- List of bills implementing EU law - work of the 10th Sejm (PL)
- List of statutes implementing EU law - 9th term Sejm (PL)
- Lists of statutes implementing EU law in the years 2004-2019: the 4th-8th Sejm (PL)
The implementation of EU law in statutes adopted by the Sejm of 4th-8th terms is also presented in the UST database - see the search form.
The database contains two types of records: records of Polish and EU legal acts, which have been linked together. These are:
• description of a bill (in course of legislative proceedings) and description of an act adopted by the Sejm that implement UE law. There are two types of bills introduced to the database: governmental bills, declared by the Council of Ministers as implementing EU law and bills other than governmental, resolved by the Marshall of the Sejm before referring the bill to the first reading as implementing EU law.
• description of EU legal act, which is implemented by a bill. EU acts, which have been listed in a bill, explanatory statement to a bill or correlation table as those that are implemented by a bill are inserted into the database.
Procedures concerning submitting and adopting acts that implement UE law are governed by the Act of 8 October 2010 on the cooperation of the Council of Ministers with the Presiodent of the Republic of Poland, the Sejm and the Senate in matters relating to the Republic of Poland's membership of the European Union (consolidated version: Dziennik Ustaw of 2024, item 1379) and the Standing Orders of the Sejm (Monitor Polski of 2022, item 990, as amended).