27 September 2013 - the Sejm has accepted information on the Republic of Poland’s participation in the activities of the European Union in January-June 2013 (during the Irish Presidency) - resolution of the Sejm
In September 2013 the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 7 meetings: no. 184-190. During these meetings the Committee:
- scrutinised 50 EU documents,
- adopted one opinion concerning EU document (opinion no. 45),
- heard information on the current situation in the Middle East countries (especially in Egypt and Syria) and the positions of the EU and Poland regarding current events, presented by Bogusław Wind, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affaires (mtg no. 187),
- considered the amendments issued in the second reading of the draft resolution on the Republic of Poland's participation in the activities of the European Union in January-June 2013 (paper no. 1652, mtg no. 188).
In September 2013 information and documents on SUE meetings no. 184-186 and 188-190, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat, were published in the EDL-S (European Legislative Documents in the Sejm) and IPEX databases.
Agriculture and Rural Development Committee:
11.09.2013, considered the information of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) on the directions of development of animal production in Poland under CAP (mtg no. 135);
12.09.2013, considered the information of the Supreme Audit Office on the results of audit in the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture in the context of financial perspective 2007-2013 (mtg no. 136);
25.09.2013, considered the information of the ARD Minister on the implementation of solutions on farm advisory system included in the legislative package on CAP 2014-2020 (mtg no. 140);
26.09.2013, rejected the motions to reject the information of the ARD Minister on the implementation of solutions on farm advisory system included in the legislative package on CAP (mtg no. 141);
Local Government and Regional Policy Committee
11.09.2013, considered the information on the progress of implementation of national and regional programmes under financial perspective 2007-2013 (as of 30 April 2013) (mtg no. 177);
16.09.2013, heard (during off-site meeting in Katowice) the information on the use of subsidies from the European Regional Development Fund 2007-2013 by sector of small and medium-sized enterprises (mtg no. 185);
26.09.2013, considered the information of the Supreme Audit Office on the results of audit of the rules' simplification in the implementation of the structural funds (mtg no. 189);
Social Policy and Family Committee
12.09.2013, gave an opinion for the Justice and Human Rights Committee on the Deputies' bill amending the act on implementation of certain EU regulations on equal treatment and other acts (paper no. 1051) (mtg nr 118);
State Audit Committee
26.09.2013, considered the information of the Supreme Audit Office on the results of audit of coordination and accomplishment of municipal infrastructure tasks financed from the EU funds on CAP and from structural funds (mtg no. 84).
In September 2013
- the following bill implementing EU law has been referred to the first reading [paper no.]:
- Government bill amending the act on the protection of animal health and combating infectious animal diseases and some other acts [1698].
- the following acts implementing EU law have been adopted [paper no.]:
- Act of 27 September 2013 amending the act on excise duty [1627],
- Act of 27 September 2013 amending the act – Pharmaceutical Law and some other acts [1588],
- Act of 27 September 2013 amending the act – Geological and Mining Law and some other acts [1493],
- Act of 13 September 2013 amending the act on organisation of the market in milk and milk products [1589],
- Act of 13 September 2013 amending the act on mutual assistance for the recovery of taxes, duties and other receivables [1490].
- the following acts implementing EU law have been published [paper no.]:
- Act of 30 August 2013 amending the act - Tax Ordinance and the act on tax inspection [1405],
- Act of 26 July 2013 amending the act on passport documents [1510],
- Act of 12 July 2013 amending the act on payment services and some other acts [1290],
- Act of 12 July 2013 amending the act on rail transport and the act amending the act on rail transport [1046],
- Act of 21 June 2013 amending some acts concerning the rights of passengers travelling by sea and inland waterway [1268].
26-27 September 2013, Vilnius, United in Diversity: Political and Social Development Aspects of EU Languages and Cultures, meeting of the chairpersons of the committees on education, science and culture and the committees on the development of information society - Machine translation of european languages: problems, challenges, prospects, - Digitalisation of a language as a part of cultural heritage.
25 September 2013, Brussels, The implementation of the EU Strategic Framework and Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy, meeting organised by the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Subcommittee on Human Rights of the European Parliament - EU Strategic Framework and Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy, - Internal/external coherence of EU policies on human rights.
17 September 2013, Brussels, European Semester for economic policy coordination: implementation of 2013 priorities, meeting organised by the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament.
8-10 September 2013, Gdańsk, Meeting of the European Affairs Committees from parliaments of the Visegrád Group countries - The Eastern Partnership before the 3rd Summit in Vilnus: identifying its strengths and weaknesses, - Regional policy in the context of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020, - Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the United States (TTIP): economic, financial and social implications, - How to use the European Parliament elections to make EU closer to its citizens?
4-6 September 2013, Vilnius, Inter-Parliamentary Conference for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) - Promoting democracy in a wider Europe: ideas and instruments, - Towards December European Council: Lithuanian priorities, - EU priorities and strategies of the CFSP and CSDP, - Future of EU-NATO cooperation, - Workshop: Eastern Partnership and its strategic importance to the European Union, - Workshop: Bridging the gap between EU capabilities and ambitions: towards the December European Council, - Presentation of the proposals by the Ad Hoc Review Committee, - Presentation of the results of the workshops and adoption of the conclusions of the Inter-Parliamentary Conference.
Documents of the Sejm in the IPEX, European Commission and European Parliament databases, OIDE Information No. 02/2013, 17.09.2013
The aim of the publication is to present information on Sejm's documents, adopted as a result of the fulfilment of its control function over EU legislative process, in the Sejm database EDL-S and European databases of: IPEX, European Commission and European Parliament. Basic data was presented, with special focus on the EDL-S database, a record of which contains the whole proceedings concerning EU document scrutiny in the Sejm and constitutes basis for the IPEX interparliamentary database. Flaws and merits of each database was analysed, as well as methods of searching and its results.
Articles on the current political and economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line (accessed 07.10.2013)
- Andor L.: Developing the social dimension of a deep and genuine Economic and Monetary Union, European Policy Centre, „Policy Brief", 13.09.2013.
- Bailes A., Thorhallsson B.: Iceland and Europe: Drifting further apart?, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, „Briefing Paper" 139 (2013), 26.09.2013.
- Buras P.: The EU's silent revolution, ECFR, „Policy Brief", 04.09.2013.
- Darvas Z., Vihriälä E.: Does the European Semester deliver the right policy advice?, Bruegel, „Policy Contribution" iss. 2013/12, September 2013.
- Emerson M., Kostanyan H.: Putin's grand design to destroy the EU's Eastern Partnership and replace it with a disastrous neighbourhood policy of his own, CEPS, „Commentary", 17.09.2013.
- Emmanouilidis J., Stratulat C.: The European Parliament elections 2014 - Watershed or, again, washed out?, European Policy Centre, „Discussion Paper", 09.09.2013.
- Ferraro F.: Implementing the EU Internal Security Strategy, Library of the European Parliament, „Library Briefing", 05.09.2013.
- Fiott D.: More Competitive, More Efficient? The 2013 European Commission Defence Communication, „Security Policy Brief" 49, September 2013.
- Frontini A.: Advancing a multi-level system of European commercial diplomacy: is there a role for the EU?, European Policy Centre, „Policy Brief", 18.09.2013.
- Kaca E., Dudzińska K., Zubel K.: A Competitive Two-speed Policy: The Eastern Partnership beyond 2013, „PISM Policy Paper" no 27 (75).
- Lannoo K.: Banking Union in sight five years on, CEPS, „Commentary", 13.09.2013.
- Szczepański M.: Updating the EU Customs Code, Library of the European Parliament, „Library Briefing", 05.09.2013.
- Tiilikainen T.: Three Options for the EU: Assessing the EU's powers in a true economic and political union, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, „Briefing Paper" 136 (2013), 18.09.2013.
- Verhelst S.: What if the Next Financial Crisis Hits the Banking Union? A Call for an "If All Else Fails" Clause, „European Policy Brief" 16, September 2013.