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Interinstitutional agreement on better regulation pdf PL
Published: 26.10.2015
Field: Provisions governing the Institutions
In May 2015 the European Commission presented a new draft interinstitutional agreement on better regulation. The note briefly discusses the most important provisions of the draft, along with links to relevant documents of the legislative process and websites.
Key words: EU institution, application of EU law,interinstitutional agreement
EU development agenda after 2015 pdf PL
Published: 29.09.2015
Field: External action
In view of the forthcoming deadline set by the UN to achieve the so-called millennium development goals (MDGs) in 2015, the note presents documents stating the EU's contribution to the achievement of the MDGs, forthcoming actions in the UN and the direction of the EU development policy after 2015 in the frames of sustainable development agenda.
Key words: development aid, development policy, economic development, third country, poverty, globalisation
Eastern Partnership pdf PL
Published 30.07.2015
Field: External relations
Eastern Partnership is a program that promotes political and socio-economic reforms facility the rapprochement between the EU and interested partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine). The information indicates basic EU documents concerning this topic and documents adopted at the summits of the Eastern Partnership; the links to records of meetings of the Committee on European Union Affairs and the resolutions of the Sejm on the issues are updated on a regular basis.
Key words: European cooperation, development aid, Central and Eastern European Countries, association agreement (EU), cooperation agreement (EU, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine)
European Year of Citizens 2013 pdf PL
Published: 20.02.2015
Field: EU citizenship
On 21 November 2012 the EP and the Council announced 2013 as the European Year of Citizens. The aim of this initiative was to, i.a., inform EU citizens of their right to free movement and residence within the EU and how they can fully use their rights at the time. On 31 October the EC presented a report on the results of the European Year of Citizens.
Key words: EU citizenship, Citizens' Europe, freedom of movement, free movement of workers
EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms pdf PL
Published: 30.01.2015
Field: Human rights
On 5 April 2013 the final draft of the agreement on the accession of the EU to the ECHR was adopted. On 18 December 2014 the Court of Justice of the European Union issued an opinion in which considered the draft agreement to be incompatible with EU law. The paper presents the most important documents of the negotiation process between the Commission and the Council of Europe's negotiating group and main arguments quoted in the opinion of the Court (including link to the full text of the opinion and the Court's press release).
Key words: human rights, European Convention on Human Rights