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OIDE Notes

20192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 |

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Brexit - procedural issues pdf PL
Published: 15.12.2017
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
On 23 June 2016 citizens of the United Kingdom decided to exit the EU (51,9% against 48,1%). In line with the wording of Article 50 (2) TEU formal procedure for leaving EU was commenced with the notification on 29 March 2017 to the European Council of the United Kingdom decision to exit from the EU.
Key words: United Kingdom, European Union membership

Dual quality of food products on internal market pdf PL
Published: 28.11.2017
Field: Internal market
On 26 September 2017 the European Commission published guidelines for Member States on the application of EU law to issues of dual quality of food products , i.e. marketed in the Single Market under the same brand but with differences in quality in individual EU Member States. The Note presents ongoing work to prevent dual quality of food in the EU.
Key words: consumer policy, food consumption, product quality, consumer information

Eastern Partnership pdf PL
Published: 24.11.2017
Field: External relations
Presentation of the main documents adopted after 4th Eastern Partnership Summit in May 2015, directly relating to Eastern Partenership, as well as results of the 5th Eastern Partnership Summit held in Brussels on 24 November 2017. 
Key words: European cooperation, development aid, Central and Eastern European Countries, association agreement (EU), cooperation agreement (EU, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine)

Report on the Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy Review pdfPL
Published: 20.11.2017
Field: External actions
A joint report by the European Commission and the High Representative of May 2017 presents the implementation of the European Neighborhood Policy following a new approach to this policy introduced in November 2015. The ENP review of May 2015 has allowed for a new framework for EU cooperation with partner countries - see OIDE NOTES: Revision of the European Neighborhood Policy.
Key words:European neighbourhood policy, EU regional policy, the EU's international role, European security

EU Youth Policy pdf PL
Published: 15.11.2017
Field: Education, training and youth
The EU supports, coordinates and complements the actions of the Member States in the youth field. The Union's actions are implemented on the basis of the EU Youth Strategy 2010-2018. With regard to the upcoming adoption of a new document on this subject, future EU youth policy objectives are being discussed.
The note gathers documents concerning the youth policy of the Union and links to selected publications and websites on the subject.
Key words: youth policy, young person, youth exchange scheme, student mobility

EU Strategic Framework on Human Rights and Democracy pdf PL
Published: 26.10.2017
Field: Human rights
On 20 July 2015 the Council adopted a new action plan for 2015-2019, which aims to continue the implementation of the EU strategic framework on human rights and democracy, defined in the document of 25 June 2012. In 2017 a mid-term review of the implementation of the plan was carried out.
Key words: human rights, human rights protection

Energy union pdf PL
Published: 17.10.2017
Field: Energy

Plan to establish energy union based on the five priority areas has been published by the European Commission in February 2015. The information indicates the most important documents determining the shape of energy union, including the second annual report presenting the status of implementation in 2016 and the EC proposals encompassed in the package on clean energy (the so-called winter package).
Key words: energy, security of supply, energy supply, energy cooperation, gas, energy policy

60th anniversary of Rome Treaties – debate on the future of the EU pdf PL
Published: 27.03.2017
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
After referendum in the United Kingdom on Brexit Member States decided to take up political reflection to give impetus for EU reform. The 60th anniversary of signing Rome Treaties are an occasion to sum up this reflection and set future directions for integration. The note presents course of the debate on the future of the EU and includes the most important documents adopted within the debate by EU institutions and Member States, as well as national parliaments.
Key words: deepening of the European Union , European treaties

European Pillar of Social Rights pdf PL
Published 16.03.2017
Field: Employment and social policy
In the State of the Union speech of 14th September 2016 President of the Commission J.C. Juncker confirmed an initiative announced one year earlier to create a European pillar of social rights. Throughout 2016 the Commission conducted consultations with Member States regarding the scope and the future role of the pillar. On this basis, the Commission will present a final draft of the pillar.
The note gathers documents concerning the European pillar of social rights and links to selected publications and websites on the subject.
Key words: social rights, labour market, job security, working conditions, euro area

General revision of the European Parliament's Rules of Procedure - 8th term pdfPL
Published: 28.02.2017
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
The note indicates the most important amendments - result of the general revision - to the European Parliament's Rules of Procedure, which entered into force on 16 January 2017; the links to the documents are included.
Key words: European Parliament, rules of procedure, functioning of the institutions