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Archiwum wybranych publikacji elektronicznych (2000 – 2010)


  1. Eriksen E. O.: The EU and the right to self-government, „ARENA Working Paper” 2003, No. 17.
  2. Eriksen E. O.: Why a Charter of Fundamental Human Rights in the EU?, „ARENA Working Papers” 2002, No. 36.
  3. Follesdal A.: Union citizenship: unpacking the beast of burden, „ARENA Working Papers” 2001, No. 9.
  4. Follesdal A.: Citizenship: European and global, „ARENA Working Papers” 2001, No. 22.
  5. Fossum J. E.: The European Charter – between deep diversity and constitutional patriotism?, „ARENA Working Paper” 2003, No. 5.
  6. Menéndez A. J.: European Citizenship after Martinez Sala and Baumbast. Has European Law Become More Human but Less Social?, „RECON Online Working Paper” 2009, No. 5.
  7. Menéndez A. J.: Exporting rights: The Charter of Fundamental Rights, membership and foreign policy of the European Union, „ARENA Working Papers” 2002, No. 18.
  8. Menéndez A. J.: The rights’ foundations of solidarity: social and economic rights in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, „ARENA Working Papers”, 2003, No. 3.

    Centre for European Policy Studies
  9. Apap J.: The development of European citizenship and its relevance to the integration of refugees, „CEPS Working Documents” 2002, No. 180.
  10. Apap J.: Extending citizenship rights to third country nationals. The correlation between migration and integration: a sample from South Europe, „CEPS Policy Brief” 2001, No. 175.
  11. Carrera S., Turmann A.: Towards a free movement of workers in an enlarged EU?, 23 April 2004.
  12. Geyer F.: The external dimension of EU citizenship, „CEPS Policy brief” 2007, No. 134.
  13. Guild E.: Fundamental rights and EU citizenship after the Treaty of Lisbon, „Liberty and Security in Europe”, 8 July 2010.
  14. Guild E.: Making the EU Citizens’ Agenda work, „CEPS Policy brief” 2007, No. 122.
  15. Meyer Ch. O.: Citizenship & education policies – value for money?, „Special CEPS Report” 28.11.2006.
  16. The nexus between immigration, integration and citizenship in the EU (red. S. Carrera), „Challenge papers” 2006, April. 

    Centre for European Reform
  17. Roma M.: Who’s afraid of the Charter of Rights, „Bulletin” 2004, Iss. 36.

    The College of Europe
  18. Hanf D.: Le développement de la citoyenneté de l’Union européenne, „Research Papers in Law” 2006, No. 1.

    Eurobarometer (European Commission, Public Opinion Analysis)
  19. European Citizenship – Cross-Border Mobility. Aggregate Report, Qualitative Eurobarometer, August 2010.

    European Integration online Papers
  20. Davies G., Rostek K.: The impact of Union citizenship on national citizenship policies, „European Integration online Papers” 2006, Vol. 10.

    European Policy Centre
  21. Heim M., Jones H. C., Polo C. P.: A Charter of Rights for Europe, „Working Paper” 2003, No. 1.

    European Policy Evaluation Consortium
  22. Preparatory study for impact assessment and ex ante evaluation of Fundamental Rights Agency, Final Report, European Policy Evaluation Consortium, February 2005.

    European University Institute, The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
  23. Aziz M.: EU citizenship: spheres of belonging and the politics of dispossession, „EUI Working Papers” 2002, No. 68.
  24. Rigo E.: Implications of EU enlargement for border management and citizenship in Europe, „EUI Working Papers” 2005, No. 21.

    The Federal Trust
  25. Aziz M.: Some comments on the Draft Constitutional Treaty provisions concerning citizenship, „Federal Trust” 2003, April.
  26. Donnelly B., Wagner M.: Voting for Europe: citizens, elections and referendums, „European Policy Brief” 2006, June.
  27. Hoeksma J.: The EU as a Union of Citizens and Member States. A new phenomenon in international law.

    Jean Monnet Program
  28. Burca G. de: Human rights: the Charter and beyond, „Working Papers” 2001, No. 10.
  29. Garcia R. A.: The general provisions of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, „Working Papers” 2002, No. 4.
  30. Kadelbach S.: Union citizenship, „Jean Monnet Working Paper” 2003, No. 9.
  31. Liisberg J. B.: Does the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights threaten the supremacy of Community law? Article 53 of the Charter: a fountain of law or just an inkblot?, „Jean Monnet Working Paper" 2001, No. 4. 
  32. McCrudden Ch.: The future of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, „Jean Monnet Working Paper” 2001, No. 10.
  33. Rochere J. de la: Droits de l’homme. La Charte des droits fondamentaux et au dela, „Jean Monnet Working Paper” 2001, No. 10.
  34. Schutter O. de: The implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights through the open method of coordination, „Jean Monnet Working Paper” 2004, No. 7.

    Komisja Europejska
  35. Free movement and residence of Union citizens within the European Union, 2004, October.
  36. European Union Citizenship Analytical Report, March 2010.

    Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych RP
  37. Materiały z konferencji Demokratyzacja i wzmocnienie legitymacji Unii Europejskiej (z cyklu „Poznaj Traktat konstytucyjny”), 3 marca 2005.
  38. Mik C.: Legitymacja demokratyczna Unii Europejskiej w świetle Traktatu ustanawiającego Konstytucję dla Europy.

    Notre Europe - Groupement d'études et de recherches
  39. Deloche-Gaudez F.: The convention on a Charter of Fundamental Rights: a method for the future?, „Research and Policy Paper” 2001, No. 15.

    Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych
  40. Pietras E.: Karta Praw Podstawowych Unii Europejskiej, „Biuletyn” 2003, nr 15.

    United Kingdom Parliament
  41. Human rights protection in Europe: the Fundamental Rights Agency, European Union Committee, House of Lords, 29th Report of Session, 4 April 2006.
  42. Miller V.: Human rights protection in Europe: the Charter of Fundamental Rights, „Research Paper” 2000, No. 32.
  43. The work of the European Ombudsman, European Union Committee, House of Lords, 22nd Report of Session, 6 March 2006. 

    Walter Hallstein-Institut für Europäisches Verfassungsrecht
  44. Mayer F. C.: La Charte européenne des droits fondamentaux et la Constitution européenne?, „WHI Paper” 2003, Nr. 11.
  45. Pernice I., Thym D.: Interviews zur Grundrechtecharta und dem Inkrafttreten des Verfassungsvertrags, „WHI Paper” 2004, Nr. 11.

    Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung
  46. Meehan E.: Citizenship and the European Union, „ZEI Discussion Paper” 2000, C 63.