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Debates of the Sejm - 7th term

7th term, 100th sitting, 16 September 2015

  • Information of the Prime Minister on migration crisis in Europe and its repercussions for Poland (verbatim record/PL)

7th term, 97th sitting, 21 - 24 July 2015

  • Information for the Sejm and the Senat on the Republic of Poland's participation in the activities of the European Union in January-June 2015 (Latvian presidency of the Council of European Union) (paper no. 3611) together with the position of the European Union Affairs Committee (paper no. 3669) (verbatim record/PL point 49)

7th term, 91st sitting,  22 - 24 April 2015

  • Information of the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the tasks of the Polish foreign policy in 2015 (verbatim record/PL point 16)

7th term, 90th sitting,  8 - 9 April 2015

  • Report of the Public Finance Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee on governmental bill on ratification of the Council Decision of 26 May 2014 on the system of own resources of the European Union (2014/335/UE,Euratom) (paper no. 3198 i 3242, verbatim record/PL point 11)

7th term, 86th sitting,  4 - 6 February 2015

  • Information for the Sejm and the Senat on the Republic of Poland's participation in the activities of the European Union in July-December 2014 (Italian presidency of the Council of European Union) (paper no. 3042) together with the position of the European Union Affairs Committee (paper no. 3044) (verbatim record/PL point 14)

7th term, 80th sitting, 26 - 28 November 2014

  • Current information on the new framework for climate and energy policy of the EU after 2030 (verbatim record /PL point 14)

7th term, 79th sitting, 5 - 7 November 2014

  • Information of the Council of Ministers on the tasks of the Polish foreign policy in 2014-2015 (verbatim record/PL point 14)

7th term, 74th sitting, 10 - 12 September 2014

  • Information for the Sejm and the Senat on the Republic of Poland's participation in the activities of the European Union in January-June 2014 (Greek presidency of the Council of European Union) (paper no. 2557) together with the position of the European Union Affairs Committee (paper no. 2619) (verbatim record/PL point 6)

7th term, 67th sitting, 7 - 8 May 2014

  • Information of the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the principles of the Polish foreign policy in 2014 (verbatim record/PL point 17)
  • Current information on the Draft Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (verbatim record /PL)

7th term, 61st sitting, 19 - 21 February 2014

  • The second reading of the committee draft resolution on the Republic of Poland's participation in the activities of the European Union in July-December 2013 (Lithuanian presidency of the Council of European Union) (paper no. 2098 and 2140) (verbatim/PL point 20) – second reading, adoption of the resolution

7th term, 60th sitting, 5 - 7 February 2014

  • Information for the Sejm and the Senat on the Republic of Poland's participation in the activities of the European Union in July-December 2013 (Lithuanian presidency of the Council of European Union) (paper no. 2077) together with the position of the European Union Affairs Committee (paper no. 2098) (verbatim record/PL point 14) – draft resolution referred to the Committee

7th term, 56th sitting, 11 - 13 December 2013

  • Information of the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the course and results of the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius on 28-29 November 2013 (verbatim/PL point 12)

7th term, 50th sitting, 25 - 27 September 2013

  • The second reading of the committee draft resolution on the Republic of Poland's participation in the activities of the European Union in January-June 2013 (during the Irish presidency) (paper no. 1652 and 1737) (verbatim/PL point 29) – second reading, adoption of the resolution

7th term, 47th sitting, 27 - 30 August 2013

  • Information for the Sejm and the Senat on the Republic of Poland's participation in the activities of the European Union in January-June 2013 (during the Irish presidency) (paper no. 1624) together with the position of the European Union Affairs Committee (paper no. 1652) (verbatim record/PL point 23) – draft resolution referred to the Committee

7th term, 46th sitting, 23 - 26 July 2013

  • Current information on the allocation of funds to Cohesion Policy in the period 2014-2020  (verbatim record /PL)

7th term, 43rd sitting, 12 - 14 June 2013

  • Current information on the proposition of allocation of EU funds to Operational Programmes  (verbatim record /PL)

7th term, 39th sitting, 8 - 10 May 2013

  • The second reading of the committee draft resolution on the Republic of Poland's participation in the activities of the European Union in July-December 2012 (during the Cyprus Presidency) (paper no. 1208 and 1336) (verbatim/PL point 28) – second reading, adoption of the resolution

7th term, 38th sitting, 17 - 19 April 2013

  • Information for the Sejm and the Senat on the Republic of Poland's participation in the activities of the European Union in July-December 2012 (during the Cyprus presidency) (paper no. 1159) together with the position of the European Union Affairs Committee (paper no. 1208) (verbatim record/PL point 15) – draft resolution referred to the Committee

7th term, 37th sitting, 3 - 5 April 2013

  • Report of the European Union Affairs Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee on governmental bill on ratification of the Protocol on the concerns of the Irish People on the Treaty of Lisbon drawn up in Brussels on 13 June 2012 (papers no. 1047 and 1223, verbatim record/PL point 11)

7th term, 36th sitting, 20 - 22 March 2013

  • Information of the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the principles of the Polish foreign policy in 2013 (verbatim record/PL point 1)

7th term, 34th sitting, 19 - 22 February 2013

  • Information of the Prime Minister on the results of negotiations on the EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 (verbatim record /PL points 1 and 2)
  • Report of the European Union Affairs Committee, Public Finance Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee on governmental bill on ratification of the Treaty on stability, coordination and management in the Economic and Monetary Union signed at Brussels on 2 March 2012 (papers no. 961 and 999) (verbatim record /PL points 1 and 2)

7th term, 33rd sitting, 6 - 8 February 2013

  • Information of the Prime Minister on the European Commission withholding 4 billion euro of the EU funds for road construction projects managed by the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways within the programmes “Infrastructure and Environment” and “Development of Eastern Poland”, as well as on the possibility of losing EU funds for the railway construction and on the lack of supervision over the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (verbatim record /PL point 7)

7th term, 28th sitting, 5 - 7 December 2012

  • Information of the Prime Minister on the state of negotiations on the legislative package on common agriculture policy after 2013, in the context of the new financial perspective 2014-2020 and on the implementation of the resolution of the Sejm of 25 April 2013 on supporting the Government of the Republic of Poland and calling on the European Parliament to take action for simplifying the common agriculture policy, competitiveness and growth, the introduction of equal and non-discriminating principles of allocating funds for direct payments between the Member States of the European Union, as well as the way of presentation of agriculture and rural development issues in the EU and Government of the RP's programming and legislative documents concerning financial perspective 2014-2020, in the context of improving the quality of life in rural areas (paper no. 923) (verbatim record /PL point 30)
  • Current information on the implementation of the Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013 (verbatim record /PL)

7th term, 25th sitting, 7 - 9 November 2012

  • Information for the Sejm and the Senat on the Republic of Poland's participation in the activities of the European Union in January-June 2012 (paper no. 680) together with the position of the European Union Affairs Committee (paper no. 719) (verbatim record /PL point 24)
  • Statement of the Prime Minister on the European policy (verbatim record /PL point 23)
  • Current information on the entry into force on 1 January 2013 r. of the European Union climate and energy package (verbatim record /PL)

7th term, 21st sitting, 11 - 14 September 2012

  • Information of the Minister of Interior and the Minister of Justice on the establishment of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) (11.09.2012 - verbatim record /PL point 1, 14.09.2012 - verbatim record /PL point 1)
  • Report of the European Union Affairs Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee on governmental bill on ratification of the treaty on accession of Croatia to the European Union of 9 December 2011 (papers no. 460 and 584, verbatim record /PL point 21)
  • Report of the European Union Affairs Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee on Deputies' draft resolution concerning the procedure for granting the permission to ratify the treaty on accession of Croatia to the European Union of on 9 December 2011 (papers no. 500 and 583, verbatim record /PL point 20) - report was rejected

7th term, 20th sitting, 29 - 30 August 2012

  • Current information on the activities undertaken by the Government aimed at levelling direct farming subsidies considered discriminatory towards the Polish agriculture, simplifying the common agriculture policy and allocating the funds to competitiveness and progress (verbatim record/PL)

7th term, 16th sitting, 13 - 15 June 2012

  • Information for the Sejm and the Senat on the Republic of Poland's participation in the activities of the European Union in July-December 2011 (during the Polish presidency) (paper no. 391) together with the position of the European Union Affairs Committee (paper no. 417) (verbatim record/PL point 14)

7th term, 14th sitting, 9 - 11 May 2012

  • Report of the European Union Affairs Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee on governmental bill on ratification of the European Council Decision no. 2011/199/EU of 25 March 2011 amending Article 136 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union with regard to a stability mechanism for Member States whose currency is the euro (papers no. 37 and 106) (verbatim record/PL point 9)
  • Report of the European Union Affairs Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee on Deputies' draft resolution concerning the procedure for granting the permission to ratify the European Council Decision no. 2011/199/EU of 25 March 2011 amending Article 136 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union with regard to a stability mechanism for Member States whose currency is the euro (verbatim record/PL point 2) - report was rejected

7th term, 11th sitting, 28 - 30 March 2012

  • Information of the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the principles of the Polish foreign policy in 2012 (verbatim record/PL)

7th term, 10th sitting, 14 - 16 March 2012

  • Current information on the Polish veto as regards the EU plans to reduce the carbon dioxide emission after 2020 (verbatim record/PL)

7th term, 5th sitting, 11 - 13 January 2012

  • Current information on recapitulation of the Polish Presidency in the EU Council (verbatim record/PL)

7th term, 3rd sitting, 14 - 16 December 2011

  • Statement of the Prime Minister on the future of the European Union (verbatim record/PL)