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Rule of law compliance mechanisms in the European Union pdf PL
Published: 19.11.2019
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
Review of 3 current mechanisms: under Article 7 TEU concerning procedures allowing to address a risk of a breach or existence of a breach by a member State of the values referred to in Article 2 TEU, mechanism included in the EC communication "A new EU framework to strengthen the Rule of law" and an annual dialogue in the General Affairs Council. The calendar of debate concerning the rule of law compliance in the EU is enclosed, together with the calendar of proceedings against Poland and appropriate documents. The relevant EU documents have also been indicated, including "A new strategic agenda 2019-2024" of the European Council of 20 June 2019 as well as the EC communication of 17 July 2019 presenting new initiatives on strengthening the rule of law in the Union with a proposal for an annual report concerning all member states.
Key words: democracy, rule of law, EU values, fundamental rights, human rights