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Yellow card procedure - COM(2012) 130

According to the Protocol [No. 2] on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, the threshold of 18 votes representing, as of 22.05.2012, the minimum needed to launch the yellow card procedure has been achieved for the first time while scrutinizing:

COM(2012) 130 final
Proposal for a Council regulation on the exercise of the right to take collective action within the context of the freedom of establishment and the freedom to provide services

Legislative process: EUR-Lex     Legislative Observatory

  • Date of adoption of the proposal by the European Commission – 21.03.2012
  • Date of transmission of the last language version of the proposal – 27.03.2012 (Lettre de saisine)
  • Deadline for subsidiarity scrutiny – 22.05.2012

12 national parliaments / chambers of national parliaments representing a total of 19 votes sent the reasoned opinion within the time limit:
Sejm (PL, 1 vote), Chamber of Representatives (BE, 1 vote), Folketing (DK, 2 votes), Eduskunta (FI, 2 votes), Senate (FR, 1 vote), Chamber of Deputies (LU, 2 votes), Saeima (LV, 2 votes), Chamber of Representatives (MT, 2 votes), Chamber of Representatives (NL, 1 vote), Assembly of the Republic (PT, 2 votes), Riksdag (SE, 2 votes), House of Commons (UK, 1 vote).

Reasoned opinions on COM(2012) 130 in IPEX
