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Preparation calendarPOLISH PRESIDENCY OF THE EU, 1 July - 31 December 2011

  1. Debates in the Sejm and the Senat
  2. Parliamentary cooperation of the Presidency Trio: Poland, Denmark and Cyprus
  3. Visits of the European Parliament representatives in the Sejm and the Senate

1. Debates in the Sejm and the Senate


  • 28 June 2011
    95th sitting of the Sejm, item 6 of the agenda
    The Government's information on the priorities of the Polish Presidency of the European Union Council in the period 1 July - 31 December 2011
    Addresses under this item of the agenda – verbatim record (PL) pdf
  • 8 June 2011
    Sitting No 254 of the Sejm's European Union Affairs Committee: the Government's information on the priorities of the Polish Presidency of the European Union Council in the period 1 July - 31 December 2011
    Bulletin on sitting No 254 of the Sejm's European Union Affairs Committee (p.4) pdf
  • 31 March 2011
    Joint sitting of the Sejm's European Union Affairs Committee (No 238) and Culture and Media Committee (No 157): the Government's information on the cultural programme of the Polish Presidency, its promotion in Poland and abroad, and visual identification
  • 14 December 2010
    80th sitting of the Sejm, item 4 of the agenda
    Information by the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the preliminary priorities and programme of the Polish Presidency of the European Union Council in the second half of 2011 and address by the Chairperson of the European Union Affairs Committee
    Addresses and questions under this item of the agenda – verbatim record pdf
    The Sejm acknowledged the information by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  • 26 November 2010
    78th sitting of the Sejm, item 38 of the agenda
    Update on Poland's preparations for assuming the EU Presidency
    Addresses under this item of the agenda – verbatim record pdf
  • 28 May 2010
    Sitting No 182 of the Sejm's European Union Affairs Committee: the Government's information on the strategic priorities and progress in the Government's preparations for the Polish Presidency of the European Union Council in 2011
    Bulletin on sitting No 182 of the Sejm's European Union Affairs Committee (p. 9) pdf
  • 5 May 2010
    Sitting No 177 of the Sejm's European Union Affairs Committee: the Government's information on the strategic priorities and progress in the Government's preparations for the Polish Presidency of the European Union Council in 2011
    Bulletin on sitting No 177 of the Sejm's European Union Affairs Committee (p. 4) pdf
  • 7 April 2010
    Sitting No 174 of the Sejm's European Union Affairs Committee: the Government's information on the strategic priorities and progress in the Government's preparations for the Polish Presidency of the European Union Council in 2011
    Bulletin on sitting No 174 of the Sejm's European Union Affairs Committee pdf


  • 8 June 2011
    Sitting No 148 of the Senate's European Union Affair Committee: the Government's information on the priorities of the Polish Presidency of the European Union Council in the period 1 July - 31 December 2011
  • 23 March 2011
    Sitting No 140 of the Senate's European Union Affair Committee: information on the preparations for the parliamentary dimension of the Polish Presidency in the second half of 2011, presented by the Plenipotentiary of the Head of the Senate Chancellery for the Presidency L. Kieniewicz
  • 15 December 2010
    67th sitting of the Senate, item 29 of the agenda
    The Government's information on the priorities of the Polish Presidency of the EU Council in the second half of 2011
    Questions and discussion under this item of the agenda – verbatim record (p. 11) pdf
  • 24 November 2010
    Sitting No 126 of the Senate's European Union Affairs Committee: the Government's information on: "Taking full advantage of Europe's intellectual capital" as a priority of the Polish Presidency in the second half of 2011
  • 3 November 2010
    Sitting No 120 of the Senate's European Union Affairs Committee; the Government's information on: "Negotiating the New Financial Perspective 2014-2020" as a priority of the Polish Presidency in the second half of 2011
  • 14 July 2010
    Joint sitting of the Senate's Foreign Affairs Committee (No 121) and the European Union Affairs Committee (No 110): the Government's information on relations with the Eastern European states as a priority of the Polish Presidency in the second half of 2011
    Note form the joint sitting (p. 2) pdf
  • 7 July 2010
    Joint sitting of the Senate's National Economy Committee (No 245) and the European Union Affairs Committee (No 109): the Government's information on the EU energy policy/energy security as a priority of the Polish Presidency in the second half of 2011
    Note from the joint sitting pdf
  • 1 July 2010
    Sitting No 107 of the Senate's European Union Affairs Committee: information on the consultations between the Council of Ministers and the European Commission on 9 June 2010 concerning the priorities of the Polish Presidency of the European Union Council in the second half of 2011
    Verbatim record (p. 3) pdf

2. Parliamentary cooperation of the Presidency Trio: Poland, Denmark and Cyprus

Declaration of cooperation among the Houses of the Parliaments of Poland, Denmark and Cyprus, 17.05.2010

  • 24-25 January 2011, Copenhagen
    Meeting of representatives of the bureaus of the European Affairs Committees of the Polish Sejm and Senate, the Danish Folketing, the Cypriot House of Representatives and the Hungarian National Assembly (the "Trio Plus", a body where the national parliaments forming the Trio coordinate cooperation with the last parliament of the previous Trio).

    The participants of the meeting identified four common priorities of the Trio's 18-month programme and agreed that a detailed programme should be worded so as to remain in effect irrespective of which state is holding the EU Presidency, and to refer to the European Commission's Work Programme. The meeting also discussed the scope of measures that must be taken, related to the organisation of COSAC (such as preparing proposals for amendments to COSAC's Rules of Procedure).

    Members of the Polish delegation: for the Sejm, Stanisław Rakoczy (PSL), Chairperson of the Sejm's EU Affairs Committee, Andrzej Gałażewski (PO), Deputy Chairperson; for the Senate, Edmund Wittbrodt (PO), Chairperson of the Senate's EU Affairs Committee.

  • 9 July 2010, Warsaw

    Meeting of representatives of the bureaus of the European Affairs Committees of the Polish Sejm and Senate, the Danish Folketing and the Cypriot House of Representatives

    At the meeting, the Danish, Polish and Cypriot Presidency priorities were presented and the rules and schedule of the committees' further cooperation were discussed, including cooperation within COSAC and with the European Parliament.

    Members of the Polish delegation: for the Sejm, Stanisław Rakoczy (PSL), Chairperson of the Sejm's EU Affairs Committee, Andrzej Gałażewski (PO), Deputy Chairperson; for the Senate, Edmund Wittbrodt (PO), Chairperson of the Senate's EU Affairs Committee and Janusz Rachoń (PO), Deputy Chairperson.

    Kronika Sejmowa, no 63, 15 July 2010, p. 22 pdf

3.Visits of the European Parliament representatives in the Sejm and the Senate

On 17th of June 2011 a meeting of Conference of Presidents of the EP with representatives of the Sejm and the Senate took place. It was dedicated to the preparations to the Polish Presidency of the EU Council. The Conference of Presidents is the political body of Parliament responsible for i.a. relations with national parliaments. It consists of the President of Parliament, the political groups chairmen and one representative of the non-attached MEPs. Delegation of the EP was headed by J. Buzek, President of Parliament. Polish Parliament was represented by Marshal of the Sejm G. Schetyna, Vicemarshals of the Sejm and the Senate, Chairpersons of parliamentary clubs and Chairpersons of Foreign Affairs Committees and European Union Affairs Committees of the Sejm and the Senate.

In 2011 following delegations of the European Parliament committees participated in meetings with representatives of the Polish Parliament committees:

  • Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality of the EP – meeting with social policy and human rights committees of the Sejm and the Senate, and meeting with European Union Affairs Committee of the Sejm (18.05.2011),
  • Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection of the EP - meeting with the European Union Affairs Committee of the Sejm and with economic affairs committees of the Sejm and the Senate (19.05.2011),
  • Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the EP -meeting with the European Union Affairs Committee of the Sejm and public finance committees of the Sejm and the Senate (19.05.2011),
  • Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety of the EP - meeting with health, agriculture and evironment committees of the Sejm and the Senate (19.05.2011), and meeting with European Union Affairs Committee of the Sejm (20.05.2011),
  • Committee on Constitutional Affairs  of the EP - meeting with European Union Affairs Committees of the Sejm and the Senate and Special Committee of the Sejm for consideration of bills on electoral law, meeting with Special Committee of the Sejm for Consideration of Bills Amending the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the bills associated with them and with Sub-committee of the Senate for Consideration of Amendment of the Constitution (25.05.2011),
  • Committee on Budgets of the EP - meeting with public finance committees of the Sejm and the Senate, and with the European Union Affairs Committee of the Sejm (27.05.2011),
  • Committee on Legal Affairs of the EP - meeting with justice and human rights committees of the Sejm and the Senate, Legislation Committee of the Senate, Rules, Ethics and Senatorial Affairs Committee of the Senate, and with European Union Affairs Committee of the Sejm (17.06.2011),
  • Committee on International Trade of the EP - meeting with economic committees of the Sejm and the Senate, and meeting with European Union Affairs Committee of the Sejm (28.06.2011),
  • Committee on Industry, Research and Energy of the EP - meeting with economic committees and education committees of the Sejm and the Senate, and with the Innovation and New Technologies Committee of the Sejm, and meeting with European Union Affairs Committee of the Sejm (28.06.2011),
  • Committee on Regional Development of the EP - meeting with Local Government and State Administration Committee of the Sejm (17.10.2011).

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