In May 2012 the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 9 meetings: No. 44-52. During these meetings the Committee:
- scrutinised 78 EU documents,
- adopted four opinions (number 12, 13, 14 and 15),
- heard information on the absorption of structural funds, estimated influence on economy and bodies carrying out investments financed from the founds and connected with it transfer of founds to the “old Union”, presented by the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Regional Development Marceli Niezgoda (meeting No. 45),
- together with the Public Finance Committee held the first reading of the deputies draft resolution on the Republic of Poland policy concerning the European Union crisis (meeting No. 46),
- heard information on soft projects subsidized from European Social Found (balance of the importance of used founds, the meaning of supporting promotional and informational campaigns and their costs), presented by the Undersecretary of the State in the Ministry of Regional Development Konrad Niklewicz (meeting No. 47),
- considered information on the Republic of Poland participation in the work of European Union in the period July-December 2011 (during Polish Presidency), presented by the undersecretaries of state from different ministries (meeting No. 50),
- heard information on the climate and energy package and its estimated influence on Polish economy, presented by the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Environment Beata Jaczewska and the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economy Hanna Trojanowska (meeting No. 51).
COM(2012) 130 final - deadline for scrutiny: 22.05.2012 Proposal for a Council Regulation on the exercise of the right to take collective action within the context of the freedom of establishment and the freedom to provide services
Procedure in the Sejm
- 27.04.2012 - the EU Affairs Committee opinion no. 11 on the non-compliance with the principle of subsidiarity of COM(2012) 130 final
- 10.05.2012 - the first reading, at the 47th SUE meeting, of the committee draft resolution on declaring the proposal to be incompatible with the principle of subsidiarity
- 11.05.2012 - the Sejm resolution on declaring the proposal COM(2012) 130 to be incompatible with the principle of subsidiarity (reasoned opinion)
- 18.05.2012 - transmission of the reasoned opinion of the Sejm to the presidents of the European Parliament, Council and European Commission
Results of the scrutiny by national parliaments
Until 22 of May 2012 eight unicameral parliaments and three chambers of bicameral parliaments submitted reasoned opinions which, according to Protocol no 2 annexed to the Lisbon Treaty, represent 19 votes (each parliament has 2 votes, in bicameral parliaments each chamber has one vote). A minimum needed to start the "yellow card" procedure in this case is 18 votes (1/3 of 54 votes allocated to the national parliaments). More information on reasoned opinions in IPEX database:
Reasoned opinions to COM(2012) 130 in IPEX database
According to Art. 7(2) of the Protocol No. 2, COM(2012) 130 must be reviewed by the European Commission who will decide to maintain, amend or withdraw the draft.
Published in May in databases "EU documents in the Polish Sejm" and IPEX: - EU documents concerning which a procedure in the Sejm has begun in May, - information and documents on SUE meetings no. 44, 48, 49 and 52, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat.
Subsidiarity scrutiny in May
(Information from IPEX database as of 1.06.2012)
Draft legislative act
Deadline for subsidiarity scrutiny
Adoption / transmission of reasoned opinion
Chamber / parliament (country)
COM(2012) 89 |
2.05.2012 |
- |
- |
COM(2012) 90 |
2.05.2012 |
- |
- |
COM(2012) 85 |
8.05.2012 |
- |
- |
COM(2012) 93 |
8.05.2012 |
- |
- |
COM(2012) 73 |
9.05.2012 |
- |
- |
COM(2012) 109 |
11.05.2012 |
- |
- |
COM(2012) 118 |
21.05.2012 |
- |
- |
COM(2012) 129 |
21.05.2012 |
- |
- |
COM(2012) 134 |
21.05.2012 |
- |
- |
COM(2012) 130
22.05.2012 |
22.05.2012 / - |
Chamber of Representatives (Belgium) |
- / 3.05.2012 |
Folketing (Denmark) |
15.05.2012 / - |
Eduskunta (Finland) |
22.05.2012 / - |
Senate (France) |
18.05.2012 / - |
Saeima (Latvia) |
15.05.2012 / - |
Chamber of Deputies (Luxembourg) |
22.05.2012 / - |
Chamber of Representatives (Malta) |
11.05.2012 / 18.05.2012 |
Sejm (Poland) |
18.05.2012 / - |
Assembly of the Republic (Portugal) |
11.05.2012 / 11.05.2012 |
Riksdag (Sweden) |
- / 22.05.2012 |
Chamber of Representatives (The Netherlands) |
21.05.2012 / - |
House of Commons (United Kingdom) |
COM(2012) 131 |
22.05.2012 |
- |
- |
COM(2012) 136 |
22.05.2012 |
- |
- |
COM(2012) 150 |
28.05.2012 |
24.05.2012 / - |
Federal Council (Austria) |
COM(2012) 164 |
8.06.2012 |
- |
- |
COM(2012) 167 |
13.06.2012 |
- |
- |
COM(2012) 217 |
16.07.2012 |
- |
- |
Articles on the current political and economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line
- Alcidi C., Giovannini A., Gros D.: 'Grexit': Who would pay for it?, „CEPS Policy Briefs" 2012, no. 272.
- Amand-Eeckhout L.: Youth Opportunities Initiative, Library of the European Parliament, „Library Briefing", 16.05.2012.
- Brady H.: Ireland's fiscal treaty referendum: (More) fear and loathing in the eurozone?, „Centre for European Reform. Briefing note", May 2012.
- Brudzinska K., Youngs R.: The European Endowment for Democracy: will it fly?, „FRIDE. Policy Brief" 2012, no. 128.
- Copeland N.: Establishing a Financial Transaction Tax in the EU, Library of the European Parliament, „Library Briefing", 10.05.2012.
- Faleg G., Giovannini A.: EU Defence Policy after Chicago: Going Smart?, „CEPS Commentaries"19.05.2012.
- Gostyńska A.: Przewodniczący Rady Europejskiej u progu drugiej kadencji: ocena i perspektywy, „Biuletyn PISM" 2012, nr 44 (909).
- H. Onno Ruding: The Euro Crisis: Implications for the Internal Market and Harmonisation of Corporate Taxes, „CEPS Policy Briefs"2012, no. 269.
- Ivanov K.: Roadmap to a resource-efficient Europe, Library of the European Parliament, „Library Briefing", 16.05.2012.
- Lannoo K.: EU version of Basel III runs into trouble, „CEPS Commentaries" 11 May 2012.
- Stachurska – Waga M.: Działania Europejskiego Banku Centralnego wobec kryzysu, „Analizy BAS" 2012, nr 9(76).
- Zuleeg F.: Is Europe addressing the wrong growth crisis? „European Policy Centre. Commentary", 21.05.2012.
EU CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUES* Selected articles and studies
- Chowdhury N., Wessel R.: Conceptualising Multilevel Regulation in the EU: A Legal Translation of Multilevel Governance?, „European Law Journal", Vol. 18, No. 3, May 2012, s. 335–357.
- Cooper I.: A 'Virtual Third Chamber' for the European Union? National Parliaments after the Treaty of Lisbon, „West European Politics", Vol. 35, No. 3, s. 441–465, May 2012.
- Frąckowiak-Adamska A.: Europejska przestrzeń sądowa - rozważania na tle projektu reformy rozporządzenia Bruksela I, Europejski Przegląd Sądowy - Nr 5/2012, str. 16.
- Havu K.: Horizontal Liability for Damages in EU Law—the Changing Relationship of EU and National Law, „European Law Journal", Vol. 18, No. 3, May 2012, s. 407–426.
- Itzcovich G.: Legal Order, Legal Pluralism, Fundamental Principles. Europe and Its Law in Three Concepts, „European Law Journal", Vol. 18, No. 3, May 2012, s. 358–384.
- Kluth M., Pilegaard J.: The Making of the EU's External Action Service: A Neorealist Interpretation, „European Foreign Affairs Review" (2012) 17, Issue 2, s. 303–322.
- Monar J.: The External Dimension of the EU´s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (2012:1), Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, May 2012.
- Obholzer L., Reh Ch.: How to Negotiate under Co-decision in the EU: Reforming Trilogues and First-Reading Agreements, „CEPS Policy Briefs" 2012, no. 270.
- Peers S., Costa M.: Accountability for Delegated and Implementing Acts after the Treaty of Lisbon, „European Law Journal", Vol. 18, No. 3, May 2012, s. 427–460.
- Scicluna N.: When Failure isn't Failure: European Union Constitutionalism after the Lisbon Treaty, „Journal of Common Market Studies", Volume 50, Issue 3, s. 441–456, May 2012.
- Van den Brink M.: EU Citizenship and EU Fundamental Rights: Taking EU Citizenship Rights Seriously?, „Legal Issues of Economic Integration", Volume 39, Issue 2 (2012), s. 273–289.
- Winzen T.: National Parliamentary Control of European Union Affairs: A Cross-national and Longitudinal Comparison, „West European Politics", Vol. 35, No. 3, s. 657–672, May 2012.
* Articles from the specialist periodicals available on the Internet or in the Sejm Library.