as at 12.02.2025 (Sejm of the 10th term)
Reasoned opinions
- Reasoned opinions (RO) on infringement of the subsidiarity principle - Sejm of 8th term
- Reasoned opinions (RO) on infringement of the subsidiarity principle adopted by the Sejm of 6th and 7th terms
Political dialogue
- Opinions of the European Union Affairs Committee transmitted to the European Commission, European Parliament and Council in the framework of political dialogue – Sejm of 9th term
- Resolutions of the Sejm and opinions of the European Union Affairs Committee transmitted to the European Commission, European Parliament and Council in the framework of political dialogue – Sejm of 8th term
- Opinions of the European Union Affairs Committee transmitted to the European Commission, European Parliament and Council in the framework of political dialogue – Sejm of 6th and 7th terms
Other documents transmitted to the EU