługach płatniczych,
4228 – Rządowy projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy o krajowym systemie ekozarządzania i audytu (EMAS) oraz ustawy - Prawo ochrony środowiska,
4255 – Rządowy projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy - Kodeks spółek handlowych.
From among bills uploaded into the UST database before May, the following acts have been adopted [papers no.]:
- Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o systemie monitorowania i kontrolowania jakości paliw oraz niektórych innych ustaw [4123],
- Ustawa o wdrożeniu naziemnej telewizji cyfrowej [4016],
- Ustawa o zmianie ustawy - Prawo atomowe oraz niektórych innych ustaw [3939],
- Ustawa o wyrobie i rozlewie wyrobów winiarskich, obrocie tymi wyrobami i organizacji rynku wina [3788],
- Ustawa o kredycie konsumenckim [3596],
- Ustawa o zmianie ustawy - Prawo lotnicze oraz niektórych innych ustaw [2113].
The following acts implementing EU law have been published [papers no.]:
- Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o wjeździe na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, pobycie oraz wyjeździe z tego terytorium obywateli państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej i członków ich rodzin [3780],
- Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o systemie oceny zgodności oraz niektórych innych ustaw [3772],
- Ustawa o zmianie ustawy - Kodeks karny oraz niektórych innych ustaw [3755],
- Ustawa o o efektywności energetycznej [3514].
In May 2011 following meetings of parliamentary committees were held:
- 4-6.05.2011, Opole, meeting of the European Affairs Committees from parliaments of the Visegrád Group countries
Information on the meeting
- 5-6.05.2011, Budapest, Conference of Foreign Affairs Committee Chairs (COFACC)
Information on the meeting
- 19-20.05.2011, Budapest, Joint Meeting of Chairpersons of Education, Science and Research, and Employment and Labour Committees
Information on the meeting
- 19-20.05.2011, Bratislava, meeting of the Speakers of Parliaments of the Regional Partnership countries
Information on the meeting
- 24.05.2011, Brussels, Joint Committee Meeting on "How to improve our energy supply by enhancing competition, making our energy systems smarter and developing energy infrastructure?"
Information on the meeting
- 29-31.05.2011, Budapest, Conference of Community and European Affairs Committees of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC)
Information on the meeting
Articles on the current political-economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line
- Saryusz-Wolski J.: Non-paper on the European Neighbourhood Policy's Eastern dimension, Europea's World, 30.05.2011.
- Vogel T.: A reflection on old, failed neighbourhood policies , EuropeanVoice.com, 26.05.2011.
- Korhonen K.: Guardians of subsidiarity: National parliaments strive to control EU decision-making, Europe's World, 25.05.2011.
- Boonstra J., Denison M.: Is the EU-Central Asia Strategy running out of steam?, EUCAM Policy Brief, 24.05.2011.
- Renard T., Hooijmaaijers B.: Assessing the EU's Strategic Partnerships in the UN System, Security Policy Brief 24, May 2011.
- Vutz C.: Budget support in development cooperation, Library of the European Parliament, 24 May 2011.
- Biscop S., Coelmont J.: Pooling & Sharing: From Slow March to Quick March?, Security Policy Brief 23, May 2011.
- Stull G.: Conditionality in EU trade policy, Library of the European Parliament, 23 May 2011.
- Zerka P.: Hiszpania podpala Europę?, demosEuropa – Centrum Strategii Europejskiej, 21.05.2011.
- Vogel T.: The vulnerabilities of Schengen, EuropeanVoice.com, 19.05.2011.
- Kenna M.: The European External Action Service and the United Nations: a missed opportunity for self-promotion, European Policy Centre, 16.05.2011.
- Tokarski P., Toporowski P.: Aktualny stan debaty nad wieloletnimi ramami finansowymi UE 2014–2020, Biuletyn PISM nr 49 (798), 13 maja 2011.
- Rękawek K.: Zwalczanie terroryzmu w Unii Europejskiej – stan obecny i perspektywy, Biuletyn PISM nr 47 (796), 11 maja 2011.
- Zuleeg . F, A. Emmanouilidis J.A.: A New Deal to help save the euro, European Policy Centre, 10.05.2011.
- Popescu N., Wilson A.: Turning presence into power: lessons from the eastern neighbourhood, European Council on Foreign Relations , 9.05.2011.
- Bąkowski P.: The LGBT toolkit, Library of the European Parliament, 6 May 2011.
- Copeland N.: Small Business Act for Europe, Library of the European Parliament, 6 May 2011.
- Needham C.: Member States' austerity measures, Library of the European Parliament, 5 May 2011.
- Pacchioli C.: Is the EU internal market suffering from an integration deficit?, CEPS Working Documents, 05.05.2011.
- Pascouau Y.: Schengen area under pressure: controversial responses and worrying signs, European Policy Centre, 3.05.2011.
- Łada A.: The Polish Presidency - pushing the agenda and shaping the Lisbon system, European Policy Centre, 2.05.2011
- Collignon S., Heinemann F., Lejour A., Molle W., Tarchys D., Wostner P.: The EU Budget – What Should Go In? What Should Go Out?, Svenska institutet för europapolitiska studier, May 2011.
- Miliband D.: Europe between China and America, Chatham House, May 2011.
- Silvestri S.: A European Strategy for Democracy, Development and Security for the Mediterranean, Istituto Affari Internazionali Working Papers, May 2011.
* Articles from the specialist periodicals available on the Internet or in the Sejm Library.