In November 2015 the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 4 meetings: no. 1-4. During these meetings the Committee:
- elected the Bureau of the Committee (mtg no. 1),
- scrutinised 76 EU documents:
- pursuant to Art. 7(4) of the Cooperation Act – 6 EU draft legislative acts concerning i.a. amending budget to the general budget 2015, the introduction of emergency autonomous trade measures for the Republic of Tunisia or updating of the estimated needs for agricultural expenditure and fisheries,
- pursuant to Art. 151(1) of the Sejm Standing Orders and Art. 3(2) of the Cooperation Act – 30 European Commission documents (21 reports, 8 communications and 1 recommendation) concerning i.a. forecasts of commitments, payments and contributions from Member States to European Development Found for 2015-2019, the appropriateness of the development of a European creditworthiness assessment for sovereign debt or managing the refugee crisis: state of play of the implementation of the priority actions under the European Agenda on Migration,
- pursuant to Art. 11(1) of the Cooperation Act – EU documents, which were to be discussed by Telecommunications and Energy Council and Justice and Home Affairs Council,
- pursuant to Art. 8(2) of the Cooperation Act – 27 EU draft legal acts concerning i.a. the financial contributions to be paid by Member States to finance the European Development Fund, the conclusion of the Air Transport Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the United States of America, of the other part or the mobilisation of the flexibility instrument for immediate budgetary measures under the European Agenda on Migration,
- held the first reading of Deputies' draft resolution on the Poland's migration policy at the European Union forum (paper no. 18, mtg no. 4).
In November 2015 information on and documents of SUE meetings no. 2-4, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat, were published in the EDL-S (European Legislative Documents in the Sejm) and IPEX databases.
In November 2015 the following acts implementing EU law have been published [paper no.]:
- Act of 9 October 2015 amending the act on payment periods in commercial transactions, the act – Civil Code and some other acts [3760],
- Act of 9 October 2015 amending the act on personal income tax, act on corporate income tax and some other acts [3697],
- Act of 9 October 2015 amending the act on providing information on the environment and environmental protection, public participation in environmental protection and on environmental impact assessment and some other acts [3677],
- Act of 9 October 2015 on biocidal products [3670],
- Act of 9 October 2015 amending the Act - Penal Code and some other acts [3659],
- Act of 11 September 2015 amending the act on medical products and some other acts [3764],
- Act of 11 September 2015 amending the act on a European grouping of territorial cooperation [3762],
- Act of 11 September 2015 on insurance and reinsurance activity [3644].
Subsidiarity scrutiny in November (Information from IPEX database as of 07.12.2015)
Draft legislative act |
Deadline for subsidiarity scrutiny |
Adoption / transmission of reasoned opinion |
Chamber / parliament (country) |
COM(2015) 450* |
09.11.2015 |
03.11.2015 / 04.11.2015 |
National Assembly (Hungary) |
- / 04.11.2015 |
Chamber of Deputies (Romania) |
- / 30.09.2015 |
National Council (Slovakia) |
COM(2015) 452 |
09.11.2015 |
- |
- |
COM(2015) 472 |
08.12.2015 |
- |
- |
COM(2015) 473 |
08.12.2015 |
- |
- |
COM(2015) 496 |
14.01.2016 |
- |
- |
COM(2015) 701 |
25.01.2016 |
- |
- |
In November 2015, 6 draft legislative acts were subject to subsidiarity scrutiny. As of 7 December 2015, the national parliaments submitted 2 reasoned opinions on the non-compliance of the scrutinised draft acts with the subsidiarity principle. The table includes the opinion adopted in September 2015 but published in IPEX database in November 2015.
* In September and October 2015 to the document COM(2015) 450 three reasoned opinions were submitted - see the previous Biuletyn OIDE - September, October.
29 November - 1 December 2015, Luxembourg, LIV COSAC - Meeting of the Presidential Troika of COSAC - Meetings of political groups - Opening of the meeting, adoption of the agenda, procedural issues - Session I: European Agenda on Migration (common asylum policy and legal migration policy, fight against irregular migration and securing Europe's external borders) - Informal lunch session on the current negotiations on EU reform ahead of the referendum on UK membership (on request of the UK delegation) - Session II: Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe - Meeting of COSAC Chairpersons (appointment of the permanent member of the COSAC Secretariat for 2016 and 2017, debate on the Draft Contribution and Draft Conclusions of the LIV COSAC) - Session III: Enlargement policy - Adoption of the Contribution and Conclusions of the LIV COSAC
19 November 2015, Brussels, Interparliamentary committee meeting on "The future institutional evolution of the Union. Enhancing political dialogue between EP and National Parliaments and reinforcing the scrutiny over the executive at European level" - The future institutional evolution of the Union - Reinforcing the parliamentary scrutiny of the EU governance
10 November 2015, Brussels, Interparliamentary committee meeting on "Migration through Western Balkans, proxy wars in the EU's neighbourhood and the Middle East Peace Process" - Exchange of views on migration through the Western Balkans - Exchange of views with Fernando Gentilini, EU Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process - Public hearing and exchange of views on proxy wars in the EU neighbourhood (Iran, Saudi Arabia and Russia foreign policies: political and security impacts in conflict zones)
9-10 November 2015, Luxembourg, Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union - Plenary session: The social dimension of economic governance, parliamentary scrutiny of the European Economic Governance - Plenary session: Fair Tax Competition, growth and the Economic and Monetary Union - Session limited to the Heads of Delegation: Adoption of the Rules of Procedure of the Conference
In the section Interparliamentary Cooperation
Calendar of parliamentary events 2016
In the section OIDE Notes
Reform of the EU's Court System
Following sections have been updated
OIDE Notes: EU programme on migration and refugees, Green and White Papers, European Semester - course of coordination cycle at the level of the Union and Poland (2011-2016), Banking union
Bibliographies: The national parliaments' position in the EU under the Lisbon Treaty, National parliaments in the EU - new publications
Polish Legal Acts Relating to Poland's Membership of the European Union: Standing Orders of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland has been updated
Selected articles on the current political and economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line (accessed 07.12.2015)
- D'Alfonso A., Immenkamp B.: EU Trust Funds for external action. First uses of a new tool, „Brefing", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service, 11.2015,
- Angerer J.: Stability and Growth Pact – An Overview of the Rules, „Brefing", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service, 25.11.2015,
- Baldwin R., Gros D.: What caused the eurozone crisis? , „CEPS Commentary", Centre for European Policy Studies, 27.11.2015,
- Bentzen N., Russell M.: Russia's disinformation on Ukraine and the EU's response, „Brefing", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service, 17.11.2015,
- Bentzen N.: Zwiększenie roli UE w Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych, „W skrócie", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service, 19.11.2015,
- Bond I.: Millstone or multiplier? EU foreign policy, „Bulletin article", Centre for European Reform, 30.11.2015,
- Cirlig C.-C.: The EU's mutual assistance clause: The first ever activation of article 42(7) TEU, „Brefing", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service, 27.11.2015,
- Cirlig C.-C.: EU-UN cooperation in peacekeeping and crisis management, 24.11.2015,
- Chircop D.: Education policy in the Europe 2020 Strategy, „Brefing", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service, 25.11.2015,
- Collova C.: Action Plan on Building a Capital Markets Union: EU securitisation framework: Initial Appraisal of a European Commission Impact Assessment, „Brefing", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service, 09.11.2015,
- Dobreva A.: How the EU budget is spent: Humanitarian Aid, „Brefing",European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service, 23.11.2015,
- Donatelli L.: Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact and European Commission Opinions on 2016 Draft Budgetary Plans - November 2015, „Brefing", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service, 25.11.2015,
- Drachenberg R. : Outlook for the 29 November 2015 meeting of the Heads of State or Government of the EU with Turkey, „At a glance", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service, 11.2015,
- Erbach G.: EU position for COP 21 climate change conference, „Brefing", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service, 26.11.2015,
- Faleg G.: European Security after the Paris Attacks, „CEPS Commentary", Centre for European Policy Studies, 24.11.2015,
- Gatto A.: Outcome of the Valletta Summit on Migration, „At a glance", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service,19.11.2015,
- Jokela J.: The UK is searching for its role in Europe: David Cameron should adopt a more -constructive approach to reforming the EU, „FIIA Comment", The Finnish Institute of International Affairs 21.11.2015,
- Katsarova I.: The Audiovisual Media Services Directive: state of play, „Brefing", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service, 11.11.2015,
- Kolassa D.: The EU's Role in International Economic Fora, „Brefing", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service,10.11.2015,
- Madiega T. A.: The EU rules on network neutrality: key provisions, remaining concerns, „Brefing", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service, 05.11.2015,
- Mills C.: France and Article 42(7) of the Treaty on the European Union, „Briefing paper", no 7390, House of Commons Library, 18.11.2015,
- Pertusot V. Royaume-Uni/Union européenne : négociations à 28, pas à 27 contre un, „Actuelles de l'Ifri", Institut francais des relations internationales, 11.2015,
- Orav A.: Fingerprinting migrants: Eurodac Regulation, „At a glance", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service, 11.2015,
- Tiilikainen T.: Mutual defence in the EU: The response to the terrorist attacks in Paris is a testing ground for the European security and defence policy, „FIIA Comment 23", The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 11.2015,
- Wilson A.: State of the Energy Union, „At a glance", European Parliament, European Parliamentary Research Service, 19.11.2015,
- Witney N., Menon A.: After Paris: What price European defence?, European Council on Foreign Relations, 24.11.2015,
- Witney N.: Brexit to nowhere: The foreign policy consequences of "Out", European Council on Foreign Relations, 05.11.2015.