In July and August 2012 the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 8 meetings: no. 61-68. During these meetings the Committee:
- scrutinised 101 EU documents,
- adopted two opinions concerning EU documents (no. 20 and 21)
- together with the Foreign Affairs Committee held the first reading of the deputies draft resolution on the procedure of ratification of the treaty between EU Member States and the Republic of Croatia concerning the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union (paper no. 500) and the governments bill on the ratification of this treaty (paper no. 460, meeting no. 61),
- adopted a positive opinion on the candidate for the position of Poland's Permanent Representative to the EU in Brussels, Marek Prawda – opinion no. 18 (meeting no. 61),
- adopted a positive opinion on the candidates for alternate members of the Committee of the Regions 2010-2015, Piotr Całbecki (Marshal of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship) and Jarosław Dworzański (Marshal of the Podlaskie Voivodeship) – opinion no. 19 (meeting no. 65).
On 29 August 2012, at the 67th meeting, the EU Affairs Committee adopted opinion no. 21 on the non-compliance with the principle of subsidiarity of COM(2012) 369 final.
COM(2012) 369 - deadline for scrutiny: 15.10.2012
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on clinical trials on medicinal products for human use, and repealing Directive 2001/20/EC
Published in July and August 2012 in databases "EU documents in the Polish Sejm" and IPEX: - EU documents concerning which a procedure in the Sejm has begun in July and August, - information and documents on SUE meetings no. 61, 63-68, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat.
In July and August 2012 three bills implementing EU law have been referred to the first reading – see papers no.:
- Rządowy projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy o weterynaryjnej kontroli granicznej oraz ustawy - Prawo pocztowe [601],
- Rządowy projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy - Prawo telekomunikacyjne oraz niektórych innych ustaw [627],
- Rządowy projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy o kredycie konsumenckim oraz ustawy o odpowiedzialności podmiotów zbiorowych za czyny zabronione pod groźbą kary [635].
In July and August 2012 from among bills uploaded into the UST database earlier, the following statutes have been adopted [paper no.]:
Ustawa o zmianie ustawy - Kodeks morski oraz ustawy o obszarach morskich Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i administracji morskiej [ 427],
Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o ochronie przyrody oraz niektórych innych ustaw [ 441],
Ustawa o Państwowej Komisji Badania Wypadków Morskich [ 454],
Ustawa o zmianie ustawy - Kodeks postępowania karnego [ 492],
Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o drogach publicznych [ 534].
In July and August 2012 the following statutes implementing EU law have been published [paper no.]:
- Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o ochronie przyrody oraz niektórych innych ustaw [441],
- Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o drogach publicznych [534].
Articles on the current political and economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line
- Biscop S.: EU Grand Strategy: Optimism is Mandatory, Egmont, "Security Policy Briefs" No. 36, July 2012.
- Brudzińska K.: Kryzys w strefie euro a agenda demokratyzacyjna Unii Europejskiej, "Biuletyn PISM" nr 72 (937), 1 sierpnia 2012.
- Emerson M.: History does not move in a straight line, "CEPS Commentaries", 5 July 2012.
- Emmanouilidis J. A.: The prospects of ambitious muddling through – the results of an EU Summit in deep crisis mode, European Policy Centre, 2 July 2012.
- Gostyńska A., Nasieniak M.: Prezydencja Republiki Cypryjskiej w Radzie UE – w kierunku lepszej Europy?, "Biuletyn PISM" nr 64 (929), 4 lipca 2012.
- Gros D.: An incomplete step towards a banking union, "CEPS Commentaries", 5 July 2012.
- Howorth J.: CSDP and NATO Post-Libya: Towards the Rubicon?, Egmont, "Security Policy Briefs" No. 35, July 2012.
- Janning J.: Political Union: Europe's defining moment, European Policy Centre, "Policy Brief" , 24 July 2012.
- Lannoo K.: The Roadmap to Banking Union: A call for consistency, "CEPS Commentaries", 30 August 2012.
- Lannoo K.: The Eurozone as Home Country of Banks, "CEPS Commentaries", 2 July 2012.
- Micossi S.: Unholy compromise in the eurozone and how to right it, "CEPS Policy Briefs", 16 July 2012.
EU CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUES* Selected articles and studies
- Adinolfi A.: The Eclipse of the Legality Principle in the European Union, "Common Market Law Review" (2012) 49, Issue 4, s. 1500–1502.
- Boerger-De Smedt A.: Negotiating the Foundations of European Law, 1950–57: The Legal History of the Treaties of Paris and Rome, "Contemporary European History", Volume 21, Special Issue 03, August 2012.
- Burke E.: Europe's External Action Service: Ten steps towards a credible EU foreign policy, Centre for European Reform, "Policy Brief ", 4 July 2012.
- Carrera S., De Somer M., Petkova B.: The Court of Justice of the European Union as a Fundamental Rights Tribunal: Challenges for the Effective Delivery of Fundamental Rights in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, "CEPS Papers in Liberty and Security in Europe" No. 49, 29 August 2012.
- Christiansen T., Dobbels M.: Comitology and delegated acts after Lisbon: How the European Parliament lost the implementation game, "European Integration online Papers", Vol. 16 (2012).
- De Hert P., Korenica F.: The Doctrine of Equivalent Protection: Its Life and Legitimacy Before and After the European Union's Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights, "German Law Journal", Volume 13 (2012), Issue 7.
- De Jesús Butler I.: Ensuring Compliance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights in Legislative Drafting: The Practice of the European Commission, "European Law Review", August 2012.
- De Ruiter R., Neuhold C.: Why Is Fast Track the Way to Go? Justifications for Early Agreement in the Co-Decision Procedure and Their Effects, "European Law Journal", Volume 18, Issue 4, July 2012.
- Hinarejos A.: Citizenship of the EU: clarifying 'genuine enjoyment of the substance' of citizenship rights, "Cambridge Law Journal", Volume 71, Issue 02, lipiec 2012.
- Hofmann H., Morini A.: The Pluralisation of EU Executive—Constitutional Aspects of "Agencification", "European Law Review", August 2012.
- Kochenov D., Plender R.: EU Citizenship: From an Incipient Form to an Incipient Substance? The Discovery of the Treaty Text, "European Law Review", August 2012.
- Latek M.: EU Association Agreements: Common patterns and specific characteristics, "Library Briefing", Library of the European Parliament, 19.07.2012.
- Marguery T.P.: The Protection of Fundamental Rights in European Criminal Law after Lisbon: What Role for the Charter of Fundamental Rights?, "European Law Review", August 2012.
- Pascouau Y.: Schengen and solidarity: the fragile balance between mutual trust and mistrust, European Policy Centre, "Policy Paper", 4 July 2012.
- Richardson L.: The Post-Lisbon Role of the European Parliament in the EU's Common Commercial Policy: Implications for Bilateral Trade Negotiations, Collage of Europe, "Diplomacy Paper" 5/2012, July 2012.
- Richter S., Leininger J.: Flexible and Unbureaucratic Democracy Promotion by the EU? The European Endowment for Democracy between Wishful Thinking and Reality, "SWP Comments" 26, August 2012.
- Scicluna N.: EU Constitutionalism in Flux: Is the Eurozone Crisis Precipitating Centralisation or Diffusion?, "European Law Journal" Volume 18, Issue 4, July 2012.
- Trauner F.: The European Parliament and Agency Control in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, "West European Politics" Vol. 35, No. 4, July 2012.
- Vysotskaya A., Guedes V., Kanjc Lange S.: Beyond continuity: Analysis of the effects of the first Trio Presidency on Policy Coherence for Development, "European Integration online Papers", Vol. 16 (2012).
* Articles from the specialist periodicals available on the Internet or in the Sejm Library.