In October 2012 the EU Affaires Committee (SUE) held 12 meetings: no. 78-89. During these meetings the Committee:
- scrutinised 97 EU documents,
- held meetings outside the precincts of the Sejm in Wysoka-Zdrój (meetings no. 78-80), during which:
- heard information on the projects carried out in the Gorlice district in implementation of EU programmes and founds,
- held discussion on “The importance of Local Action Groups (LGD) for the development of the public, economic and social sectors through the designing and implementation of the Local Development Strategy (LSR)”,
- held discussion on European Territorial Cooperation 2007-2013 (ETC) programmes,
- heard information on Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Slovak Republic 2007-2013,
- together with Agriculture and Rural Development Committee held a debate:
- on the motion not to discuss the information of the Prime Minister on the state of negotiations on the Common Agriculture Policy after 2013, procedure of implementation of the resolution of the Sejm of 25.04.2013 on the CAP and the position of this policy in the financial perspective 2014-2020, and
- on submitting to the Marshal of the Sejm the request for a debate on these issues at the next sitting of the Sejm.
COM(2012) 372 - deadline for scrutiny: 28.10.2012 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the collective management of copyright and related rights and multi-territorial licensing of rights in musical works for online uses in the internal market
- 11.10.2012, at the 83rd meeting, the EU Affairs Committee held the first reading of the committee draft resolution on declaring the proposal COM(2012) 372 to be incompatible with the principle of subsidiarity (paper no. 791)
- 12.10.2012, at the 23rd sitting, Sejm adopted resolution on declaring the proposal to be incompatible with the principle of subsidiarity (reasoned opinion)
- 19.10.2012 the resolution was transmitted to the presidents of the European Parliament, Council and European Commission
COM(2012) 369 - deadline for scrutiny: 15.10.2012 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on clinical trials on medicinal products for human use, and repealing Directive 2001/20/EC
- 10.10.2012, at the 23rd sitting, Sejm adopted resolution on declaring the proposal COM(2012) 369 to be incompatible with the principle of subsidiarity (reasoned opinion)
- 15.10.2012 the resolution was transmitted to the presidents of the European Parliament, Council and European Commission
Published in October 2012 in databases European Legislative Documents in the Sejm (EDL-S) and IPEX: - EU documents concerning which a procedure in the Sejm has begun in September, - information and documents on SUE meetings no. 81, 83-89, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat.
In October 2012 six bills implementing EU law have been referred to the first reading – see papers no.:
- Rządowy projekt ustawy o gospodarce opakowaniami i odpadami opakowaniowymi [815],
- Rządowy projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy o transporcie drogowym oraz niektórych innych ustaw [812],
- Rządowy projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy - Prawo wodne oraz niektórych innych ustaw [811],
- Rządowy projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy o podatku od towarów i usług oraz niektórych innych ustaw [805],
- Rządowy projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy o podatku tonażowym oraz niektórych innych ustaw [802],
- Rządowy projekt ustawy - Prawo pocztowe [801].
In October 2012 from among bills uploaded into the UST database earlier, the following statutes have been adopted [paper no.]:
- Ustawa o zmianie ustawy - Kodeks postępowania karnego [492],
- Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o odpadach wydobywczych oraz niektórych innych ustaw [717],
- Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o obrocie instrumentami finansowymi oraz niektórych innych ustaw [715],
- Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o organizacji rynków owoców i warzyw, rynku chmielu, rynku suszu paszowego oraz rynków lnu i konopi uprawianych na włókno [707],
- Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o radiofonii i telewizji [693],
- Ustawa o zmianie ustawy - Prawo telekomunikacyjne oraz niektórych innych ustaw [627].
In October 2012 the following statutes implementing EU law has been published [paper no.]:
- Ustawa z dnia 14 września 2012 r. o zmianie ustawy o kredycie konsumenckim oraz ustawy o odpowiedzialności podmiotów zbiorowych za czyny zabronione pod groźbą kary [635],
- Ustawa z dnia 14 września 2012 r. o zmianie ustawy o weterynaryjnej kontroli granicznej oraz ustawy – Prawo pocztowe [601],
- Ustawa z dnia 14 września 2012 r. o obowiązkach w zakresie informowania o zużyciu energii przez produkty wykorzystujące energię [533],
- Ustawa z dnia 31 sierpnia 2012 r. o zmianie ustawy – Kodeks postępowania karnego [492].
- 23-24 October 2012, Nicosia
Plenary meeting of XLVIII COSAC Information on the meeting
- 11 October 2012, Brussels
Interparliamentary Committee Meeting "Cohesion Policy 2014-2020: Towards a Common Strategic Framework and Partnership Contracts" Information on the meeting
- 9-10 October 2012, Brussels
Interparliamentary Committee Meeting "The Reform of the EU Data Protection Framework" Information on the meeting
Articles on the current political and economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line
- Darvas Z.: The euro crisis: ten roots, but fewer solutions, "Bruegel Policy Contribution", October 2012.
- De Jong W.: European Central Bank: (Un)Conventional policy measures, "Library Briefing", Library of the European Parliament, 02.10.2012.
- De Jong W.: The 2012 European Semester, "Library Briefing", Library of the European Parliament, 18.10.2012.
- Dullien S.: Why the euro crisis threatens the EU single market, "The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) Policy Memo", 8.10. 12.
- Emmanouilidis J. A.: Stepping stone to an ambitious deal? – the results of an 'intermediate summit', European Policy Centre, 22.10.2012.
- Ferraro F.: 2013 European Year of Citizens, "Library Briefing", Library of the European Parliament, 18.10.2012.
Focus on the Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, European Parliament - Directorate General For Internal Policies, 15.10.2012.
- Gostyńska A., Liszczyk D.: Ratyfikacja paktu fiskalnego we Francji: w kierunku dalszej fragmentacji UE?, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 94 (959), 18.10. 2012.
- Kałan D., Tokarski P., Toporowski P.: Visegrad's Winding Road to the EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2014–2020, PISM Policy Paper no. 39, October 2012.
- Kölling M., Leal C. S.: The Negotiation of the Multiannual Financial Framework: Budgeting Europe 2020 or Business as Usual?, "Analysis of the Real Instituto Elcano", 19.10.2012.
- Pisani-Ferry J.: The known unknowns and the unknown unknowns of the EMU, "Bruegel Policy Contribution", October 2012.
- Szczepanski M.: Twenty years on: Deepening the Single Market, "Library Briefing", Library of the European Parliament, 18.10.2012.
- Thompson G.: The eurozone crisis: action taken by the European Central Bank (ECB), "Commons Library Standard Note", House of Commons Library, 24 October 2012.
- Toporowski P.: „Lepsze wydatki" w wieloletnich ramach finansowych UE: wzrost gospodarczy czy większe oszczędności?, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 96 (961), 30.10.2012.
- Verhelst S.: Banking Union: Are the EMU design mistakes being repeated?, "Egmont European Policy Brief", 12.10.2012.
- Véron N.: Europe's single supervisory mechanism and the long journey towards banking union, "Bruegel Policy Contribution", October 2012.
- Zuleeg F., Emmanouilidis J. A.: A budget for the euro zone?, "European Policy Centre Commentary", 15.10.2012.
EU CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUES* Selected articles and studies
- Biondi A., Ripley S.: Recent Developments in Luxembourg: The Activity of the European Union Courts in 2011, "European Public Law" 2012, vol. 18, iss. 4, s. 599.
- Brandsma G. J., Blom-Hansen J.: Negotiating the Post-Lisbon Comitology System: Institutional Battles over Delegated Decision-Making, "Journal of Common Market Studies" 2012, vol. 50, iss. 6, s. 939.
- Casteleiro A. D.: EU Declarations of Competence to Multilateral Agreements: A Useful Reference Base?, "European Foreign Affairs Review" 2012, vol. 17, iss. 4, s. 491.
- Czuczai J.: The Autonomy of the EU Legal Order and the Law-making Activities of International Organizations: Some Examples Regarding the Council's most Recent Practice, "Yearbook of European Law" 2012, vol. 31, iss. 1, s. 452.
- Frąckowiak-Adamska A.: O istocie praw wynikających z obywatelstwa Unii, „Europejski Przegląd Sądowy" 2012, nr 10, s. 21.
- Konstadinides T.: Drawing the line between Circumvention and Gap-Filling: An Exploration of the Conceptual Limits of the Treaty's Flexibility Clause, "Yearbook of European Law" 2012, vol. 31, iss. 1, s. 227.
- Kuo M.: From administrative law to administrative legitimation? Transnational administrative law and the process of European integration, "International and Comparative Law Quarterly", vol. 61, iss. 4, October 2012, s. 855.
- Lang I., G.: The Impact of Enlargement(s) on the EU Institutions and Decision-Making Special Focus: Croatia, "Yearbook of European Law" 2012, vol. 31, iss. 1, s. 473.
- Lenaerts K.: The European Court of Justice and Process-Oriented Review, "Yearbook of European Law" 2012, vol. 31, iss. 1, s. 3.
- Lock T.: End of an Epic? The Draft Agreement on the EU's Accession to the ECHR, "Yearbook of European Law" 2012, vol. 31, iss. 1, s. 162.
- Martinico G.: The Tangled Complexity of the EU Constitutional Process: On Complexity as a Constitutional Theory of the EU, "Yearbook of European Law" 2012, vol. 31, iss. 1, s. 198.
- Merket H.: The European External Action Service and the Nexus between CFSP/CSDP and Development Cooperation, "European Foreign Affairs Review" 2012, vol. 17, iss. 4, s. 625.
- Peers S.: The Future of EU Treaty Amendments, "Yearbook of European Law" 2012, vol. 31, iss. 1, s. 17.
- Smulders B., Eisele K.: Reflections on the Institutional Balance, the Community Method and the Interplay between Jurisdictions after Lisbon, "Yearbook of European Law" 2012, vol. 31, iss. 1, s. 112.
- Tierney S.: The People's Last Sigh? Referendums and European Integration, "European Public Law" 2012, vol. 18, iss. 4, s. 683.
- Zalisko M.: Uznawanie i wykonywanie orzeczeń w prawie unijnym, „Europejski Przegląd Sądowy"2012, nr 10, s. 34.
* Articles from the specialist periodicals available on the Internet or in the Sejm Library.