In June 2018 the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 10 meetings: no. 206-215. During these meetings the Committee:
- scrutinised 109 EU documents:
- pursuant to Art. 7(4) of the Cooperation Act – 17 EU draft legislative acts concerning i.a., multiannual financial framework for 2021-2027 (COM(2018) 322), protection of the Union's budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States (COM(2018) 324), System of own resources of the EU (COM(2018) 325),
- pursuant to Art. 151(1) of the Sejm Standing Orders and Art. 3(2) of the Cooperation Act – 25 EC documents (12 communications, 11 reports, 2 annual reviews) concerning i.a., implementation of the European Agenda on Migration (COM(2018) 301), new EU youth strategy COM(2018) 269), the European pillar of social rights (COM(2018) 130),
- pursuant to Art. 11(1) of the Cooperation Act – EU documents, which were to be discussed by Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, Environment Council, Economic and Financial Affairs Council, Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council and Agriculture and Fisheries Council,
- pursuant to Art. 8(2) of the Cooperation Act – 23 EU draft legal acts concerning i.a., Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline, on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management (COM(2018) 323), uniform arrangements for the collection of own resources accruing from value added tax (COM(2018) 328), comprehensive approach to the teaching and learning of languages (COM(2018) 272),
- held the first reading of Government bills: on the ratification of the Cooperation agreement for partnership and development between the EU and its Member States, of the one part, and Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, on the other, drawn up in Munich on 18.02.2017 (paper no. 2465) and on the ratification of the Partnership agreement between the EU and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Armenia, on the other, drawn up in Brussels on 24.11.2017 (paper no. 2466) (mtg no. 207),
- scrutinized: information on the Foreign Affairs Council meeting held on 28 May 2018 and information on the European Council meeting planned for 28-19 June 2018 (presented by Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Konrad Szymański) (mtg no. 209),
held the information on the state of play on the so-called mobility package in the European Parliament (presented by Minister of Infrastructure Andrzej Adamczyk and member of the European Parliament Kosma Złotowski) (mtg no. 211),
- held the information on the current state of negotiations regarding the reform of the Common European Asylum System (presented by Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of the Interior and Administration Renata Szczęch) (mtg no. 212),
- examined and adopted positive opinion intended for the Public Finances Committee on the report on implementation of the state budget for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2017 together with the analysis of the Supreme Audit Office, in the scope of the SUE competence (mtg no. 214).
SUE together with Liaison with Poles Abroad Committee heard the information on the current state of negotiations regarding the UK's withdrawal from the European Union and the British proposals on the rights of European Union citizens in the United Kingdom (presented by Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Jonathan Knott) (mtg no. 210),
SUE together with Public Finances Committee as well as Economy and Development Committee took note of the information on the recommendations for Poland regarding the implementation of the European Semester in 2018 (presented by Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology Marcin Ociepa and Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Finance Piotr Nowak) (mtg no. 213).
In June 2018 information on and documents of SUE meetings no. 206, 208-209 and 214-215, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat, were published in the EDL-S (European Legislative Documents in the Sejm) and IPEX databases.
20 June 2018, Brussels, Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on “EU Investing in its Transport Networks beyond 2020”
- Opening and keynote speech
- Session I: Transport networks: state of play and future perspectives, debate
- Session II: Challenges and perspectives for the post-2020 period in the field of transport infrastructure investments, debate
- Closing remarks
17-19 June 2018, Sofia, LIX COSAC
- Meeting of the Presidential Troika
- Meetings of the political groups
- Opening of the meeting, opening address, introductory remarks
- Adoption of the agenda for the Plenary Meeting of the LIX COSAC, procedural issues and miscellaneous matters
- Briefing on the results of the COSAC Presidential Troika meeting
- Presentation of the COSAC 29th Bi-Annual Report
- Letters received by the Presidency - Others
- Session I - Achievements of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, debate
- Session II - Integration and connectivity of the Western Balkans – a new impetus to EU enlargement policy, debate
- Session III - European Pillar of Social Rights - building a more inclusive and fairer Europe, debate
- COSAC Chairpersons’ meeting. Debate on the draft Contribution and draft Conclusions of the LIX COSAC
- Session IV - А strong and effective Cohesion Policy post 2020, debate
- Session V - EU Interparliamentary cooperation in the context of the debate on subsidiarity and proportionality, debate
- Adoption of the Contribution and Conclusions of LIX COSAC
- Closing remarks
3-4 June 2018, Warsaw, Meeting of the Committees on European Affairs of the Visegrád Group Countries
- The post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework - the place and role of cohesion policy
- Financing Trans-European megaprojects: needs, resources and potential risks
- Building a solid cybersecurity of the EU - the role of the V4 countries
- Working lunch: The problem of indexing the child benefits to the cost of living in the country of residence
- Adoption of the Conclusions
Following sections have been updated:
OIDE Notes: Brexit - documents; Common Agricultural Policy after 2020; European Parliament on EU's future; Review of the decision on the European Parliament composition; Rule of law compliance mechanisms in the European Union
Bibliographies: BREXIT – selected publications (since 2016); Debate on the future of the EU; EU institutional system and law;The national parliaments’ position in the EU under the Lisbon Treaty
Polish Legal Acts: The Standing Orders of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
Statutes Granting Consent for Ratification in Matters Relating to Poland’s Membership of the European Union: 8th term
Selected articles on the current political and economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line (accessed 02.07.2018)
- Angerer J.: Economic Dialogue with the European Commission on the European Semester Spring 2018 Package, „Analiza", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 27.06.2018.
- Angerer J., S. A. Valkama: Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact (June 2018), „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 11.06.2018.
- Angerer J., Valkama S. A.: Comparison of key figures in the 2018 Stability Programmes and European Commission spring 2018 forecast, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 08.06.2018.
- Anghel S. E., Drachenberg R.: Outlook for the meetings of EU leaders, 28-29 June 2018, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 27.06.2018.
- Anghel S. E.: The European Council's 'rolling agenda' on European defence cooperation, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 27.06.2018.
- Ciucci M., Deslandes J. J. P.: Country-Specific Recommendations in banking - June 2018, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 14.06.2018.
- Cousseran J.-C. (ed.): European asylum policy: rehabilitating solidarity, Terra Nova, 15.06.2018.
- Drachenberg R., Kotanidis S.: Future of Europe debates: Parliament hosts Heads of State or Government, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 08.06.2018.
- Drachenberg R.: Current membership of the European Council, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 27.06.2018.
- Drent M., Zandee D.: More European defence cooperation-more European defence industry?, „Clingendael Policy brief", Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael', June 2018.
- Efstathiou K., Wolff G. B.: Is the European Semester effective and useful?, „Policy contribution",Iss no 9, Bruegel, 13.06.2018.
- Ferguson C.: Plenary round-up – Strasbourg, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego,15.06.2018.
- Gasparotti A., Zoppé A.:External Imbalaces in the Euro Area, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 13.06.2018.
- Grosek K.: Reform of the electoral law of the EU, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 27.06.2018.
- Hannes S., Koppa M. E.: A new approach for western Balkans enlargement, „Commentary", European Council on Foreign Relations, 13.06.2018.
- Klugman C.: A Europe without internal borders? Free movement of persons, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 25.06.2018.
- Lannoo K., Carrera S.: We're in this boat together: Time for a Migration Union, „CEPS Policy Insights", Centre for European Policy Studies, 22.06.2018.
- Lierop Van Ch.: European Union Solidarity Fund, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 28.06.2018.
- Lorenz W., Terlikowski M.: Wzmacnianie europejskich zdolności reagowania kryzysowego: propozycja Francji i Wielkiej Brytanii, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 85 (1658), Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 28.06.2018.
- Mańko R.: Revision of EU financial rules, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 27.06.2018.
- Mattelaer A.: Exploring the boundaries of conditionality in the EU, „In European Policy Briefs", no. 51, EGMONT – The Royal Institute for International Relations, 14.06.2018.
- Michailidou A., Trenz H.-J.: European Solidarity in Times of Crisis, „ARENA Working Paper" no. 5/2018, ARENA, June 2018.
- Milotay N.: Faith-based actors and the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 19.06.2018.
- Negreiro Achiaga M. Del Mar: Free flow of non-personal data in the European Union, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 05.06.2018.
- Noel Harte R. E.: US tariffs: EU response and fears of a trade war, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 21.06.2018.
- Pasikowska-Schnass M.: EU policies – Delivering for citizens: Promoting European culture, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 22.06.2018.
- Scheinert CH.: European defence industrial development programme (EDIDP), „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 27.06.2018.
- Schmidt P., Breinschmid Ch.: Austria's EU-presidency: between ambition and reality, Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael, 26.06.2018.
- Somer M. De: Dublin and Schengen: A tale of two cities, „Discussion paper", European Policy Centre, 15.06.2018.
- Tilindyte-Humburg L.: Revising the European Citizens' Initiative, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 18.06.2018.
- Végh Z.: From Pro-European Alliance to Eurosceptic Protest Group? The case of the Visegrad Group, "European Policy Analysis", Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS), June 2018.
- Webb D. (i.in): The European Economic Area, „Commons Briefing Paper" no. 8129, House of Commons Library, 06.06.2018.
- Wernert S.:L'Union européenne et la lutte contre le terrorisme, „Politique étrangère", vol. 83, n° 2, Institut français des relations internationales, 01.06.2018.
- Besch S., Bond I., Mortera-Martinez C.: Plugging in the British: Completing the circuit, „CER Report", Centre for European Reform, 22.06.2018.
- Biskup P.: Perspektywy porozumienia w sprawie brexitu wobec presji czasu, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 82 (1655), Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 20.06.2018.
- Blick A.: Devolution, Federalism and the UK Constitution: Lessons and implications of the Brexit process, The Federal Trust, June 2018.
- Gilmore A.: Brexit: State of Play Briefing, The Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA), 25 June 2018.
- Springford J.: The UK and Europe: what's the cost of Brexit so far?„ Opinion piece", Centre for European Reform, 26.06.2018.
- Major C., Ondarza N. von: No "Global Britain" after Brexit, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, "SWP Comment" 2018/C 24, June 2018.
- Witney N.:Brexit, defence, and the EU's quest for 'strategic autonomy', „Commentary", European Council on Foreign Relations, 25.06.2018.
- Zuleeg F.: Brexit: Stumbling over the backstop?, „Commentary", European Policy Centre, 06.06.2018.
Selected articles and papers
(available in the Sejm Library or on-line, accessed 02.07.2018)
- Finke D.: Institutional conditions for effective parliamentary oversight of European Union politics, West European Politics, 13.06.2018.
- Gasparotti A., Minkina M. A., Zoppé A.: The ESM and the proposed EMF: a tabular comparison, „Analiza", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 14.06.2018.
- Kreilinger V.: Strengthening parliamentary voices in the EU's multi-level system, „Policy Paper ", no.226, Notre Europe - The Jacques Delors Institute, 11.06.2018.
- Rozenberg O. (i.in): Avoiding conflict? The EU legislative process in times of tension, Les Cahiers europeens de Sciences Po, N° 1/2018, Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics, June 2018.