On 22 June 2017 the Sejm adopted the resolution on declaring the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the work-life balance for parents and carers and repealing Council Directive 2010/18/EU (COM(2017) 253 final) to be incompatible with the subsidiarity principle (with reasoned opinion). |
In June 2017 the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 8 meetings: no. 134-141. During these meetings the Committee:
- scrutinised 123 EU documents:
- pursuant to Art. 7(4) of the Cooperation Act – 4 EU draft legislative acts concerning i.a.: conditions and procedure by which the Commission may request undertakings and associations of undertakings to provide information in relation to the internal market and related areas; Draft Amending Budget No 3 for 2017; directive of the EP and of the Council on work-life balance for parents and carers and repealing Council Directive 2010/18/EU,
- pursuant to Art. 151(1) of the Sejm Standing Orders and Art. 3(2) of the Cooperation Act – 21 EC documents (7 communications, 10 reports, 1 joint report, 1 white paper, 1 proposal for decision and 1 reflection paper) concerning i.a.: harnessing globalisation; application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in 2016; assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment,
- pursuant to Art. 11(1) of the Cooperation Act – EU documents, which were to be discussed by: General Affairs Council, Justice and Home Affairs Council, Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, Agriculture and Fisheries Council, Environmental Council, Economic and Financial Affairs Council and Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council,
- pursuant to Art. 8(2) of the Cooperation Act – 43 EU draft legal acts concerning i.a.: suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on certain agricultural and industrial products; position to be adopted on behalf of the EU with regard to certain resolutions to be voted in the framework of the International Organisation for Vine and Wine (OIV); signing, on behalf of the EU, and provisional application of the Agreement between the EU and Iceland on supplementary rules in relation to the instrument for financial support for external borders and visa, as part of the Internal Security Fund, for the period 2014 to 2020,
- scrutinized information on the European Council meeting planned for 22-23 June 2017 (presented by Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Konrad Szymański) (mtg no. 135),
- adopted opinion no. 22 on document COM(2017) 257 (mtg no. 140),
- adopted the Committee’s work programme for the period from 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2017 (mtg no. 140),
- examined and adopted positive opinion intended for the Public Finances Committee on the report on implementation of the state budget for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2016 together with the Analysis of the Supreme Audit Office, in the scope of the SUE competence (mtg no. 141).
SUE together with Public Finances Committee as well as Economy and Development Committee:
- took note of the information on the recommendations for Poland regarding the implementation of the European Semester 2017 (presented by Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Development Adam Hrymszczak) (mtg no. 136).
COM(2017) 253 final – deadline for scrutiny: 28.06.2017 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on work-life balance for parents and carers and repealing Council Directive 2010/18/EU
EU Affairs Committee:
07.06.2017, mtg. 134 - opinion no. 21 on the non-compliance with the subsidiarity principle,
08.06.2017, mtg. 138 - the Committee draft resolution containing reasoned opinion,
20.06.2017, mtg. 139 - the first reading of the Committee draft resolution containing reasoned opinion,
22.06.2017, 44th sitting - adoption of the resolution on declaring the proposal to be incompatible with the subsidiarity principle (reasoned opinion),
22.06.2017 - transmission of the resolution to the Presidents of the EP, Council and European Commission.
In June 2017 information on and documents of SUE meetings no. 134-135 and 137-141, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat, were published in the EDL-S (European Legislative Documents in the Sejm) and IPEX databases.
Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry, Agriculture and Rural Development Committee, Committee
20.06.2017, continued consideration of the information presented by Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, Anna Moskwa, on EU water and environmental subsidies for owners of fish farms, taking into account worrying information on withdrawal of EU support for carp farmers (mtg no.77);
State Audit Committee
09.06.2017, took note of the information presented by the member of the European Court of Auditors, Janusz Wojciechowski, on the annual activity report of the ECA for 2016 (mtg no.53);
Petitions Committee
08.06.2017, considered the petition on the appointment of an extraordinary committee for the monitoring of Poland's national interest in the process of the UK leaving the European Union (BKSP-145-205/17) (mtg no.82);
Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry Committee
08.06.2017, considered the information provided by Mariusz Gajda, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of the Environment, on the use of EU's funds for environmental protection (mtg no.76);
Maritime Economy and Inland Water Transport Committee
07.06.2017, considered the information presented by the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, Marek Gróbarczyk, on the strategy of fisheries development, with particular attention to the EC's drastic reduction of cod quotas (mtg no.59).
In the section OIDE Notes:
Eastern Partnership
Following sections have been updated:
OIDE Notes: Brexit - documents, Brexit - procedural issues, European Public Prosecutor's Office
Bibliographies: BREXIT – selected publications (since 2016)
Debates of the Sejm on EU Affairs: Debates of the Sejm - 8th term
Resolutions of the Sejm on EU Affairs: Resolutions of the Sejm - 8th term
Selected articles on the current political and economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line (accessed 05.07.2017)
Adorna Diaz D. (i.in): European Parliament's positions on key issues related to asylum and migration, „Briefing ", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego,15.06.2017.
- Adorna Diaz D. (i.in): What has the European Union done in the field of migration since 2014?, „Briefing ", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego,15.06.2017.
- Anghel V, Drachenberg R.: Outcome of European Council meeting of 22-23 June 2017, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 29.06.2017.
- Attard L.: Priority dossiers under the Estonian EU Council Presidency, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego,15.06.2017.
- Besch S.: What future for the European defence fund?, „Policy insight", Centre for European Reform, June 2017.
- Bourguignon D.: Działania UE na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 27.06.2017.
- Bowles E.: TTIP, the Revenant, „ECIPE Bulletins", no. 1/2017, European Centre for International Political Economy, June 2017.
- Costello T.: 6 Years On: Assessing the Impact of Country Specific Recommendations, The Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA), 01.06.2017.
- Costello T.: New Ideas - France, Germany and the Future of the Euro Area, The Institute of International and European Affairs, 30.06.2017.
- Dessus Z.: Kosovo's EU candidate status: a goal within reach?, „Discussion paper", European Policy Centre, 28.06.2017.
- Dhéret C.: The long journey to end energy poverty in Europe, „Policy paper", European Policy Centre,16.06.2017.
- Duvillet-Margerit A: Completing the Banking Union - Risk Sharing Initiatives and Parallel Risk Reduction Measures, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 15.06.2017.
- Eiselec K: Coordination of social security systems, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 15.06.2017.
- Fattibene D., Bianchi M.: Fighting against Food Losses and Waste: An EU Agenda, „IAI Working Paper", iss. 17/25, Istituto Affari Internazionali.
- Godemen F.: The EU-China Summit: searching for common ground, „Commentary", European Council on Foreign Relations, 01.06.2017.
- Görgülü A., Dark G.: Turkey, the EU and the Mediterranean: Perceptions, Policies and Prospects, „Med Reset Working Papers", No. 7, June 2017.
- Gressel G., Wesslau F.: The great unravelling: four doomsday scenarios for Europe's Russia policy, „Brief policy", European Council on Foreign Relations,19.06.2017.
- Haas J., Rubio E.: The future of the European budget: What does the Commission's White Paper mean for EU finances?, „Policy paper", Notre Europe - The Jacques Delors Institute, 27.06.2017.
- Heflich A.: Cleaner air for Europe: EU efforts to fight air pollution, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 23.06.2017.
- Katsarova I.: Creating opportunities: The EU and students, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 27.06.2017.
- Kvorning Lassen Ch.: Reforming the Common European Asylum Policy (CEAS), „Policy brief", Institute for European Policy (EUROPEUM), June 2017.
Interoperability of European information systems for border management and security, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego,15.06.2017.
- Latek M.: European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD), „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 29.06.2017.
- Lierop Ch Van.: Wzmocnienie partnerstwa w polityce spójności, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 07.06.2017.
Mapping the 'Future of the EU' debate, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 20.06.2017.
- Margaras V.: Elementy europejskiej polityki spójności na okres po roku 2020, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 07.06.2017.
- Mceldowney J.: Current priorities and challenges in EU agricultural policy, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 20.06.2017.
- Muenchmeyer M. (i.in): Enhancing Cooperation – German Attitudes Towards European Security and Defence Policy, The Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA), 23.06.2017.
Outlook for the European Council meeting on 22-23 June 2017 and the European Council (Article 50) meeting on 22 June 2017, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 20.06.2017.
- Pasikowska-Schnass M.: Dialogue of the EU institutions with religious and non-confessional organisations, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 01.06.2017.
- Pasikowska-Schnass M.: Strategia UE na rzecz międzynarodowych stosunków kulturalnych, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 27.06.2017.
- Reillon V.: Udział Unii Europejskiej w partnerstwie PRIMA, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 07.06.2017.
- Russack S.: How is Juncker's 'last-chance Commission' faring at mid-term?, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS), „European Policy Analysis" 2017.
- Schmidt P.: The EU-Debate in Austria: Dynamic perceptions and ambiguous politics, „Commentary" no. 39, European Policy Institutes Network, Commentary, June 2017.
- Skorupska A.: Europejskie ugrupowania współpracy terytorialnej – ocena i perspektywy, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 59 (1501), Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 20.06.2017.
- Ujvari B.: The European Investment Bank: an overlooked (f)actor in EU external action?, „In Egmont papers", EGMONT – The Royal Institute for International Relations, 02.06.2017.
- Ulrike E. F.: A European approach to military drones and artificial intelligence, „Essay", European Council on Foreign Relations, 23.06.2017.
- Véron N.: Charting the next steps for the EU financial supervisory architecture, „Policy Contribution", Issue n˚16, Bruegel, 06.2017.
- Vincent L.: To Be European in a Global World, „Synthesis", Notre Europe - The Jacques Delors Institute, 08.06.2017.
- Widuto A.: Structural reform support programme 2017-2020, „Briefing ", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 16.06.2017.
- Witney N.: Now or never on European defence, „Essay", European Council on Foreign Relations, 23.06.2017.
- D'Alfonso A.: The Brexit negotiations: Issues for the first phase, „Analiza", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 22.06.2017.
- Barslund M., Busse M.: Programming Brexit: How will the UK's IT sector fare?, „Ceps Policy Insights", no 24, Centre for European Policy Studies, 27.06.2017.
- Bieliszczuk B.: Stanowisko państw bałtyckich wobec Brexitu i reformy UE, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 63 (1505), Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 30.06.2017.
- Blick A.: 'There May be trouble ahead': Brexit after the election, The Federal Trust, 26.06.2017.
- Chang M.:Can Brexit Lead to Further Integration? The Case of Economic and Monetary Union, „CEPOB - College of Europe Policy Brief series", College of Europe, June 2017.
- Cirlig C.-C.: Outlook for Brexit negotiations, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 04.05.2017.
- Clehane N.: The future of EU-ASEAN trade ties and the link to Brexit, „E!Sharp", June 2017.
- Donnelly B.: The dilemmas of Brexit have not been changed by the election, The Federal Trust, 13.06.2017.
- Donnelly B.: A chaotic Brexit is still a possibility, The Federal Trust, 28.06.2017.
- Duff A.: What now? Options for Brexit - And a cry for help, „Policy paper", European Policy Centre,15.06.2017.
- Gaventa J: The impact of Brexit on Europe's energy and climate transition, „E!Sharp", July 2017.
- Grant Ch.: Britain prepares for a softer Brexit, „Policy insight", Centre for European Reform, June 2017.
- Leigh M.: Brexit and the European Commission, European Policy Analysis, June 2017.
- Mortera-Martinez C.: Hard Brexit, soft data: How to keep Britain plugged into EU databases, „Policy insight", Centre for European Reform, June 2017.
- Quinn C.: There is nothing to back expectations of a softer Brexit, „Commentary", European Council on Foreign Relations,15.06.2017.
- Sjögren E.: Brexit – Implications for the EU and Sweden, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS), 21.06.2017.
- Story J.: Brexit: a Certain Idea of Europe, „Politique étrangère", Vol. 82, No. 2, Summer 2017.
- Tilford S., Springford J.: How should the EU react to Britain's general election?, „Policy insight", Centre for European Reform, June 2017.
- Tutty M. G.: The Potential €60 billion cost to the UK of exiting the EU, The Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA), 08.06.2017.
- Vimont P.: Bringing Brexit Back to Reality, Carnegie Europe, June 2017.
Selected articles and papers (available in the Sejm Library or on-line, accessed 05.07.2017)
Bendiek A.: The New 'Europe of Security'. Elements for a European White Paper on Security and Defence, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, „SWP Comment" 2017/C 20, June 2017.
- Iso-Markku T.: The EU's choice: Perspectives on deepening and differentiation, „FIIA Report", no 50, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 19.6.2017.
- Saltnes J., D.: Norm collision in the EU's external policies. The case of EU sanctions towards Rwanda, Cooperation and Conflict, 08.06.2017.
- Sanchez-Barrueco M.-L.: Council discharge by the European Parliament - Finding solutions, „Badanie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 15.06.2017.