In February 2017 the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 7 meetings: no. 108-114. During these meetings the Committee:
- scrutinised 66 EU documents:
- pursuant to Art. 7(4) of the Cooperation Act – 18 EU draft legislative acts concerning i.a.: risk-preparedness in the electricity sector; macro-financial assistance to Moldova or European travel information and authorisation system (ETIAS),
- pursuant to Art. 151(1) of the Sejm Standing Orders and Art. 3(2) of the Cooperation Act – 33 EC documents (7 communications, 19 reports, 2 joint communication, 1 joint report, 1 decision, 1 proposal for a regulation, 1 proposal for a directive and 1 proposal for a decision) concerning i.a., implementation of the circular economy action plan; European Research Area; operationalisation of the European Border and Coast Guard,
- pursuant to Art. 11(1) of the Cooperation Act – EU documents, which were to be discussed by Competitiveness Council, Economic and Financial Affairs Council, Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council and Environmental Council,
- pursuant to Art. 8(2) of the Cooperation Act – 8 EU draft legal acts concerning i.a., prolonging temporary internal border control in exceptional circumstances putting the overall functioning of the Schengen area at risk; mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund or application of the provisions of the Schengen acquis in the area of the Schengen Information System in the Republic of Croatia,
- scrutinized: information on the results of the European Council meeting held on 3 February 2017; information on the Foreign Affairs Council meeting planned for 6 March 2017 and information on the European Council meeting planned for 9-10 March 2017. Information was presented by Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Konrad Szymański (mtg no. 114).
In February 2017 information on and documents of SUE meetings no. 108-113, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat, were published in the EDLS (European Legislative Documents in the Sejm) and IPEX databases.
Foreign Affairs Committee
08.02.2017, took note of the information on the Minister of Foreign Affairs' exposé theses (Brexit conditions, two-speed Europe, plans for the EU reform, amending the Treaties, redefinition of the European institutions, assistance to refugees) (mtg no. 57);
Agriculture and Rural Development Committee
23.02.2017, took note of the information of the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on the competitiveness of the production of tobacco in the EU internal market (mtg no. 155);
23.02.2017, took note of the information of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) on perspectives of development of the beet sugar market for Polish farmers' taking into account the competitiveness of beet sugar production in the internal market of the EU (mtg no. 155);
09.02.2017, considered the information of the Minister of ARD on the financing of the CAP in the framework of national support instruments and the EU budget (mtg no. 119); 09.02.2017, considered the information of the Minister of ARD on the implementation of the Rural Development Programme for 2014-2020, with due account of changes (mtg no. 119); 08.02.2017, considered the information of the Minister of ARD and Minister of the Development and Finance on the plans and proposals for CAP and the Cohesion Policy changes after 2020 (mtg no. 117);
08.02.2017, considered the information of the Minister of ARD concerning the public consultation on the CAP after 2020 conducted by the European Commission (mtg no. 117);
08.02.2017, considered the information of the Minister of ARD on changes in the system of direct payments related to the process of the UK leaving the EU (mtg no. 117);
Digitalisation, Innovation and New Technologies Committee
08.02.2017, considered the information on the development of e-government and information society in the light of the Central Statistical Office and the Ministry of Digitalization. In the presentantion, the results were compared with the last year's EC's report on digital progress in the EU (DESI index), which briefly shows the digital development of the EU (mtg no. 48);
Infrastructure Committee
09.02.2017, appointed the standing subcommittee on the monitoring of use of the EU founds for infrastructure (mtg no. 64);
08.02.2017, considered the information of the Supreme Audit Office on the control results of the Long-Term Railway Investment Programme within the EU financial perspective 2007-2013 (mtg no. 62);
Economy and Development Committee, Local Government and Regional Policy Committee and Health Committee
22.02.2017, discussed methods of the EU funds accounting used by entrepreneurs operating in the health care, who will not be included in the so-called network of hospitals (GOR mtg no. 61, STR mtg no. 98, ZDR mtg no. 63).
28 February 2017, Brussels, Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on "The third reform of the Common European Asylum System - up for the challenge"
- Opening remarks
- Session I: Challenges related to the Common European Asylum System (contributions, debate with representatives of National Parliaments and EP, conclusions)
- Session II: Ensuring access to asylum and fair distribution of asylum seekers in the EU (interventions, debate with representatives of National Parliaments and EP, conclusions)
- Session III: The safe countries of origin and the safe third country concept - experiences from the Member States (interventions, debate with representatives of National Parliaments and EP, conclusions)
- Workshops (Prevention of trafficking in human beings; Administrative cooperation between Member States authorities under Dublin: what works?; Legal assistance and alternatives to detention during the asylum procedure: exchange of good practices from Member States)
- Session IV: Protection of children in migration (interventions, debate with representatives of National Parliaments and EP, conclusions)
- Closing session
In the section OIDE Notes
European Parliament on EU's future; General revision of the European Parliament's Rules of Procedure - 8th term
Following sections have been updated
OIDE Notes: European Semester - course of coordination cycle at the level of the Union and Poland (2011-2017), Energy union, Rule of law compliance mechanisms in the European Union, Green and White Papers
Bibliographies: BREXIT – selected publications (since 2016)
Debates of the Sejm on EU Affairs: Debates of the Sejm - 8th term
Resolutions of the Sejm on EU Affairs: Resolutions of the Sejm - 8th term
Selected articles on the current political and economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line (accessed 01.03.2017)
- Arteaga F., Powell C.: European defence between the Global Strategy and its implementation, „Working Papers" no. 4/2017, Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos, February 2017.
- Aussilloux V., Bénassy-Quéré A., Fuest C., Guntram B. Wolff: Making the best of the European single market, „Policy Contribution", Iss. 3, Bruegel, 02.02.2017.
Bitterlich M.T.: Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 22.02.2017.
- Cesluk-Grajewski M.: The EU and migration [What Think Tank are thinking], „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 10.02.2017.
- Curtin H.: Left behind? Reassessing the Balkan quest for EU integration, „Policy Briefs", No. 2, European Institute of Romania, Bucharest, February 2017.
- Demertzis M., Sapir A., Guntram B. Wolff: Europe in a new world order, „Policy Brief", Iss. 2, Bruegel, 17.02.2017.
- Facon I.: Russia's National Security Strategy and Military Doctrine and their Implications for the EU, „Analiza", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 01.02.2017.
- Franke M., Mellar B.: Research for CULT Committee – EU Strategy for International Cultural Relations, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 15.02.2017.
- Hagelstam K.: Economic Dialogue with the Other EU Institutions under the European Semester Cycle (State-of-Play, February 2017), „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 20.02.2017.
- Hagelstam K.: Structural Budget Balances in EU Member States, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 22.02.2017.
- Helly D.: Europe's enabling power: an EU strategy for international cultural relations, „CEPOB - College of Europe Policy Brief series", College of Europe, February 2017.
- Kononenko V.: Governance of the Energy Union, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 28.02.2017.
- Korteweg R.: The end of the transatlantic trade consensus?, „Insight", Centre for European Reform, 21.02.2017.
- Latek M.: European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD), „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 16.02.2017.
- Latek M.:Implementing Agenda 2030: Fresh impetus for reforming the UN Development System, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 14.02.2017.
- Lombardi Ch.: Building a capability-driven foundation for Europe's defence, „In Commentaries", Royal Institute for International Relations – EGMONT, 13.02.2017.
- Margaras V.: Challenges for EU cohesion policy: Issues in the forthcoming post-2020 reform, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 16.02.2017.
- Merritt G.: Eurozone proposals will be Rome party pooper, „Europe's World", February 2017.
- Namara F. Mc. , Pascouau Y.: EU external migration policy: In the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is king, „Commentary", European Policy Centre", 06.02.2017.
- Pasikowska-Schnass M.: Europa dla obywateli: ambicje i ograniczenia, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 24.02.2017.
- Remac M.: Coordination of social security systems, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 01.02.2017.
- Sørensen C.: An open letter to all Europhiles, "EPIN Commentary" no. 36/17, European Policy Institutes Network, February 2017.
- Szymańska J.: Perspektywy kompromisu w sprawie reformy wspólnego europejskiego systemu azylowego, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 12 (1454), Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 02.02.2017.
- Svasek M.: European Social Fund, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 22.02.2017.
- Willermain F.: We don't do enough for the rule of law, „In Commentaries", Royal Institute for International Relations – EGMONT, 10.02.2017.
- Vít M.: Central Europe and the rise of nationalism, Institute for European Policy (EUROPEUM), February 2017.
- Vít M.: The Western Balkans on their way to the EU – status quo regardless of refugees, „Policy brief", Institute for European Policy (EUROPEUM), 23.02.2017.
- Voronova S.: Combating terrorism, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 10.02.2017.
- Barker A.: The €60 billion Brexit bill: How to disentangle Britain from the EU budget, „Policy brief", Centre for European Reform, February 2017.
- Batsaikhan U., Kalcik R., Schoenmaker D.: Brexit and the European financial system, „Policy Contribution", Iss. 4, Bruegel , 09.02.2017.
- Biscop S.: European defence after Brexit: Flying on one engine?, „In Commentaries", Royal Institute for International Relations – EGMONT, 17.01.2017.
- Castillo Ortiz P. J.: Towards a post-Brexit 'partnership for democracy' between the EU and the UK, „Expert Comment", Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos, February 2017.
- Duff A.: Brexit and Europe: a new entente, „Discussion paper", European Policy Centre, 23 February 2017.
- Duff A.: Brexit: the launch of Article 50, „Discussion paper", European Policy Centre, 9 February 2017.
- Dumbrava C.: European Union Agency for Asylum, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 08.02.2017.
- Grant Ch.: Mrs May's emerging deal on Brexit: Not just hard, but also difficult, „ Policy brief", Centre for European Reform, February 2017.
- Grant Ch., Tilford S. (i.in.): The year of Brexit and Trump, Annual report 2016, Centre for European Reform, 13 February 2017.
- Gros D.: After Brexit: It's a brave new world, „Commentary", Centre for European Policy Studies, 14 February 2017.
- Gostyńska-Jakubowska A.: Parliamentarians in Brexit talks: Bulls in a china shop?, „Policy brief", Centre for European Reform, February 2017.
- Haas J., R. Eulalia: Brexit and the EU budget: threat or opportunity?, „Policy paper", Notre Europe - The Jacques Delors Institute, 25.01.2017.
- Ham P. van: Brexit: Strategic Consequences for Europe. A Scenario Study, „Clingendael Report", Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael', February 2016.
- Ivanov D.: Reform of the Dublin system, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 08.02.2017.
- Kvorning Lassen Ch.: Principles over Security? The Impact of the Upcoming Danish Exit from Europol, „Europeum monitor", Institute for European Policy (EUROPEUM), 07.02.2017.
- Lannoo K.: A well-managed Brexit is a priority for the entire EU, „Commentary", Centre for European Policy Studies, 3 February 2017.
- Mańko R.: Justice programme (2014-2020), „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 15.02.2017.
- Orav A.: Common procedure for asylum, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 01.02.2017.
- Pirzio-Biroli C.:When it comes to Brexit talks, it's all about the money, „Europe's World", February 2017.
- Raś K.: Stanowisko państw bałtyckich wobec Brexitu i reformy UE, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 79 (1429), Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 23.11.2016.
- Sapir A., Schoenmaker D., Véron N.: Making the best of Brexit for the EU27 financial system, Bruegel, „Policy Brief",Iss. 1,08.02.2017.
- Whitman R.G.: Devolved External Affairs: The Impact of Brexit, „Research paper", Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), 9 February 2017.
Selected articles and papers (available in the Sejm Library or on-line, accessed 01.03.2017)