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LEXICON Parliamentary committees meetings, European Parliamentary Week, Joint Parliamentary Meetings

Calendar of meetings on EP website

  1. Representatives of national parliaments and the European Parliament - apart from participation in the works of COSAC, the Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the EU, the Inter-Parliamentary Conference for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy (IPC CFSP/CSDP), Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol and Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on the evaluation of Eurojust's activities – participate in over a dozen meetings organized every year by the parliament of the country holding the EU presidency or by the European Parliament.
  2. The basis for the cooperation among committees of national parliaments and the EP are Article 9 of the Protocol [No 1] on the role of national parliaments in the European Union and "The Guidelines for Inter-parliamentary Cooperation in the European Union", adopted by the Conference of Speakers of the European Union Parliaments in 2004, amended in 2008 and 2021.
  3. Meetings of parliamentary committees are organised to discuss EU-related topics falling within their respective areas of competence. They are held as:
    • Interparliamentary Committee Meetings, ICM - organised in Brussels on the initiative of committees of the European Parliament (14 such meetings were held in 2022; committees of the EP may also invite representatives of national parliaments to workshops and debates taking place during committee meetings),
    • meetings organised by committees of the parliament holding the EU Presidency in its capital city, their subject matter depends on the priorities of the presidency (for ex. meeting organised by the Sejm and the Senate in the second half of 2011 were dedicated to, among others, the common agricultural policy, energy security, the common market and cohesion policy).
  4. Since 2013 Interparliamentary Committee Meetings devoted to economic governance in the EU has been held in framework of the European Parliamentary Week. They are attended by representatives of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the EP and the relevant sectoral committees of national parliaments. The European Parliamentary Week is coordinated with the cycle of the European Semester – it is held in the EP seat in Brussels in January or February, after the presentation of the European Commission's Annual Growth Survey. Since 2014 in framework of the European Parliamentary Week Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the EU has taken place.
  5. In the European Parliament coordination of interparliamentary cooperation is the responsibility of the Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments. Documents accompanying the meetings, such as agendas, background notes, working group reports, etc. are published on the EP website in the section dedicated to the meeting concerned.
  6. Documents accompanying the Committee Chairpersons Meetings, organised by the parliament of the state holding the Presidency, such as agendas, background notes, working group reports, etc. are published on the IPEX website and on the website of the parliamentary dimension of the Presidency.

      Updated: 28 June 2023