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ICM EUROJUST – Interparliamentary Committee Meeting (ICM) on the evaluation of Eurojust's activities

ICM Eurojust meetings - EP website

According to Article 85 TFEU and Article 67 of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1727 (as amended), applicable since December 2019, the European Parliament and national parliaments participate in the joint evaluation of the activities of Eurojust (European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation). The evaluation is carried out on the basis of annual Eurojust's report, within the framework of an interparliamentary committee meeting of appropriate committees of the national parliaments and the European Parliament, organised by the EP. The President of Eurojust takes part in the meeting. Discussions may not refer directly or indirectly to concrete actions taken in relation to specific operational cases.

Eurojust transmits to the European Parliament and to national parliaments for their information i.a. the results of studies and strategic projects elaborated or commissioned by Eurojust and the programming document.

For the meetings dedicated to the assessment of Eurojust's activities, the EP Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) invites up to four members of the relevant committees from each national parliament (two from each chamber in the case of bi-cameral parliaments).

See more: Lexicon of multilateral parliamentary cooperation in EU affairs