31 October 2016

21 October 2016 – the Sejm adopted the resolution declaring the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless person (COM(2016) 270) as incompatible with the principle of subsidiarity.

6 October 2016 – the Sejm accepted the information on the Republic of Poland's participation in the activities of the European Union in January-June 2016 (Dutch Presidency of the EU Council) - resolution. The information was earlier debated in plenary on 5 October 2016, with participation of the Secretary of State in Foreign Affairs Ministry, Konrad Szymański (verbatim record/PL, point 14).

6 October 2016 – the Sejm accepted resolution on the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada, on the one hand, and the EU as well as its Member States, on the other hand.

In October 2016 the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 12 meetings: no. 81-92. During these meetings the Committee:
  • scrutinised 80 EU documents:
    • pursuant to Art. 7(4) of the Cooperation Act – 10 EU draft legislative acts concerning i.a. Union resettlement framework, common procedure for international protection in the Union, standards for the reception of applicants for international protection,
    • pursuant to Art. 151(1) of the Sejm Standing Orders and Art. 3(2) of the Cooperation Act – 32 EC documents (17 reports, 14 communications and 1 joint communication) concerning i.a. research and technological development activities of the EU in 2015, prevention of radicalisation leading to violent extremism or improved information exchange in the fight against terrorism and stronger external borders,
    • pursuant to Art. 11(1) of the Cooperation Act – EU documents, which were to be discussed by Justice and Home Affairs Council, Economic and Financial Affairs Council, Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, Environment Council, General Affairs Council and Agriculture and Fisheries Council,
    • pursuant to Art. 8(2) of the Cooperation Act – 16 EU draft legal acts concerning i.a. the signature, on behalf of the EU, of a cooperation agreement between the EU and the Agency for Aerial Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA); amending the directive on the safety of toys with regard to lead; the position to be adopted on behalf of the EU with regard to certain resolutions to be voted in the framework of the International Organisation for Vine and Wine (OIV),
  • considered the reply from Minister for Infrastructure and Construction, Minister for Finance and Minister for Development to the desideratum no. 1 on securing funds for the implementation of the expressway S61 (Via Baltica), stretch of Ostrów Wielkopolski - Szczuczyn, including sections constituting the bypass for Łomża (mtg no. 83 and 84),
  • considered and issued positive opinion (opinion no. 14) on the study titled „Competences of national parliaments in the EU legislative process" (mtg no. 85),
  • considered amendments tabled during the second reading to draft resolution on international agreements TTIP and CETA, draft resolution on the opposition to the proposed by EC procedure of ratification of the agreement CETA without the approval of the Member States and draft resolution on the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between EU and its Member States and Canada (papers no. 727, 728, 831 and 858, mtg no. 86),
  • adopted:
    • opinion no. 15 on the Conclusions of the Council of the European Union of 16 June 2016 on the equality of LGBTI persons (mtg no. 87),
    • opinion no. 16 on "Declaration of Remembrance and Solidarity of the Polish Sejm and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine" (mtg no. 89),
  • considered the motion of the Parliamentary Club PSL to present at the Sejm sitting "Information of the Prime Minister on Economic and Trade Agreement between the European Union and Canada - CETA" and decided that there was no necessity to conduct a plenary debate on this issue (mtg no. 91).


COM(2016) 270 – deadline for scrutiny 27.10.2016
Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless person (recast)


  • 22.09.2016, mtg. 79 - opinion no. 13 on the non-compliance with the subsidiarity principle,
  • 05.10.2016, mtg. 83 - the Committee draft resolution containing reasoned opinion (paper no. 905),
  • 19.10.2016, mtg. 88 - the first reading of the Committee draft resolution containing reasoned opinion,


  • 21.10.2016, 28th sitting - adoption of the resolution on declaring the proposal to be incompatible with the subsidiarity principle (reasoned opinion),
  • 26.10.2016 - transmission of the resolution to the Presidents of the EP, Council and European Commission.


In October 2016 information on and documents of SUE meetings no. 81- 84, 87, 88, 90 and 92, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat, were published in the EDL-S (European Legislative Documents in the Sejm) and IPEX databases.


Digitalisation, Innovation and New Technologies Committee

  • 11.10.2016, took note (during off-site meeting in Zielona Góra) of the information on modern technologies and smart specialization in the Regional Operational Programme – Lubuskie 2020 (mtg no. 36);
  • 19.10.2016, considered i.a. information of the Minister of Digital Affairs on the work on Government's bill on national system of cybersecurity, which is also the transposition of the NIS Directive (Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of the EP and of the Council of 06.07.2016 concerning measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems across the Union) (mtg no. 37);

Agriculture and Rural Development Committee

  • 06.10.2016, held the first reading and considered the Government's bill amending the act on payments within the direct aid systems, paper no. 879 (mtg no. 78);
  • 20.10.2016, considered the amendment tabled during the second reading of the bill amending the act on payments within the direct aid systems, papers no. 879 i 911(mtg no. 82).
In October 2016
  • the following bill implementing EU law has been referred to the first reading [paper no.]:
    • Government bill on marine equipment [951],
  • the following act implementing EU law has been published [paper no.]:
    • Act of 14 September 2016 on safety of food and nutrition [786 ].

Subsidiarity scrutiny in October
(Information from IPEX database as of 03.11.2016)

Draft legislative act Deadline for subsidiarity scrutiny Adoption / transmission of reasoned opinion Chamber / parliament (country)
COM(2016) 411 03.10.2016  -  -
COM(2016) 442 03.10.2016  -  -
COM(2016) 452 13.01.2016 - -
COM(2016) 461 17.10.2016  -  -
COM(2016) 270 * 27.10.2016 21.10.2016 / 24.10.2016 Senate (Poland)
21.10.2016 / 26.10.2016 Sejm (Poland)
05.10.2016 / 18.10.2016 Senate (Italy)
19.10.2016 / 25.10.2016 Senate (Czech Republic)
COM(2016) 272 27.10.2016 - -
COM(2016) 543 27.10.2016  -  -
COM(2016) 447  27.10.2016  -  -
COM(2016) 450  27.10.2016  -  -
COM(2016) 479 27.10.2016  -  -
COM(2016) 482  27.10.2016  -  -
COM(2016) 528  27.10.2016  -  -
COM(2016) 531 27.10.2016  -  -
COM(2016) 532 27.10.2016 - -
COM(2016) 547 27.10.2016 - -
COM(2016) 551 27.10.2016 27.10.2016 / 27.10.2016 Riksdag (Sweden)
COM(2016) 466 28.10.2016 - -
COM(2016) 468 30.10.2016 - -
COM(2016) 491 03.11.2016 27.09.2016 / - National Assembly (France)
COM(2016) 557 03.11.2016 - -
COM(2016) 279 04.11.2016 - -
COM(2016) 467 04.11.2016 - -
COM(2016) 465 10.11.2016 19.10.2016 / - Senate (Italy)
COM(2016) 597 11.11.2016 - -
 COM(2016) 582 30.11.2016  - -
COM(2016) 589 30.11.2016  - -
 COM(2016) 593 30.11.2016  - -
 COM(2016) 594 30.11.2016 - -
COM(2016) 596 30.11.2016  - -
 COM(2016) 591 12.12.2016  - -
 COM(2016) 586 19.12.2016 - -
 COM(2016) 590 19.12.2016  - -
 COM(2016) 662 20.12.2016 - -

In October 2016, 33 draft legislative acts were subject to subsidiarity scrutiny. As of 3 November 2016, the national parliaments submitted 7 reasoned opinions on the non-compliance of the scrutinised draft acts with the subsidiarity principle.

* In September 2016 to the document COM(2016) 270 reasoned opinions were submitted - see the previous Biuletyn OIDE – September 2016.


16-18 October 2016, Bratislava, Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union
- Meetings of the political groups
- Opening session of the Conference
- Session 1: Strengthening the social dimension of the EMU, debate
- Session 2: Fight against tax evasion in the EU, debate
- Session 3: Automatic stabilisers as a building block of the Fiscal Union architecture, debate
- Session 4: Common investment programme as a tool for macroeconomic stabilisation in the EU, debate
- Closing remarks

17 October 2016, Brussels, Workshop with participation of representatives of National Parliaments on robotics and artificial intelligence - ethical issues and regulatory approach
- Ethical issues of robotics and artificial intelligence - will artificial intelligence bring in utopia or destruction?
- What shall the legislator do and at which level? - the European Parliament legislative initiative report
- What shall the legislator do and at which level? - state of play in Europe

12 October 2016, Brussels, Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on "A targeted revision of the rules on the posting of workers"
- Introductory remarks,
- Presentation of the proposal for a directive amending directive on the posting of workers,
- Concluding remarks

11 October 2016, Brussels, Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on "Cultural and Creative Sectors in the EU"
- Introductory panel,
- Thematic panel 1 – strategies for promoting the cultural and creative sectors,
- Thematic panel 2 – fostering citizens' engagement in culture,
- Conclusions

2-4 October 2016, Velehrad, Meeting of the Committees on European Affairs of the Visegrad Group countries
- Opening session
- Brexit – state of play after referendum in UK, further steps and possible impacts on V4 countries
- Migration into the EU and proposed reform of the European Asylum System
- Adoption of Conclusions

New books in the Sejm Library Przegląd Sejmowy Kronika Sejmowa (EN)


Following sections have been updated

OIDE NotesRule of law compliance mechanisms in the European Union, EU programme on migration and refugees

Bibliographies: BREXIT - selected publications (since 2016)



Selected articles on the current political and economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line (accessed 04.11.2016)

  EU Global Strategy





Selected articles and papers
(available in the Sejm Library or on-line, accessed 04.11.2016)