In November 2012 the EU Affaires Committee (SUE) held 12 meetings: no. 90-101. During these meetings the Committee:
- scrutinised 106 EU documents,
- adopted opinion no. 25,
- heard information on:
- Court of Auditors annual report on the implementation of the budget concerning financial year 2011, presented by Augustyn Kubik, member of the CoA (meeting no. 91),
- stage of proceedings on the package of legislative documents concerning the management and development of the Schengen area, presented by Piotr Stachańczyk, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Interior (meeting no. 99),
- experiences with functioning of EU law in the framework of agreements on local border traffic, presented by Piotr Stachańczyk, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Interior and Janusz Ciosek, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affaires (meeting no. 99),
- considered the information on the proceedings pending before the Court of Justice of the EU concerning the Republic of Poland, presented by Maciej Szpunar, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affaires (meeting no. 92),
- adopted committee draft resolution on negotiations of the EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2014–2020 and held the first reading of the deputies draft resolution on negotiations of the EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2014–2020 (meeting no. 96).
Published in November 2012 in databases European Legislative Documents in the Sejm (EDL-S) and IPEX: - EU documents concerning which a procedure in the Sejm has begun in November, - information and documents on SUE meetings no. 90, 92-95, 97-101, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat.
In November 2012 two bills implementing EU law have been referred to the first reading – see papers no.:
- Government bill amending the act - Labour Code [909],
- Government bill amending the act on public offering and conditions governing the introduction of financial instruments to organised trading and on public companies, and some other acts [903].
In November 2012 from among bills uploaded into the UST database earlier, the following acts have been adopted [paper no.]:
- Act of 23 November 2012 amending the act on the tax on goods and services and some other acts [805],
- Act of 16 November 2012 amending the act on tonnage tax and some other acts [802],
- Act of 23 November 2012 - Postal law [801],
- Act of 23 November 2012 amending the act on investment funds and the act on supervision of financial market [729].
In November 2012 the following acts implementing EU law have been published [paper no.]:
- Act of 10 October 2012 amending the act on organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables, the market in hops, the market in dried fodder and the market in flax and hemp grown for fibre [707],
- Act of 12 October 2012 amending the act on broadcasting [693],
- Act of 12 October 2012 amending the act – Public procurement law and the act on concessions for public works or services [455].
Articles on the current political and economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line
- Allen G.: EU annual budgets 2007 – 2013, "Commons Library Standard Note", House of Commons Library, 15.11.2012.
- Bertoncini Y.: Reforming the EU budget in times of crisis, Notre Europe - “Tribune”, 15.11.2012.
- Biscop S.: Raiders of the Lost Art: Strategy-Making in Europe, “Security Policy Brief” No. 40, Egmont, November 2012.
- Blockmans S.: The Prize is more Peace: The EU should consolidate its enlargement process, “CEPS Commentaries”, 8 November 2012.
- Brudzińska K.: Początki Europejskiego Funduszu na rzecz Demokracji, „Biuletyn PISM” nr 104 (969), 29.11.2012.
- D'Alfonso A.: European Union Solidarity Fund, “Library Briefing”, Library of the European Parliament, 15.11.2012.
- De Grauwe P.: How to avoid a double-dip recession in the Eurozone, “CEPS Commentary”, 15.11.2012.
- De Jong W.: A first step towards banking union: The single supervisory mechanism, “Library Briefing”, Library of the European Parliament, 12.11.2012.
- Delors J.: The Single Market: cornerstone of the EU, Notre Europe - “Tribune”, 21.11.2012.
- Edmonds T.: European banking union, “Commons Library Standard Note”, House of Commons Library, 5.11.2012.
- Grevi G.: A progressive European global strategy, “Policy Brief” No. 140, FRIDE, November 2012.
- Gros D.: What distinguishes the euro crisis from a ‘normal’ financial crisis?, “CEPS Commentary”, 6.11.2012.
- Hallerberg M., Marzinotto B., Wolff G.: On the effectiveness and legitimacy of EU economic policies, “Bruegel Policy Brief” iss. 2012/04, November 2012.
- Jones E.: Bringing Stability to Europe: Why Europe needs a banking union, “FIIA Briefing Paper” 117 (2012), 13.11.2012.
- Kaca E.: Przyszłość zasady „więcej za więcej” w polityce sąsiedztwa, „Biuletyn PISM” nr 101 (966), 16.11.2012.
- Kölling M., Fernández Sola N.: Bridging the Gap between Ambitions, Expectations and Capability: External Action in the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework (2014-20), “Working Papers” No. 16, Real Instituto Elcano, 6/11/2012.
- Marzinotto B.: The long-term EU budget: size or flexibility?, “Bruegel Policy Contribution” iss. 2012/20, November 2012.
- Núñez Ferrer J.: Chronicles of a Disagreement Foretold, “CEPS Commentary”, 28.11.2012.
- Onno Ruding H.: The Contents and Timing of a European Banking Union: Reflections on the differing views, “CEPS Essays”, 30.11.2012.
- Perissich R.: 20 years on: the single market still at the top of the EU agenda, Notre Europe - “Tribune”, 29.11.2012.
- Rubio E.: Eurozone budget: 3 functions, 3 instruments, Notre Europe - “Tribune”, 15.11.2012.
- Tokarski P., Verhelst S.: Macroeconomic Conditionality in Cohesion Policy: Added Value or Unnecessary Burden?, “European Policy Brief” No. 13, Egmont, November 2012.
- Tokarski P.: Unia bankowa: wiele pytań, mało odpowiedzi, „Biuletyn PISM” nr 100 (965), 14.11.2012.
- Toporowski P.: Współpraca w dziedzinie polityki spójności: trudna misja dla Grupy Wyszehradzkiej i Niemiec, „Biuletyn PISM” nr 102 (967), 22.11.2012.
- Viesti G, Prota F.: 1930s or 2020s? A European Growth Strategy, “IAI Working Papers” No. 12, 29.11.2012.
- Zuleeg F.: No complete breakdown – at least not just yet, “EPC Commentary”, 23.11.2012.