In January 2014 the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 11 meetings: 216-226. During these meetings:
- scrutinised 89 EU documents,
- adopted opinion concerning EU documents (opinion no. 49),
- considered SUE work plan for 1.01.2014 – 30.06.2014 (mtg no. 216),
- held discussion on Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Commission Work Programme 2014 (COM(2013) 739 final) and Communication from the Commission: Annual Growth Survey 2014 (COM(2013) 800), presented by Janusz Lewandowski, Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget (mtg no. 220),
- heard Minister's of Health and Minister's of Agriculture and Rural Development information on Commission Regulation (EU) No 835/2011 of 19 August 2011 amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 as regards maximum levels for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in foodstuffs (mtg no. 223).
SUE together with Foreign Affairs Committee (mtg no. 225)
- met with the Ambassador of the Republic of Lithania Loreta Zakarevičiené and heard information on the results of Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council,
- met with the Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic Tasia Athanasiou and heard information on the programme of the Greek Presidency of the EU Council.
SUE together with Local Self-Government and Regional Policy Committee
- considered report from the special Subcommittee on the Government's bill amending the act on the principles of development policy and some other acts (paper no. 1881, mtg no. 222),
- considered motion and amendments proposed during the second reading to the bill amending the act on the principles of development policy and some other acts (papers no. 1881 and 2057, mtg no. 226).
In January 2014 information and documents on SUE meetings no. 216-219, 221, 223 and 224, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat, were published in the EDL-S (European Legislative Documents in the Sejm) and IPEX databases.
Agriculture and Rural Development Committee
08.01.2014, considered the information of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) on Poland's involvement in activities of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council in December 2013 (mtg no. 164);
09.01.2014, heard (under the Article 157 of the Standing Orders of the Sejm) the information of the ARD Minister on the implementation of direct payments for 2013 and 2014 (including amount of national aid) (mtg no. 165);
22.01.2014, held the first reading of the Government's bill amending the act on payments under the direct support schemes (paper no. 2068). Proposal aims to implement EU law and refers to transitional provisions for 2014 in relation to direct support schemes laid down by the regulation (EU) no. 1310/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17.12.2013 (mtg no. 167);
23.01.2014, adopted Desideratum no. 21 addressed to the ARD Minister on the proposal of introduction of surface area limits for crops subsidized under the "Organic farming" of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (mtg no. 169);
23.01.2014, heard the information of the Minister of Health and ARD Minister on the Commission regulation (EU) no. 835/2011 of 19.08.2011 (mtg no. 168);
Local Government and Regional Policy Committee
09.01.2014, heard the information on an endangered realization of investments within the framework of the EU financial perspective 2014-2020 due to a decreased financial potential of local government units (mtg no. 234);
Legislative Committee
22.01.2014, issued a positive opinion for the Local Government and Regional Policy Committee on the Government's bill amending the act on principles of development policy (paper no. 1881, mtg). Proposal refers to the establishment of legal basis for preparing the new EU programming period 2014-2020 (mtg no. 86).
In January 2014
- The following bills implementing EU law have been referred to the first reading [paper no.]:
- Government bill amending the act on the tax on goods and services and some other acts [2095],
- Government bill amending the act on the system of monitoring and controlling of quality of fuel s and some other acts [2087],
- Government bill on consumer rights [2076],
- Government bill amending the act on payment under the direct support schemes [2068],
- Government bill amending the act on biofuel components and liquid biofuels and some other acts [2051],
- Government bill amending the act on supplementary supervision of credit institutions, insurance undertakings, reinsurance undertakings and investment firms in a financial conglomerate and some other acts [2050].
- The following acts implementing EU law have been adopted [paper no.]:
- Act of 24 January 2014 amending the act on payment under the direct support schemes [2068],
- Act of 24 January 2014 amending the act on Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture [2000],
- Act of 10 January 2014 amending the act - Electoral Code [1983].
- The following acts implementing EU law have been published [paper no.]:
- Act of 22 November 2013 amending the act on manufacturing and bottling of wine products, trade of those products and market organisation [1793],
- Act of 22 November 2013 amending the act on the protection of animal health and combating infectious animal diseases and some other acts [1698].
In the section Legal and Systemic Issues
The EU Justice Scoreboard
On 4 February 2014 the EP adopted the resolution on the EU Justice Scoreboard which calls on the Commission to take this exercise forward, points out the problems of methodology and indicators as well as invites the Member States to examine the results of the scoreboard and to draw appropriate conclusions.
Articles on the current political and economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line (accessed 06.02.2014)
- Ahtonen A.: The 2030 framework on climate and energy - Getting Europe on the right track?, European Policy Centre, "Commentary", 30.01.2014.
- Avery J.: Consumer programme 2014‐20, European Parliamentary Research Service, "Briefing", 09.01.2014.
- Bonvicini G.: Towards a new procedure for appointing the President of the European Commission, Trans European Policy Studies Association, "TEPSA Policy Paper", January 2014.
- Cîrlig C.: Iceland: enlargement talks on hold, European Parliamentary Research Service, "Briefing", 09.01.2014.
- Cirlig C.: The Development Cooperation Instrument, European Parliamentary Research Service, "Briefing", 31.01.2014.
- Delors J., Vitorino A., Lamy P. i inn.: European elections: full steam ahead!, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, "Tribune", 10.01.2014.
- Dudzińska K., Kaźmierkiewicz P.: UE wobec Ukrainy – szanse na liberalizację ruchu wizowego, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 9 (1121), 28.01.2014.
- Emerson M.: After the Vilnius fiasco: Who is to blame? What is to be done?, Centre for European Policy Studies, "Essay", 21.01.2014.
- Fernandes S.: Completing the Economic and Monetary Union, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, "Synthesis", 21.01.2014.
- Ferraro F.: Freedom of movement for EU public documents, European Parliamentary Research Service, "Briefing", 30.01.2014.
- Fouéré E.: Bilateral Disputes – A dark cloud over the Balkans, Centre for European Policy Studies, "Commentary", 24.01.2014.
- Gandrud C., Hallerberg M.: Supervisory transparency in the European banking union, Bruegel, "Bruegel Policy Contribution" iss. 2014/01, 03.01.2014.
- Gawlikowska-Fyk A.: Nowy pakiet klimatyczno-energetyczny do 2030 r., Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 8 (1120), 24.01.2014.
- Ghimis A., Lazarowicz A., Pascouau Y.: Stigmatisation of EU mobile citizens: a ticking time bomb for the European project, European Policy Centre, "Commentary", 24.01.2014.
- Katsarova I.: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: still awaiting the green light for enlargement talks, European Parliamentary Research Service, "Briefing", 30.01.2014.
- Lannoo K.: Descent from banking union to political chaos, Centre for European Policy Studies, "Commentary", 24.01.2014.
- Lecarte J.: Bosnia & Herzegovina: continuing standstill, European Parliamentary Research Service, "Briefing", 30.01.2014.
- Lecarte J.: Serbia: accession negotiations set to start, European Parliamentary Research Service, "Briefing", 09.01.2014.
- Marcu A., Egenhofer C.: The New EU Climate and Energy Package: Passing the test?, Centre for European Policy Studies, "Commentary", 06.01.2014.
- Parkes R.: Swoboda przepływu osób w Unii Europejskiej: mobilność zamiast migracji, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 3 (1115), 10.01.2014.
- Piedrafita S., Renman V.: Exceeding expectations, Lithuania moves the Trio presidency forward, Centre for European Policy Studies, "Commentary", 22.01.2014.
- Płóciennika S.: Germany and the Future of the Eurozone, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, „PISM Policy Paper" nr 2 (85), 22.01.2014.
- Stewart S.: The EU, Russia and a Less Common Neighbourhood. Lessons Reinforced by the Vilnius Summit, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, "SWP Comment" 2014/C 03, January 2014.
- Tokarski P.: Grecja u sterów Rady UE: krótka prezydencja z piętnem kryzysu, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 10 (1122), 29.01.2014.
- Vitorino A., Bertoncini Y.: Freedom of movement in the EU: like the air that we breathe?, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, "Tribune", 30.01.2014.
- Von Ondarza N., Overhaus M.: The CSDP after the December Summit, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, "SWP Comment" 2014/C 07, January 2014.
- Vutz C.: Kosovo's European integration prospects, European Parliamentary Research Service, "Briefing", 09.01.2014.
- Zuleeg F.: A New Deal for growth and jobs in the Eurozone revisited, European Policy Centre, "Commentary", 27.01.2014.