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IPEX – Interparliamentary EU Information Exchange

IPEX – Interparliamentary EU Information Exchange was established on recommendation of the Conference of Speakers of the European Union Parliaments in 2000. “The Guidelines for Inter-parliamentary Cooperation in the European Union”, which were adopted in The Hague in 2004, stated that the objective of IPEX is to support interparliamentary cooperation in the European Union by providing a platform for electronic exchange of EU-related information between parliaments in the Union, including calendar of interparliamentary meetings and exchange of views on subsidiarity control. In accordance with the EU Speakers' Conference conclusions, the platform aims to be a one-stop-shop for interparliamentary EU information exchange and a reliable source of public information.

The core of the IPEX website is its database, which is automatically fed with legislative proposals and amended legislative proposals and consultative documents of the European Commission (since September 2011 in all official EU languages) as well as with legislative proposals from the Member States, the Court of Justice, the European Central Bank, and the European Investment Bank.

Each national parliament (each chamber of a national parliament) is a host of its respective part of the IPEX database. It feeds the database with its own information, documents or links related to the scrutiny of an EU document, including reasoned opinions on the non-compliance of draft legislative acts with the principle of subsidiarity and opinions within political dialogue. The third version of IPEX platform launched in 2021 make it possible to publish every kind of parliamentary document or information in EU matters not related directly to a document in the Legislative Database, including research materials.

IPEX hosts websites of the EU Speakers’ Conference, COSAC, permanent interparliamentary EU conferences as well as other EU cooperation fora.





See also: Documents of the Sejm in the IPEX, European Commission and European Parliament databases, OIDE Information No. 01/2014, p. 21.

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