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The Treaty of Lisbon - Treaty of European ParliamentsWarsaw, 22-23 February 2010

Agenda of the conference

  1. Opening address of the Marshal of the Sejm, Bronisław Komorowski
  2. Opening address of the Marshal of the Senate, Bogdan Borusewicz
  3. Panel 1: Subsidiarity monitoring - When? In what form?
    • Prof. Cezary Mik (Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Bureau of Research Chancellery of the Sejm) The functions of National Parliaments after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty
    • Bureau of Research, Chancellery of the Sejm, Parliamentary scrutiny of compliance of EU legislative acts with the principle of subsidiarity
    • Dan Matei (Romania, Chamber of Deputies) Different ways of the Parliaments in the adaptation to subsidiarity test
  4. Panel 2: Active contribution to the good functioning of the EU - To evaluate and scrutinise or to co-create?
    • Prof. Artur Nowak-Far (Poland) The passerelle procedure
    • Mariusz Skowroński (Eurojust) Impact of national parliaments on the improvment of functioning in the area of freedom, security and justice with particular emphasis on monitoring and evaluation of Eurojust
    • Michael Hilger (WEU Assembly) National Parliaments and the Common Security and Defence Policy
  5. Panel 3: EU parliaments' cooperation system - With whom? Together or separately?
    • Loreta Raulinaityte (COSAC Secretariat) The role of the COSAC in the EU interparliamentary cooperation - ongoing debate
    • Olev Aarma (Estonia, Riigikogu) Can working system be made better?
    • Richard Mongin Forrest (Central Support IPEX) Exchanging EU information between national parliaments after the Treaty of Lisbon
    • Paolo Visca (Italy, Chamber of Deputies) "Cooperation system": one step beyond
    • Mario Ruse (Romania, Chamber of Deputies) Better implementation of the best practices of different EU national parliaments
  6. Panel 4: New tasks of parliamentary administration - Adaptation or reform?
    • Andrew Makower (United Kingdom, House of Lords) Life after Lisbon: adapting administrative arrangements
    • : Dr Hinrich Schröder (German Bundestag) New tasks for the parliamentary administration after the Treaty of Lisbon
    • Carsten U. Larsen (Secretary General of the Folketinget )
    • Adriana Costescu (Romania, Chamber of Deputies) Challenges and opportunities for the national parliaments after the Lisbon Treaty
  7. Closing remarks by Ewa Polkowska, Secretary General of the Senate


Archival website of the conference (without documents and graphic elements)