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OIDE Notes

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Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 pdf PL
Published: 28.09.2018
Field: Constitutional and institutional issues
On 14 February 2018 the European Commission published a communication on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for 2021-2027 defining the objectives and means of financing the new EU budget. Below we point out the main issues contained in this document, present information on the course of work on the MFF until now along with more important documents and publications. On 2 May 2018 Commission published a new communication with a formal proposal for a long-term EU budget.
Key words: EU finance, EU budget

European Union energy and climate policy pdf PL
Published: 27.09.2018
Field: Energy and environment
Basic documents and strategies regulating the conduct of energy and climate policy were presented. The main objectives and actions under discussed policy were described: reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, increased share of energy from renewable sources, increase of the EU energy efficiency and creation of the energy union. Also presented are basic international agreements on climate, of which the European Union and its member states are party.
Key words: climate protection, energy policy, climate policy, renewable sources, CO2 emission, energy efficiency, energy union

European Parliament on EU's future pdfPL
Published: 26.09.2018
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
On 16 February 2017 European Parliament adopted three resolutions with proposals on EU reform based on current treaties, as well as on future treaty amendments. Within next months EP several times refered in its debates and resolutions to the future of the EU, among others to EC documents published in 2017 on the EU future or to the role of national parliaments. From January 2018 EP organizes also debates with Member States' heads of states and governments. The note includes information on the most important proposals of the EP, especially concerning national parliaments role.
Key words: European Parliament, deepening of the European Union , European treaties , national parliaments

Citizens' consultation on the future of Europe pdf PL
Published: 25.09.2018
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
In 2017 French President Emmanuel Macron proposed organizing in 2018 democratic conventions on the future of Europe. The initiative was analysed in the report of the EU Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly and by EU institutions.
The Note presents French documents, EU documents in response to French initiative and publications.
Key words: deepening of the European Union, European treaties, institutional reform

Implementation of the digital single marketpdf PL
Published: 24.09.2018
Field: Internal market
Since the launch of the Digital Single Market Strategy in May 2015, the European Commission has presented proposals for all 29 initiatives identified as crucial. The note indicates main strategic documents, websites and selected publications related to this issue.
Key words: new technology, Internet, digital technology, information processing, information technology


Brexit - documents pdf PL
Published: 27.08.2018
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
On 23 June 2016 citizens of the United Kingdom decided to exit the EU.
The note presents documents setting out positions of the parties in the negotiations process of the UK withdrawal agreement, taking into account work undertaken within EU institutions.
Procedural issues were discussed in a separate OIDE Note: Brexit - procedural issues.
Key words: United Kingdom, European Union membership

Task force on Subsidiarity and Proportionality and "Doing Less More Efficiently" pdf PL
Published: 11.07.2018
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
On 1 January 2018 Task force on subsidiarity, proportionality and doing less more efficiently began its work. The Task force, composed of representatives from national parliaments and Committee of Regions, works under presidency of EC Vice-President Frans Timmermans.
In the Note tasks and composition of the Task force are discussed, as well as documents relating to its establishment and work, incluging final report of the Task force.
Key words: better lawmaking, principle of subsidiarity, principle of proportionality, European Commission, national parliaments

CSDP - calendarium pdf PL
Published: 10.07.2018
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
Treaty of Lisbon created legal basis for enhancing cooperation within Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Since 2013, especially after negative outcome of the referendum on Brexit, EU institutions as well as some Member States, made proposals on strengthening CSDP. The Note presents EU documents concerning current proposals in the field of defence policy.
Key words: defence policy, Common Security and Defence Policy

European Citizens' Initiative pdf PL
Published: 10.07.2018
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
The note presents main conclusions from the functioning of the citizens' initiative together with the proposal for a new regulation. Opinions of the EU institutions and bodies concerning the proposal are included.
Key words: EU law, EU citizenship

CSDP - institutional and legal architecture pdf PL
Published: 02.07.2018
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
Lisbon Treaty created legal basis for closer cooperation within the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), including permanent structured cooperation, mutual defence and solidarity clauses as well as extending the scope of enhanced cooperation and so called Petersberg tasks.
The Note presents main treaty provisions constituting basis for discussion on closer cooperation within CSDP and EU institutions and bodies engaged in implementation of the CSDP, as well as selected publications on enhanced CSDP.
Key words: defence policy, Common Security and Defence Policy

Review of the decision on the European Parliament composition pdf PL
Published: 29.06.2018
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
Basic principles regarding EP composition have been provided for in Article 14(2) TEU and details regulated in Decision no. 2013/312/EU of the European Council of 28 June 2013. The decision was to be revised sufficiently in advance of the beginning of the 2019-2024 term. The Note presents work progress with respect to the new decision on the EP composition.
Key words: European Parliament, composition of parliament, Member of Parliament, European election

Common Agricultural Policy after 2020 pdf PL
Published: 11.06.2018
Field: Agriculture
On 29 November 2017 EC published communication on the future of food and farming, where directions of the future CAP development after 2020 were presented. Detailed provisions were included in proposal for Multiannual Financial Framework and three legislative proposals published in June 2018.
The Note presents basic directions of CAP reform and Polish position in this regard. It covers main documents and selected publications.
Key words: Common Agricultural Policy, CAP reform

Financial union pdf PL
Published: 30.05.2018
Field: Economic and monetary policy
One of the elements of the deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union is building a financial union. It includes completing the creation of a banking union and creating a union of capital markets. The Commission is currently working on this on the basis of the plan published on 6 December 2017.
The study indicates basic documents, as well as selected websites and electronic publications.
Key words: financing policy, financial institution, Economic and Monetary Union, banking system, capital market, euro area

The EU Justice Scoreboard pdf PL
Published: 29.05.2018
Field: Area of freedom, security and justice
On 28 May 2018 the European Commission released the sixth edition of the EU Justice Scoreboard – a non-bindig tool that aims to provide objective and comparable data on the quality, independece and effectivness of the justice systems in the member states.
In the note charachteristics of the scoreboard are presented together with its data sources. Also links to texts of the previous EU Justice Scoreboards are indicated together with information from the EC.
Key words: area of freedom, security and justice, justice


Transparency of the legislative process in the Council pdf PL
Published: 23.05.2018
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
On 10 March 2017 the European Ombudsman opened an inquiry on access to documents relating to Council preparatory bodies when discussing draft EU legislative acts. Whereas in December 2017 national parliaments of 26 Member States sent letters to presidents of EC, EU Council, European Council and Eurogroup concerning transparency of political decision-making in the EU.
The Note presents documents produced within the European Ombudsman inquiry, closed with presentation of European Ombudsman recommendations on the transparency of the Council legislative process, as well as related to national parliaments' initiative.
Key words: Council of the European Union, European Ombudsman, transparency in decision-making, national parliaments


EU-Western Balkans strategy  pdf PL
Published: 17.05.2018
Field: External relations
On 6 February 2018, the European Commission announced a strategy for the Western Balkans, aimed at supporting the EU enlargement process in the region, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia.
Key words: European integration, Western Balkans, accession to the European Union, enlargement of the Union, pre-accession strategy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedoniakreska

European Semester - course of coordination cycle at the level of the Union and Poland (2011-2018) pdf PL
Published: 11.05.2018
Field: Economic and monetary policy
European Semester, introduced by the Regulation No 1175/2011, aims to coordinate economic and budgetary policies of the EU Member States. The note presents a scheme of the semester, indicates documents on the basis of which successive cycles of coordination are carried out (first semester was implemented partially in 2011) and contains a table with a chronological list of documents (with hyperlinks) related to implementation of the semester in Poland, including records of meetings of the EU Affairs Committee of the Sejm.
Key words: economic growth, budgetary control, economic convergence, budget deficit, multilateral surveillance, euro area, stability programme

Green and White Papers pdf PL
Published: 13.04.2018
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
Green and White Papers are the European Commission's consultation documents which form the preparation stage preceding publication of the draft legislative act or specific EU actions.
The note presents the characteristic of these documents, methods of searching as well as an updated list of recently published Green and White Papers.
Key words: public consultations, national parliaments

European Citizens' Initiative pdf PL
Published: 26.03.2018
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
The note presents main conclusions from the functioning of the citizens' initiative together with the proposal for a new regulation. Opinions of the EU institutions and bodies concerning the proposal are included.
Key words: EU law, EU citizenship

Transparency register pdf PL
Published 22.03.2018
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
On 28 September 2016 the European Commission presented proposal for a new Interinstitutional Agreement on a mandatory transparency register. The agreement will cover, in addition to the European Parliament and the Commission, also the EU Council. The Note presents the documents of the negotiation process, the course of which can be followed on the EP website.
Key words: administrative transparency, information transfer, data recording

European Public Prosecutor's Office pdf PL
Published: 29.01.2018
Field: Area of freedom, security and justice
According to Article 86(1) TfEU the Council may establish a European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) in order to combat crimes affecting the financial interests of the Union. In July 2013 the European Commission presented a proposal in this regard and in February 2017 the Council registered the absence of unanimity on the draft Regulation, making establishment of enhanced cooperation possible. 20 Member States (Poland does not participate in enhanced cooperation) adopten in October 2017 Council regulation implementing enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the EPPO.
The note includes short presentation of the most important provisions of the proposal and work progress, taking into account among others use of yellow card mechanism by national parliaments. Basic documents and links to legislative process were presented, as well as selected websites and electronic publications.
Key words: European Public Prosecutor's Office, area of freedom, security and justice, judical cooperation in criminal matters

Statute and funding of European political parties pdf PL
Published: 24.01.2018
Field: Constitutional and institutional affairs
On 13 September 2017 the Commission presented a proposal for a regulation amending regulation no. 1141/2014 on the statute and funding of European political parties and European political foundations. It aims to increase the visibility, transparency and accountability of European political parties, as well as to make a clearer link between them and affiliated political parties at the level of EU Member States.
Ongoing work on the draft Polish act on European political parties and political foundations are noted.
The note gathers the most important documents and links to selected publications and websites.
Key words: party financing, political parties, European legal status