In October 2013 the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 7 meetings: no. 191-197. During these meetings the Committee:
- scrutinised 56 EU documents,
- heard information on the proceedings on the final shape of the Partnership Agreement – directions of supporting Poland's development for 2014-2020, presented by Marceli Niezgoda, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Regional Development and Zofia Szalczyk, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (mtg no. 191),
- considered information on legislative work related to the implementation of EU directives for which the transposition deadline has expired or will expire within the next three months (as of 16.08.2013), presented by the representatives of appropriate ministries (mtg no. 192),
- examined and adopted positive opinion (opinion no. 46) for the Public Finance Committee on the draft budget act for 2014 within the scope of the Committee competence (mtg no. 193),
- considered a government bill amending some acts concerning the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union (paper no. 1831, mtg no. 197)
In October 2013 information and documents on SUE meetings no. 192-196, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat, were published in the EDL-S (European Legislative Documents in the Sejm) and IPEX databases.
Justice and Human Rights Committee
08.10.2013, established a special subcommittee in order to consider the Deputies' bill amending the act on implementation of certain EU regulations on equal treatment and other acts (paper no. 1051) (mtg no. 130);
State Audit Committee
09.10.2013, considered the information of the Supreme Audit Office on the results of audit of accomplishment of Council Recommendation of 12 July 2011 on the National Reform Programme 2011 of Poland and on the updated Convergence Programme 2011-2014 (mtg no. 85);
Innovation and New Technologies Committee
10.10.2013, considered the information of the Minister of Economy on the national strategic framework for smart specialisation under new financial perspective 2014-2020 (mtg no. 93);
Agriculture and Rural Development Committee
09.10.2013, considered the information of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) on Poland's involvement in activities of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council in September 2013 (mtg no. 144);
22.10.2013, took note of the information of the ARD Minister on the final version of the Partnership Agreement, the document of the Council of Ministers on strategy for using European Funds 2014-2020, including especially rural areas (mtg no. 147);
23.10.2013, considered the information of the ARD Minister on the legislative package on CAP 2014-2020 and the information of the ARD Minister on new plant health system in thr EU (mtg no. 149).
In October 2013
- the following bills implementing EU law have been referred to the first reading [paper no.]:
- Government bill amending some acts concerning the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union [1831],
- Government bill amending some acts concerning the implementation of the Electronic Information Exchange System in the field of Social Security Information on Polish territory [1795],
- Government bill amending the act on manufacturing and bottling of wine products, trade of those products and market organisation [1793],
- Government bill amending the act on public finances and some other acts [1789].
- the following acts implementing EU law have been adopted [paper no.]:
Act of 23 October 2013 amending some acts concerning the conditions of accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union [1831],
- Act of 23 October 2013 amending the act on the protection of animal health and combating infectious animal diseases and some other acts [1698],
- Act of 11 October 2013 amending the act on mutual assistance for the recovery of taxes, duties and other receivables [1490].
- the following acts implementing EU law have been published [paper no.]:
- Act of 27 September 2013 amending the act on excise duty [1627],
- Act of 27 September 2013 amending the act – Pharmaceutical Law and some other acts [1588],
- Act of 27 September 2013 amending the act – Geological and Mining Law and some other acts [1493],
- Act of 13 September 2013 amending the act on organisation of the market in milk and milk products [1589].
27-29 October 2013, Vilnius, L Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC)
- State of play of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, - Contribution of COSAC to strengthening of interparliamentary cooperation in the European Union, - European elections 2014: platform for debate on the EU future with its citizens, - Parliamentary diplomacy – the EP-Ukraine – a case study, - Implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy, - Democratic legitimacy in the EU and the role of EU Parliaments, - Digital Agenda: challenges and perspectives.
16-17 October 2013, Vilnius, 1st meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Economic and Financial Governance of the EU
- The challenge of restoring growth and competitiveness in Europe, - Genuine Economic and Monetary Union: the imperative to move forward, - Purpose and vision of the Interparliamentary Conference on Economic and Financial Governance of the European Union, - Setting the right framework for post-crisis economic governance in the European Union, - Banking union and financial integration in the European Union, - Budgetary consolidation and structural reforms in Europe: track record and prospects.
Legal and Systemic Issues – new items
Green and white papers – characteristic of the EC consultation documents, ways of searching, list of the latest consultations
Parliamentary documents on the EU-Ukraine association – presentation of the state of preparations for signing the Association Agreement: documents of inter-parliamentary co-operation, selected publications
EU Data Protection Reform - short presentation of the European Commission proposal on data protection reform, selected documents and websites
The EU Justice Scoreboard – short presentation of the EU Justice Scoreboard and its sources, information on the planned conference on the role of justice in the EU
Articles on the current political and economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line (accessed 06.11.2013)
- Brady H.: Whatever happened to the Schengen crisis?, Centre for European Reform, „CER Bulletin" iss. 92, November/October 2013.
- Chislett W.: EU urges reopening of stalled membership talks with Turkey, despite failures, Elcano Royal Institute, „Expert Comment" 63/2013, 18.10.2013.
- D'Alfonso A.: Long-term strategic analysis for EU policy-making, Library of the European Parliament, „Library Briefing", 03.10.2013.
- D'Alfonso A.: The "Flexibility Instrument" of the EU budget, Library of the European Parliament, „Library Briefing", 07.10.2013.
- Delcour L., Wolczuk K.: Beyond the Vilnius Summit: challenges for deeper EU integration with Eastern Europe, European Policy Centre, „Policy Brief", 31.10.2013.
- Emmanouilidis J., Pardo R., Pascouau Y. i inn.: Pre-Summit Analysis, European Policy Centre, „Commentary", 23.10.2013.
- Emmanouilidis J.: A summit of little substance, European Policy Centre, „Commentary", 28.10.2013.
- Fernandes S., Delors J.: Endowing the EMU with a Social Dimension, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, „Tribune", 31.10.2013.
- Fernandes S.: What are the economic and social issues of the European elections of 2014?, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, „Synthesis", 01.10.2013.
- Ferraro F.: Establishing the European Border Surveillance System, Library of the European Parliament, „Library Briefing", 03.10.2013.
- Grabbe H., Lehne S.: The 2014 European elections: Why a partisan Commission president would be bad for the EU, Centre for European Reform, 14.10.2013.
- Jokela J.: Towards a Deeper EMU: An assessment of political divisions within the EU, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, „Briefing Paper" 140 (2013), 14.10.2013.
- Katsarova I.: The (low) absorption of EU Structural Funds, Library of the European Parliament, „Library Briefing", 03.10.2013.
- Kempin R., Lippert B.: Merkel III in EU and foreign affairs - it's the spirit, stupid!, Elcano Royal Institute, „Expert Comment" 66/2013. 28.10.2013.
- Kostanyan H., Vandecasteele B.: Towards 'EuroNest 2.0': What should the next European Parliament learn from its predecessor?, Centre for European Policy Studies, „CEPS Policy Briefs", 01.10.2013.
- Mańko R.: EU jurisdiction rules applicable to employment, Library of the European Parliament, „Library Briefing", 03.10.2013.
- Mańko R.: European small claims procedurę. An opportunity for enhancing cross-border enforcement, Library of the European Parliament, „Library Briefing", 03.10.2013.
- Marchewka-BartkowiakK.: Obligacje unijne, Biuro Analiz Sejmowych, "INFOS Zagadnienia społeczno-gospodarcze" nr 18(155), 10.10.2013.
- Pardo R.: Is Europe's future digital?, European Policy Centre, „Commentary", 08.10.2013.
- Pascouau Y.: People dying at the EU's external borders: Can the Summit find the right answer?, European Policy Centre, „Commentary", 22.10.2013.
- Paul A.: Beyond Vilnius: keeping the Eastern Partnership on track, European Policy Centre, „Commentary", 07.10.2013.
- Payne D., Puka L.: Stosunki Islandii z Unią Europejską: potrzeba partnerstwa, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 102 (1078), 03.10.2013.
- Poptcheva E.: Breach of EU values by a Member State, Library of the European Parliament, „Library Briefing", 15.10.2013.
- Poptcheva E.: Parliament's legislative initiative, Library of the European Parliament, „Library Briefing", 24.10.2013.
- Raik K.: Lithuania's presidency gamble: The activeness of Vilnius is pushing the EU's Eastern Partnership forward, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, „FIIA Comment" 14 (2013), 29.10.2013.
- Toporowski P.: Dziurawy portfel: walka UE z utratą przychodów podatkowych, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 109 (1085), 22.10.2013.
- Vutz C.: Prospects for an upgrade in trade relations with Eastern Partnership countries, Library of the European Parliament, „Library Briefing", 17.10.2013.
- Weissenberger J.: European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (2014-20), Library of the European Parliament, „Library Briefing", 17.10.2013.
- Whyte P.: Banking union – or Potemkin village?, Centre for European Reform, „CER Bulletin" iss. 92, November/October 2013.
- Zuleeg F.: The bank credit crisis and its impact on growth, European Policy Centre, „Commentary", 04.10.2013.