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Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego w 2014 roku Wybrane publikacje i strony internetowestan na 3.07.2014


  1. Berge van den. M.: The 2014 EP election campaign in the member states: national debates, european elections ,"Tepsa report",Trans European Policy Studies Association, 4 June 2014.
  2. Bertoncini Y.: European Elections: less abstention, more populism?, "Notre Europe Tribune", 14.11.2013.
  3. Bertoncini Y., Chopin T.: Des visages sur des clivages : les élections européennes de mai 2014, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, 25.04.2014.
  4. Bertoncini Y., Kreilinger V.: What political balance of power in the next European Parliament?, "Notre Europe Policy Paper", 24.11.2013.
  5. Bonvicini G.: Towards a new procedure for appointing the President of the European Commission, Trans European Policy Studies Association, "TEPSA Policy Paper", January 2014
  6. Delors J., Vitorino A., Lamy P. i inn.: European elections: full steam ahead!, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, "Tribune", 10.01.2014
  7. Emmanouilidis J., Stratulat C.: Post-European Parliament Elections, European Policy Centre, 27.05.2014
  8. Emmanouilidis J., Stratulat C.: The European Parliament elections 2014 - Watershed or, again, washed out?, European Policy Centre, „Discussion Paper", 09.09.2013.
  9. The European Parliament: it has to do with you, "European Policy Briefs", EGMONT – The Royal Institute for International Relations, 26.03.2014.
  10. Fernandes S.: What are the economic and social issues of the European elections of 2014?, "Notre Europe Synthesis", 2.10.2013.
  11. Formuszewicz R., Stormowska M.: Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego w 2014 r.: czy obywatele Unii Europejskiej się od niej odwrócą?, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 77 (1053), 25.07.2013.
  12. Gostyńska A.: Kampania wyborcza do Parlamentu Europejskiego: ku „europeizacji" wyborów?, „Biuletyn PISM nr 61 (1173)", Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 15.05.2014.
  13. Gostyńska A., Parkes R.: The May 2014 Elections: Towards a Europe of Political Party Family Competition, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, „Bulletin PISM" no 137 (590), 16.12.2013.
  14. Grabbe H., Lehne S.: The 2014 European elections: Why a partisan Commission president would be bad for the EU, Center for European Reform, 14 October 2013
  15. Gros D.: Europe is still standing, "CEPS Commentaries",Centre for European Policy Studies, 06.06.2014.
  16. Gros D., Piedrafita S.: Common Misconceptions about the European Parliamentary Elections, "Commentary", Centre for European Policy Studies, 23.05.2014.
  17. Hawkins O., Miller V.: European Parliament Elections 2014 , "Research paper", no 14/32, House of Commons, 11.06.2014.
  18. Hix S.: Why the 2014 European Elections Matter: Ten Key Votes in the 2009–2013 European Parliament, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS), „European Policy Analysis" 2013, iss. 15.
  19. Incerti M.: Never mind the Spitzenkandidaten: It's all about politics, "CEPS Commentaries",Centre for European Policy Studies, 06.06.2014.
  20. Lehmann W.: The European Elections: EU Legislation, National Provisions and Civic Participation, "Study", European Parliamnet - Directorate General For Internal Policies, 14.03.2014.
  21. Miller V.: The European Conservatives and Reformists in the European Parliament, "Commons Library Standard Note", House of Commons, 16.06.2014.
  22. Miller V.: European Parliament elections 2014, "Commons Library Standard Note", House of Commons, 21.05.2014.
  23. Piedrafita S.: Elections to the European Parliament and the trouble with vox populi, "EPIN Commentary" no. 12/22, August 2013.
  24. Piedrafita S., Lannoo K.: The new European Parliament: Workable but impaired?, "CEPS Commentaries",Centre for European Policy Studies, 27.06.2014.
  25. Piedrafita S., Lauenroth A.: Between Apathy and Anger: Challenges to the Union from the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament, "EPIN Papers", European Policy Institutes Network , 20.05.2014.
  26. Piedrafita S., Renman V.: The 'Personalisation' of the European Elections: A half-hearted attempt to increase turnout and democratic legitimacy?, "EPIN Papers" no. 37, The European Policy Institutes Network, 11.04.2014.
  27. Poptcheva E.:'Europeanisation' of the 2014 EP elections,"Library Briefing",Library of the European Parliament, 27.06.2013.
  28. Ruiz de Garibay D.: The 2014 elections to the European Parliament: towards truly European elections?, "Analisis of the Real Instituto Elcano" no. 17/2014, Real Instituto Elcano, 19.03.2014.
  29. Rulka M.: Wybrane problemy wyborów do Parlamentu Europejskiego, "INFOS Zagadnienia społeczno-gospodarcze" nr 8 (168), Biuro Analiz Sejmowych, 23.04.2014.
  30. Salo S.: Eurosceptics in the 2014 EP Elections: Protest parties mobilized on national cleavages between globalization winners and losers, "FIIA Briefing Paper ",no.159, Finnish Institute of International Affairs, June 2014.
  31. Szczepanik M.: The 2014 European Elections in Poland: Are we in for another uninspiring campaign?, European Policy Institutes Network, „EPIN Commentaries", 20.12.2013.
  32. Theys M.: Vingt-huit scrutins nationaux pour un Parlement en constante evolution, "European Policy Briefs" no. 26, EGMONT – The Royal Institute for International Relations, 22.03.2014.

  34. Informacje ze strony PE
  35. Badania Eurobarometru przed wyborami do PE w 2014 roku