In September 2017 the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 5 meetings: no. 149-153. During these meetings the Committee:
- scrutinised 108 EU documents:
- pursuant to Art. 7(4) of the Cooperation Act – 10 EU draft legislative acts concerning i.a.: pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP), centralised system for the identification of Member States holding conviction information on third country nationals and stateless persons (TCN) to supplement and support the European Criminal Records Information System; European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice,
- pursuant to Art. 151(1) of the Sejm Standing Orders and Art. 3(2) of the Cooperation Act – 36 EC documents (10 communications, 22 reports, 1 joint communication, 1 joint report, 1 proposal for regulation and 1 working document) concerning i.a.: agenda for a socially fair transition towards clean, Progress report on implementation of the TEN-T network in 2014-2015; renewed EU agenda for higher education,
- pursuant to Art. 11(1) of the Cooperation Act – EU documents, which were to be discussed by: Economic and Financial Affairs Council and Agriculture and Fisheries Council,
- pursuant to Art. 8(2) of the Cooperation Act – 56 EU draft legal acts concerning i.a.: import of cultural goods, Council decision on conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of an Agreement between the EU and the Swiss Confederation on the linking of their Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Systems, on the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument to provide the financing for the European Fund for Sustainable Development,
- met with the Ambassador of the Republic of Malta Natasha Meli Daudey and heard information on the results of Maltese Presidency of the EU Council; met with the Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia Harri Tiido and heard information on the programme of the Estonian Presidency of the EU Council (mtg no. 149),
- adopted opinion on the activity report of the Supreme Audit Office for 2016 (mtg no. 150),
- considered, pursuant to Art. 18(4) of the Cooperation Act, information on legislative proceedings relating to the implementation of EU directives for which the transposition deadline has expired or will expire within the next three months, (as of 24.08.2017), presented by the representatives of appropriate ministries (mtg no. 152),
- heard information on annual report of the European Court of Auditors on the implementation of the EU budget in 2015, presented by Janusz Wojciechowski, member of ECA (mtg no. 153).
In September 2017 information on and documents of SUE meetings no. 150-153, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat, were published in the EDL-S (European Legislative Documents in the Sejm) and IPEX databases.
State Audit Committee
28.09.2017, considered the information presented by a member of the European Court of Auditors, Janusz Wojciechowski, on the ECA's annual report concerning the implementation of the European Union budget in 2016 (mtg no. 62);
Maritime Economy and Inland Water Transport Committee
12.09.2017, heard the information presented by the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, Jerzy Materna, on the use of EU's funds under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund 2014-2020, with a special focus on Polish fishermen's subsidies (pos. nr 67);
Agriculture and Rural Development and Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry Committee
28.09.2017, heard the information presented by the Director of the Fisheries Department at the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, Janusz Wrona and General Director for Environmental Protection, Krzysztof Lissowski, on EU water and environmental subsidies for fish farms owners, taking into account information on withdrawal of the EU support for carp farmers from the Operational Programme Fisheries and the Sea 2014-2020 (2.5 activity) (ARD mtg no. 176, EPNRF mtg no. 92);
28.09.2017, considered the reply of the Minister of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation to the recommendation no. 3/8 addressed to the Prime Minister on worrying information on withdrawal of the EU support for carp farmers (ARD mtg no. 176, EPNRF mtg no. 92);
Digitalisation, Innovation and New Technologies Committee
27.09.2017, considered information presented by the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, Marek Zagórski, on the regulation of the EP and of the Council 2016/679/EU of 27.04.2016 (mtg no. 67);
Administration and Home Affairs Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee
27.09.2017, held the first reading and considered a government bill on the ratification of the executive protocol between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to the Agreement on readmission between the European Community and Ukraine, drawn up in Luxembourg on 18 June 2007, signed in Warsaw on 24 April 2017 (paper no. 1777). The project justification was presented by Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jacek Czaputowicz, and Head of the Office for Foreigners, Rafał Rogala (AHA mtg no. 114, FA mtg no. 77).
In September 2017 the following bill implementing EU law has been referred to the first reading [paper no.]:
Government bill amending the act on maritime labour act and some other acts [1833].
24-26 September 2017, Sárospatak, Meeting of the Committees on European Affairs of the Visegrád Group
- Opening session
- Session I - Strengthening of the role of national Parliaments in the EU
- Session II – State of play of the Brexit negotiations and the possible impacts of Brexit on the four freedoms
- Session III - The topics of the upcoming LVIII COSAC, 26-28 November 2017, Tallinn
- Adoption of the Conclusions
21–22 September 2017, Tallinn, Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Economic Affairs Committees on the Transport Connections of Europe
- Opening session
- Session I: EU transport policy for Connecting Europe, debate
- Session II: EU Aviation Strategy improving connectivity within and for Europe, debate
- Session III: Sustainable transport and innovation. What is the future of transport?, debate
- Closing remarks
7–9 September 2017, Tallinn, Interparliamentary Conference for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CFSP/CSDP)
- Meeting of the Presidency Troika and the European Parliament
- Session I: Why Europe matters? – Europe in the global context
- Session II: Invigorating the unity of the West and transatlantic relations
- Session III: Exchange of views on the priorities of the EU in the area of CFSP and CSDP
- Session IV: State of play beyond the EU borders
- Morning coffee seminars – Walking along the borders of the European Union (Seminar: Western Balkans, Seminar: Eastern Partnership, Seminar: Russia)
- Session V: Ways to strengthen European defence
- Session VI: Practical aspects of the hybrid world including the cyber sphere and strategic communication
- Closing remarks
In the section OIDE Notes:
CSDP - institutional and legal architecture
Following sections have been updated:
OIDE Notes: Brexit - procedural issues; Brexit - documents; European Semester - course of coordination cycle at the level of the Union and Poland (2011-2017);CSDP - calendarium
Bibliographies: BREXIT – selected publications (since 2016), EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, EU institutional system and law
Important Parliamentary Debates: Debate on the state of the Union and Commission’s work programmes
Law: Statutes on Ratification - 8th term
Selected articles on the current political and economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line (accessed 04.10.2017)
- Angenendt S., Kipp D.: »Better Migration Management« A Good Approach to Cooperating with Countries of Origin and Transit?, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, "SWP Comment" 2017/C 33, September 2017.
- Angereri J.: Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact (September 2017), „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 26.09.2017.
- Bakowski P.: Ustanowienie Prokuratury Europejskiej, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 28.09.2017.
- Begg I.: The EU budget after 2020, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS), September 2017.
- Beckmann R., Kempin R.: EU Defence Policy Needs Strategy, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, "SWP Comment" 2017/C 34, September 2017.
- D'Alfonso A.: The future of EU finances, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego,08.09.2017.
- Dauvergne A.: One Hat for Two Heads: A Complex Simplification Process, „Tribune", Notre Europe - The Jacques Delors Institute, 26.09.2017.
- Dittrich P.-J.: Balancing Ambition and Pragmatism for the Digital Single Market, „Policy paper", Notre Europe - The Jacques Delors Institute, 07.09.2017.
- Grant Ch.: The EU will become less monolithic, „CER Bulletin", Centre for European Reform, October /November 2017, issue 116.
- Immenkamp B.: The EU's new approach to funding peace and security, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 15.09.2017.
- Karakas C.: Understanding the EU customs union, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 20.09.2017.
- Kaiser R., Prange-Gstöhl H.: The Future of the EU Budget, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS), 22.09.2017.
- Koenig N., Haas J.: The EU as a 3-D Power: Should Europe Spend More on Diplomacy, Development and Defence?, „Policy paper", Notre Europe - The Jacques Delors Institute, 17.05.2017.
- Kraatz S.: New Skills Agenda for Europe: State of implementation, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 11.09.2017.
- Leonard M.: L'Europe qui protège: Conceiving the next European Union, European Council on Foreign Relations, September 2017.
- Morillas P.: Juncker's State of the Union: Where now for multispeed Europe?, „Opinion" no. 497, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB), 09/2017.
- Perissich R.: Juncker's Last Hurrah, „ IAI Commentaries", The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), September 2017.
- Poptcheva E.-M. A.: The 2017 State of the Union debate in the European Parliament, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 08.09.2017.
- Russell M.: EU-Russia cross-border cooperation, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 21.09.2017.
- Scheinert CH.: Reflection paper on harnessing globalisation, „Briefing", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 08.09.2017.
- Sochacka K.: Plenary round-up - Strasbourg, September 2017, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 15.09.2017.
- Szymańska J.: Orędzie o Stanie Unii, „Komentarz PISM" nr 52, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 14.09.2017.
- Tilford S.: Is the eurozone really out of the woods?, „ Insight", Centre for European Reform, September 2017.
- Véron N., Zettelmeyer J.: A European perspective on overindebtedness, „Policy Contribution", Bruegel, September 2017.
- Véron N.: Europe's fourfold union: Updating the 2012 vision, „Policy Contribution", Bruegel, September 2017.
Brexit: Next steps of UK's withdrawal from the EU, House of Commons Library, September 2017.
- Cirlig C.-C.: Brexit negotiations - Progress to date, „W skrócie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, 15.09.2017.
- Criado-Perez C.: Brexit isn't just for blokes, Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), September 2017.
- Dehousse F.: In the Brexit negotiation, the UK will never escape the close connection between judicial and trade cooperation, „In Commentaries", EGMONT – The Royal Institute for International Relations, 14.09.2017.
- Dehousse F.: Why the sequencing of the Brexit negotiations should be abandoned, „In Commentaries", EGMONT – The Royal Institute for International Relations, 28.09.2017.
- Duff A.: Brexit: Dealing with withdrawal symptoms, „Discussion brief", European Policy Centre, September 2017.
- Guild E.: Brexit and the treatment of EU citizens by the UK Home Office, Centre for European Policy Studies, September 2017.
- Keep M.: Brexit: the exit bill, „Commons Briefing Paper" no. 8039, House of Commons Library, 25.09.2017.
- Keep M.: The UK's contribution to the EU budget, „Commons Briefing Paper" no. 7886, House of Commons Library, 25.09.2017.
- Lowe P.: Brexit and energy: Time to make some hard choices, „Policy brief", Centre for European Reform, September 2017.
- Robinson T.: Brexit reading list: defence and security, „Commons Briefing Paper" no. 7742, House of Commons Library, 12.09.2017.
- Robinson T.: Brexit reading list: negotiations and future relations, „Commons Briefing Paper" no. 7989, House of Commons Library, 12.09.2017.
- Springford J.: How strong a Brexit card is Britain's money?, „CER Bulletin", Centre for European Reform , October /November 2017, issue 116.
- Tekin F.: Brexit and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, „Policy paper", Notre Europe - The Jacques Delors Institute, 13.09.2017.
- Timothy R., Miller V.: Brexit reading list: legal and constitutional issues, „Commons Briefing Paper" no. 7702, House of Commons Library, 12.09.2017.
Selected articles and papers (available in the Sejm Library or on-line, accessed 04.10.2017)
- Finke D.: Underneath the culture of consensus: Transparency, credible commitments and voting in the Council of Ministers, „European Union Politics", Vol. 18 Iss, 3, September 2017, s. 339.
- Krajewski M.: Ograniczony dostęp osób prywatnych do sądów Unii przez skargę na nieważność aktu (stan i kierunki badań), „Państwo i Prawo" nr. 9/2017, s. 46.
- Krenn Ch.: The European Court of Justice's Financial Accountability: How the European Parliament Incites and Monitors Judicial Reform through the Budgetary Process, „European Constitutional Law Review", Vol. 13 Iss, 3, September 2017, s. 453.
- Manzella, A.: The European Parliament and the National Parliaments as a System [w:] „The Consequences of the Crisis on European Integration and on the Member States" (red. S. Mangiameli), 2017.
New Pact for Europe - National Report – FRANCE, 26 September 2017, „EuropaNova", European Policy Centre, 24.07.2017.
- Papadia F., Roth A.: The single monetary policy and its decentralised implementation: An assessment, „Analiza", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego,15.09.2017.
- Parchimowicz I.: Prawo do wystąpienia z Unii Europejskiej na przykładzie Brexitu, „Europejski Przegląd Sądowy" nr. 9/2017, s. 18.
- Petrova P. A.: Agenda-setting in the European Council, December 2014 - June 2017, „Badanie", Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego,26.09.2017.
- Spano R.: The EFTA Court and Fundamental Rights, „European Constitutional Law Review", Vol. 13 Iss, 3, September 2017, s. 475.
- Tkaczyński J., Würtenberger T.: Nowe ramy Unii Europejskiej na rzecz umocnienia praworządności (analiza krytyczna), „Państwo i Prawo" nr. 9/2017, s. 16.