The generally used abbreviation COSAC comes from the original French name Conférence des Organes Specialisés dans les Affaires Communautaires (Conference of Bodies Specialised in Community Affairs). It is a forum for cooperation and exchange of information, especially concerning practical aspects of parliamentary control of EU matters, among the national parliaments of the EU member states and the European Parliament, which was established in May 1989 in Madrid. COSAC meets twice a year in the state holding the Presidency of the EU Council.
Each national parliament is represented by a maximum of six members of its EU affairs committee(s). The European Parliament is also represented by six members. Observers can be invited to the meetings.
According to the Treaties, COSAC may submit any contribution it deems appropriate for the attention of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission. These contributions do not bind national parliaments and do not prejudge their positions. Contributions are published in the EU Official Journal, series C.
- COSAC meetings (and documents adopted)
- Meetings of the Chairpersons of COSAC
- Basic documents
- COSAC meetings - calendar
More information: LEXICON of multilateral parliamentary cooperation