On 16 September 2015 the Sejm heard the information of the Prime Minister on migration crisis in Europe and its repercussions for Poland and held the debate (verbatim record/PL). On next meeting, 25 September 2015, the Sejm accepted the information. |
In September 2015 the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 5 meetings: no. 355-359. During these meetings the Committee:
- scrutinised 67 EU documents:
- pursuant to Art. 151(1) of the Sejm Standing Orders and Art. 3(2) of the Cooperation Act – 33 European Commission documents (21 reports, 10 communications, 1 draft decision and 1 joint draft decision) concerning i.a. indication of labelling and standard product information, the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products, delivering a new deal for energy consumers or interinstitutional agreement on better regulation,
- pursuant to Art. 151(1) of the Sejm Standing Orders – 3 draft legislative acts concerning specific measures for Greece, additional customs duties on imports of certain products originating in the United States of America and framework for energy efficiency labelling, and 1 draft amending budget to the 2015 general budget,
- pursuant to Art. 11(1) of the Cooperation Act – EU documents, which were to be discussed by Environment Council, Economic and Financial Affairs Council, Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council and Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council,
- pursuant to Art. 8(2) of the Cooperation Act – 20 EU draft legal acts concerning i.a. opening and providing for the management of autonomous Union tariff quotas for certain fishery products for the period 2016 to 2018, mobilisation of the EU Solidarity Fund or signing, on behalf of the EU, of the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism,
- considered information on legislative proceedings relating to the implementation of EU directives for which the transposition deadline has expired or will expire within the next three months (as of 20.08.2015), presented by the representatives of appropriate ministries (mtg no. 359).
SUE together with Internal Affairs Committee (mtg no. 357)
- considered and issued a positive opinion on SLD Deputies' Club's proposal for "Government's information on Poland's preparations for the growing crisis associated with the wave of refugees in Europe" to be presented at the meeting of the Sejm by the Prime Minister.
In September 2015 information on and documents of SUE meetings no. 355, 356 and 358, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat, were published in the EDL-S (European Legislative Documents in the Sejm) and IPEX databases.
In September 2015
the following acts implementing EU law have been adopted [paper no.]:
- Act of 11 September 2015 amending the act on medical devices and some other acts [3764],
- Act of 11 September 2015 amending the act on a European grouping of territorial cooperation [3762],
- Act of of 11 September 2015 amending the act on payment periods in commercial transactions, the act – Civil Code and some other acts [3760],
- Act of 11 September 2015 amending the act on inland water shipping [3747],
- Act of 11 September 2015 amending the act on personal income tax, act on corporate income tax and some other acts [3697],
- Ustawa Act of 11 September 2015 amending the act on providing information on the environment and environmental protection, public participation in environmental protection and on environmental impact assessment and some other acts [3677],
- Act of 11 September 2015 on biocidal products [3670],
- Act of 11 September 2015 amending the Act - Penal Code and some other acts [3659],
- Ustawa Act of 11 September 2015 amending the act - Energy law and some other acts [3590],
- Act of 11 September 2015 on insurance and reinsurance activity [3644],
- Act of 10 September 2015 amending the act - Tax Ordinance and some other acts [3462],
- Act of 11 September 2015 amending the act on copyright and related rights and the act on gambling [3449],
- Act of 10 September 2015 amending the act on protection of foreigners on the territory of the Republic of Poland and some other acts [3433],
- Act of 11 September 2015 amending the act on rail transport and the act on public transport [3427],
- Act of 11 September 2015 on waste electrical and electronic equipment [3244].
the following acts implementing EU law have been published [paper no.]:
- Act of 24 July 2015 amending the act on maritime safety and some other acts [3369],
- Act of 23 July 2015 amending the act - Environmental law and some other actsw [3523],
- Act of 23 July 2015 amending the act on accounting and some other acts [3352],
- Act of 10 July 2015 amending the act on the Agricultural Market Agency and organization of some agricultural markets and some other acts [3524],
- Act of 10 July 2015 on the support of sustainable development of the fisheries sector with the use of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund [3463],
- Act of 9 July 2015 amending the act on the Border Guard and some other acts [3464].
Following sections have been updated
Important Parliamentary Debates: Reform of the European electoral law
OIDE Notes: EU development agenda after 2015, EU programme on migration and refugees, EU Strategic Framework on Human Rights and Democracy
Bibliographies: The national parliaments' position in the EU under the Lisbon Treaty, National parliaments in the EU - new publications, EU communication policy
Selected articles on the current political and economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line (accessed 07.10.2015)
- Alcidi C., Gros D.: The Greek elections and the third bailout programme: Why it could work this time round, „Commentary", Centre for European Policy Studies, 21.09.2015.
- Bendiek A. i inn.: The European Union's Digital Assertiveness, „SWP Comment" no. 2015/C 43, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, September 2015.
- Borońska-Hryniewiecka K.: Różnice techniczne czy gra o wpływy? Międzyinstytucjonalne (nie)porozumienie w sprawie lepszego stanowienia prawa, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 75 (1312), Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 02.09.2015.
- Debyser A. i inn.: The ten priorities of the Juncker Commission: State of play a year on, „Briefing", European Parliament - European Parliamentary Research Service, 04.09.2015.
- Dröge S. i inn.: The EU's New Climate Target: Contribution to a Successful Deal in Paris, „Policy Paper" nr 29 (131), Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, September 2015.
- Duff A.: How to deal with Europe's British problem, „Discussion Paper", European Policy Centre, 11.09.2015.
- Harbour M., Zuleeg F.: Strengthening the beating heart of the European economy, „Commentary", European Policy Centre, 29.09.2015.
- Huber D., Paciello M.C.: Overhauling EU Policy in the Mediterranean. Towards More Inclusive, Responsive and Flexible Policies, „IAI Working Paper" iss. 15/35, Istituto Affari Internazionali, 23.09.2015.
- Miller V.: EU reform negotiations: what's going on?, „Briefing Paper" no. 7311, House of Commons Library, 28.09.2015.
- Pellerin-Carlin T., Vinois J.-A.: 2015 Climate negotiations: Speeding up or slowing down the energy transition?, „Policy paper" no. 142, Jacques Delors Institute, 24.09.2015.
- Pillath S.: Śródokresowy przegląd białej księgi w sprawie transportu, „W skrócie", Parlament Europejski - Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 03.09.2015.
- Poptcheva E.-M.: The State of the Union debate in the European Parliament, „Briefing", European Parliament - European Parliamentary Research Service, 03.09.2015.
- Schöllmann W.: Ratyfikacja porozumienia WTO o ułatwieniach w handlu, „W skrócie", Parlament Europejski - Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 03.09.2015.
- Szczepański M.: A Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe, „Briefing", European Parliament - European Parliamentary Research Service, September 2015.
- Wilson A.: The Commission's Summer Energy Package, „At a glance", European Parliament - European Parliamentary Research Service, September 2015.
- Wolff G.B., Zachmann G.: European climate finance: securing the best return, „Policy Brief" iss. 2015/03, Bruegel, September 2015.
Migration crisis in EU
- Bąkowski P. i inn.: EU migratory challenge. Possible responses to the refugee crisis, „Briefing", European Parliament - European Parliamentary Research Service, September 2015.
- Carrera S., Gros D.: No need for walls to equitably distribute the refugees, „Commentary", Centre for European Policy Studies, 25.09.2015.
- Carrera S., Lannoo K.: Treat the root causes of the asylum crisis, not the symptoms, „Commentary", Centre for European Policy Studies, 11.09.2015.
- Ghimis A.: The refugee crisis: Schengen's slippery slope, „Commentary", European Policy Centre, 22.09.2015.
- Ivanov D.: Provisional measures for relocating asylum-seekers arriving in Italy and Greece, „At a glance", European Parliament - European Parliamentary Research Service, September 2015.
- Kałan D.: Kryzys migracyjny jednoczy Wyszehrad, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 79 (1316), Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych,16.09.2015.
- d'Oultremont C., Martin A.: The migration crisis: A Stress Test for European values, European Policy Brief, no. 38, Egmont – The Royal Institute for International Relations, September 2015.
- Pascouau Y.: Heads buried in the sand: member states block solutions to the refugee crisis, „Commentary", European Policy Centre, 15.09.2015.
- Pastore F.: The Migration and Asylum Crisis as a Transformative Shock for Europe. Brief Thoughts on the Eve of the Next Summit, „IAI Working Paper" iss. 15/34, Istituto Affari Internazionali, 19.09.2015.
- Sabbati G.: Recent migration flows to the EU, „At a glance", European Parliament - European Parliamentary Research Service, September 2015.